The good, the bad and the ugly: best SCUBA diets?

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Tampa Bay, FL
In three short days I will *hopefully* be OW certified!

The good: SCUBA!
The bad: I'll be spending significantly more time in a bathing suit
The ugly: I don't have Kate Moss's abs, butt, arms ect.

Is there a diet that is considered "better" for divers? I've heard that low carb, high protein diets can cause cramping.

Any thoughts?

DiveKitten once bubbled...

The ugly: I don't have Kate Moss's abs, butt, arms ect.

so what? why should you have?
i hope no one misled you by saying you should be like that for scuba diving!?!?

if you're doing it for your one health, then unfortunately i can't help you... i like to eat so i'm more of a 'exercise and stay fit' kind of girl :D
:doctor: DiveKitten,

There is much good info on cramps in scuba board, I found this group by doing a search for Scuba diving and calf cramps.

The gist seems to be that diet has not been proven one way or the other to help or hurt. The best advice I got was to put on fins and exercise those muscles. But please do your own research.

Which is my advice to you, exercise is key to weight loss and comfortable diving. Diets do not work. Life style changes do.

I also like to eat, so I do some type of exercise at least six days a week. I try to eat sensible and stay active. Exercise for me is, mountain biking, running, walking, weight lifting and stretching and then deep breathing exercises.

My routines take about 45 minutes a day, I get up early and do it before going to work and generally feel good with a sense of accomplishment for rest of day.

You need to start slow and build up to it, at first it takes dedication and some stern self talk to keep on the program, then after about 30 days you become addicted to exercise, and it becomes easier.

You can search a few "diets" on the internet that I try to follow with moderation, they are simple and make sense, and really do work. Again the key is the dedication at first, till it becomes habit.

The Warrior Diet
The Paleo Diet
The Neanderthin or Neanderthal Diet

Now the benifits are not only will you look better in that bathing suit, but you will feel much better as well, and your diving will be easier and more enjoyable.

Also, "Tank UP" meaning drink plenty of water, all the time.

Good Luck and Great Diving
to dieting, it doesn't work. As WV points out - a lifestyle change is much better in the long term, & even sounds better. For me - small servings of lean proteins & lots of fresh vegetables, cut down starches, sugars & highly processed foods. When I'm diving, especially cold water/weather, I find I can eat about anything w/ no weight gain. I nosh fruit & cheese between dives & keep well hydrated. Water is your friend, it will cut down on feeling hungry. When diving in warm humid weather I mix diluted gatorade in. The salts & carbohydrates seem to help.

Exercise - I found walking & biking have had the greatest impact on my weight, fitness to dive & mental health. I think strong quads & butt muscles reduce cramping

I'm not a nutritionist or dietician, just found these work for me, keep me healthy, happy & in some kind of shape. As for Kate Moss abs & arms - I think my arms are as big as her thighs! Why would I even try? Relax & for a really good laugh, take a look around at the other people - some days the best part of a dive is people watching! I have yet to run into Sandra Bullock or Tom Cruise on any dive boat.
although there are lots of good reasons to control weight self consciousness while scuba diving does not need to be one of them. when i started i imagined all these slim, well trained adventurers of the deep sea. this sentiment soon shifted to the sheer amazement at how much neoprene can be stretched if need be as i have seen many divers that could put the fear of god into a walrus (well, maybe not a walrus but you get the idea). there are a lot of divers who appreciate the so called finer things in life e.g. good food, drink... i am not saying that's a good thing and imo every diver should follow a basic fitness program. however, on your average dive trip it is unlikely that you will feel intimidated by the hard abs and aerobic fitness of your fellow divers.
by the way, noticed your signature. i believe it should read a "streetcar" named desire instead of just "street".
may there be many great dives in your future. got to run now and get a snickers.
Thanks docmartin! You're right, it is Streetcar....

I think part of my (infinite) problems is that the only other girl in my class could honestly be a wetsuit model.
DiveKitten once bubbled...
Thanks docmartin! You're right, it is Streetcar....

I think part of my (infinite) problems is that the only other girl in my class could honestly be a wetsuit model.

Don't judge yourself based on how others look, bet that "wetsuit model" freezes her little butt off long before you get cold :) (I know I do!)

If you want to lose weight and shape up do it for yourself. The above advice that a lifestyle change is the way to permanently lose weight is right. Don't forget about portion control; for example, a "serving" of chicken is about the size of your palm; a "serving" of veggies, etc. about the size of your fist. (both examples are for guesstimating purposes) Taking this into account any restaurant you go to usually serves portions that are equivalent to 2-4 servings of meat, potatoes, veggies, etc.! I eat several small meals a day (my friends tease me because I'm "always" eating!) and my metabolism takes care of the rest. Small meals are nice because they help keep your blood sugar level throughout the day plus you don't usually feel gorged and sleepy.

Remember, no matter what the weight won't stay off unless you continue whatever regimen you're using, that's the reason for the lifestyle change. Exercise is also a great stress reliever and it's as simple as stepping out the door and going for a walk!
Ber :bunny:
When I started to get in shape again.(Yes I know round is a shape but I was more like a pear.LOL)I started biking and walking.Cut down my food intake.Ate the same things just did not feel guilty about not eating all the food on my plate.(You know the starving kids in China thing.Thanks Mom.)And just took less food.Oh and if you have kids just cause they are snacking doesn't mean you have to.But the best thing I could hope to tell you is just get out and move.And for me I'm not a big fan of drinking water but there are ways to make it taste better and have it still be water.
My reward for losing some of the weight was learning scuba.So reward yourself too.A wetsuit is still not my friend but I'm not loosing for that I'm doing it to be healthier.Oh and to harass the kids in my old age.I owe it to them to make them crazy like they did me.

Wishing you luck,
PS If I can loose weight anyone can.Was pushing 185 am now at 140 and still working on it.
I have been very focused since my last dive trip on my diet and exercise. Why? I am not extremely obese,but I am above my ideal weight range and my body fat % needed improvement. I knew these things and had been working on it for the last year, but making very slow progress. I went on a liveaboard trip with my LDS, and my buddy when asked what he saw on the last dive he commented all I saw was the back side of a whale in front of me. :wacko: Now he tried to make it out to be a joke, but to me it was not so. I was ;-0 since my weight and size is a very sensitive area for me. So, I came home and vowed that our next trip in August he will say he only saw the back side of a dolphin ( more sleek, I think). I have been using Weight Watchers and exercising daily. I use the Walk away the Pounds tapes doing the 2mi, 3mi and 4mi Abs or Express tapes. I also do Pilates Crunches, lower body 10 min workouts. I walk my neighborhood when weather allows and I am wearing a pedometer at work too. Pay off, I have lost 10lbs since that trip and I am down a size in clothes. Since the picture in my profile from Feb. 2002 I am down 19lbs. I haven't gotten and new pictures taken lately. As soon as I have one though I am changing my profile.:)

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