"Surface" the show

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When my brother-in-law was a kid he made a diving bell from a 55 gallon drum and pumped air into it with a land-based compressor. Stuffed some cotton in the air line to filter out the oil and had a hole cut in the side of the drum with a plexiglas window in it. My husband says they probably had it down to over 25 feet at one point. He says he can't believe they didn't manage to kill themselves with it judging by the amount of oil that cotton collected :)
Ber :lilbunny:
Hello readers:

I have never seen the program but, from the description, it sounds quite far-fetched. In the biz, they call these “plot holes.” Many films I simply cannot enjoy because they are so implausible.

I agree that things must often be modified to create an interesting story, but sometimes I wish that they had sent me the script to look over ahead of time. I could have helped!:11:

Dr Deco :doctor:
I enjoyed the rasping noise they were making with their breathing, indicating they were running out of air. In fact, what they were running out of was oxygen, and what they were getting too much of was CO2, and all that does is make you feel short of breath and eventually sleepy. No rasping!

I don't know why I keep watching the show, except I think the baby monster is cute.
George Carlin:
Hot water doesn't need heating.

George Carlin:
I'm not getting on the airplane, I'm getting in the airplane

Made my day. Most sensible guy I ever heard.
i just hate it when they could preview the show to almost any diver and they could at least clean it up a bit.

you should see what most shows do with motorcycles. full dress harleys turn into motocrossers while in the air and back again after they hit the ground.

comeon hollywood just don't insult us.
I don't know why I keep watching the show.

I feel the same way... horrible isn't it?
However, if I had an opportunity to "partner" with a marine biologist like the female lead, I might think otherwise. She's attractive despite her lack of acting skill, a diver and a scientist. That's my bottom line!

I haven't seen an episode yet but went to a website and I have to agree with drbill on that quote :D :D :D

On that site, it seems it has been rated as a VERY good show...:11: :11: :11:


If only they knew:14:
Ouch. I guess I am the only one that likes the show. I think the leads are believable and the monsters intriguing. It’s fun to have a show with some, albeit not enough, diving in it. It has the feel of some of those scifi shows from the 60’s. Particularly “20 Million Miles to Earth” 1957. My complaint is the serialized series are so slow. About 10 minutes of show is stretched to an hour.
Everytime someone scoffs and says "naaaaah, impooooosible", I'm reminded of the guy in Colorado who attached 8 large weather balloons to a folding lawnchair to go for a little altitude. He got up around 10,000' if memory serves me right, got noticed by some guy flying by in a private plane...his plan for coming down involved a BB gun, shooting the balloons to initiate his descent.

He survived....

P.S. I watch the show regularly too. Don't tell anyone....jeez...

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