TWARS (This Week at Reef Seekers) - December 17-24

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Ken Kurtis

Reaction score
Beverly Hills, CA
# of dives
5000 - ∞
So-Fi, Zoom Seekers, Icebergs, & more
(please scroll down for details)
First time at So-Fi Stadium on Saturday . . .

NOT DIVE-RELATED BUT WOW!!! - It also helped that the UCLA Bruins won the game. Went there with sister Sue - also a first timer - and we were both really impressed with the stadium. Helps that we had GREAT seats on the 48-yard line and low down but it really is a fabulous venue in which to watch a sporting event.​
ZOOM SEEKERS LAST TUESDAY - We had to make a slight speaker change due to a last-minute cancellation but we kept the topic the same: How to Take Good Photos & Then Make Them Even Better. We talked about taking photos and then how to tweak them, including a live demo of taking an absolutely crappy shot of an Oceanic Whitetip being led by Pilotfish and turning it into something worthy of placing up on a wall. This is the finished shot (taken in the Red Sea at Elphinstone):​
In case you missed the talk, and if you'd like to see how this pix started and how it was "saved," here's the link to the Zoom Seekers talk:

INDONESIA 2024 UPDATE - Just a heads-up if you're thinking about this: We're now down to ONE spot left (female share). We MIGHT be able to accommodate a couple if I can double-up two of our singles but the point is that a number of you have said, "Let me know when spaces get scarce" and while I've been saying that for a few weeks, now I'm REALLY telling you it's time to make a decision. You can send an e-mail here or call us at 310/652-4990. Looks like the overall group size will be 16 or 17 people.

FLORIDA STOPS THE MANATEE FEEDING PROGRAM - Manatees in Florida have plenty of issues to deal with, many of which are getting hit by thoughtless and careless boaters, but also lately one issue has been starvation due to reduced areas of seagrass fields. Since 2021, Florida has had a controversial feeding program, where manatees were fed heads of lettuce around the Cape Canaveral area. Manatee deaths from all causes have dropped by about 30% so the program is curtailed for now but officials say they will continue to monitor the situation of the beloved manatees. “Feeding wild animals is a temporary emergency intervention and conservation measures like habitat restoration, improving habitat access, and increasing capacity for rehabilitation are considered long-term solutions,” the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission said in its published notice of the change.

2024 LOCAL CLASS & DIVE SKED - I promise I'm working on it, just haven't yet gotten to it. In general, we'll offer occasional Zoom-based classes - Photo workshop, Nitrox, etc. - as well as water-based classes - Night dives, Squid dives, Surf entry/exit techniques - as well as our monthly Avalon day trips, which are usually on a Wednesday. I hope to have the sked done shortly, but will definitely have it in time for the January 1 newsletter.

COOL PHOTOS (NO PUN INTENDED) - You know how they say something is so big it can be seen from space? How about massive icebergs? Astronauts up in the International Space Station have not only reported being able to see the bergs in the South Atlantic, but they've posted pictures of them too. You can view them here: ICEBERGS FROM SPACE.

And that'll do it for now. Have a great week let's go diving soon!!!

- Ken​

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