Tipping your instructor

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All that being said i probably sound like a grinch.... I'll add that I never EXPECT a tip, its just really nice.. and if you come back again after tipping you'll probably get even better service :wink: I will admit I sometimes really kiss up to people who i think might tip :wink: hehe but its all in the individual and the service as well... I dont think crappy service should be tipped just for the sake of tipping. ever.
Never heard of anyone tipping during a class. Now on a charter - that's a different story all together. DM's on charters usually get paid very little - or nothing at all, just the tips - so tip your DM for sure!

As far as classes go - sure, it would be appreciated - but as some have said - perhaps a lunch or dinner or even drinks after diving would be fine with me :)
Just my o2 worth...

We Instructors never expect a tip, Though if the student feels we did a great job and feels a tip is deserved... well it is appreciated very much.

That being said, What I feel is more important is the DM, The Dive master works for us Instructors for FREE, I pay their expenses, But the DM still helps me the Instructor, And is there as your **the student** Guardian angle..

A tip is much appreciated by the Instructor, But a great thank you is also very nice/ pleasing to hear, The DM is important to tip if you feel his/her service was worth it!
I wish "society" dictated that I get a tip too... I dont make alot of money, I work jus' as hard as anyone who IS lucky enough to get a tip...

I suppose if I didnt like the conditions/pay of my employment I'd look for work elsewhere or take it up with the boss...

I certainly wouldnt denigrate the customer for My choosing a Job that didnt provide the compensation I was looking for...

Not everybody believes in tips... some people are of a mind that the FEE they PAY actually Entitles them to ... get this... Service... yeah I know, crazy...

Anyways... its not like DM pay is the big secret of Scuba... people Know before they agree to the terms that the pay "is what it is" and they either agree under those conditions or they dont (kinda like Everyone Else in the world who decides they want a job).

Its not like I havent tipped... but scuba is expensive as it is and we dont all have the discretionary income for the Extra some would have us pay.
good topic. I've never considered tipping my instructors but I do plan on doing many other classes they offer. I've done about 5 so far. I've no reason to look elsewhere. So this is an implied "tip".

Since I trust and appreciate my instructors I also recommend them to others. This helps their business which is of much more value than a tip.
I've never received a tip, no that I wouldn't appreciate it. I have had quite a few pay for lunch. One time a mother and daughter baked cookies and gave them to me and another instructor after OW dives 3 and 4. To me all of these are nice gestures. It tells me that the students had a good time and really appreciated the class.
I tore my drysuit wrist seal on my first cert dive at Comox. I live in Edmonton. I do have 2 suits. Except this time I did not bring it. My instructor brought a spare. I gave him 100$. He pretty much saved my trip, we couldnt fix the suit there.
I always tip the dm on the boat 10$. If I am diving a few days with one dm and he/she has a good time also, I try to find something else to throw in the pot. I'm not rich but I calculate it in my trip that's just the way it is with me. At least I try to give alittle.
A nice note to the certifying agency letting them know you really enjoyed your instructor is something else that's appreciated. You see a lot of people on here recommending reporting an instructor for what sounds like sub-standard instruction but I don't think I've ever seen someone say "If you think your instructor did a great job report that to their agency."
Ber :lilbunny:
Although I'm not a DiveCon or Instructor, yet, I have taught skiing for twelve years and appreciate any tips that come my way. Cash is always good, but some of my favorite tips have been gift certificates for meals, Girl Scout Cookies, drawings and colored pictures. But by far, the best tip was a card that was mailed to me at home in April from a family whose daughter I had taught the previous December. In the note, they told me how much their daughter had enjoyed her lesson and how much my passion for skiing showed through and influenced her to keep skiing when she had been ready to call it quits.

That card really made my day. I still have it tucked in my PSIA handbook and pass it around when I'm training new instructors. Over the years, I've taught hundreds of lessons and have given very little thought to if those people are still skiing. In this case however, it was nice to hear that I had had a positive impact on one of my students and that they now share my love for the sport. And at the end of the day, isn't that why we teach?
Everybody likes an attaboy - including instructors and divemasters.
If you're grateful for the services rendered, make sure that you show that appreciation. Especially if you think that your DM/Instructor went above and beyond.

Some folks are uncomfortable giving a gratuity to their dive pro. Trust me, cash is a great way to let your instructor or divemaster know that you mean it when you shake their hand. You learned how to remove and replace your mask, you can learn how to slip somebody a $20 when you say thanks. If you follow up on Ber's suggestion by sending a kind letter to the boss and the agency, we'll know you really cared.

Remember, though we got into this because we love doing it, unless we're independently wealthy very few of us get paid enough to stick with it for the time it takes to get good at what we do. If your dive pro did did you right, the best way to make sure s/he will be there for the next guy is to pay it forward.

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