TWARS (This Week at Reef Seekers) - February 3-10

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Ken Kurtis

Reaction score
Beverly Hills, CA
# of dives
5000 - ∞
Upcoming 2019 vacation trips:

• Yap Immersion - March 11-24 (3 CONFIRMED - ROOM FOR MORE)
• Bonaire - Mid-May (exact dates TBA)
• Indonesia - July 6-17 (Murex in Manado - 5 going so far)
• Isla Mujeres - August (Whale Shark congregation)
• Maldives - October 12-24 (SOLD OUT!!!)
• Sea of Cortez (Cabo Pulmo) December 4-10 (SOLD OUT!!!)
Upcoming local dives & classes:

• Sat., Feb. 9 - Redondo (Vets Park) - Beach Dive (single tank - $25)
• Thu., Feb. 14 - Redondo (Vets Park) - Squid Dive (FREE!!)
• Sat., Feb. 23 - Catalina Express - Avalon Underwater Cleanup ($150)
• Wed., Feb. 27 - CLASS - NAUI Nitrox - (Reef Seekers Westwood - $75)
• Sat., Mar. 3 - Catalina Express - Avalon Underwater Park ($150 - 3 dives)
• Sat., Mar. 9 - Aquarium of the Pacific - Diver Days (FREE with your c-card)


Congrats to the Patriots but . . . sort of super dull game (13-3????) . . . and super pointless halftime show IMHO . . . and certainly NOT a super end result is you're a Rams fan (but maybe they just didn't want to have to go to the White House if they won) . . .

SPEAKING OF SUPER - We'll have a super-good time at the Avalon Underwater Cleanup, which is happening on Saturday, February 23. Please note that the deadline for early registration is Thursday, February 14. We're taking a small contingent over and you're more than welcome to join us if you like. We'll be at the Green Pier and not only will a super-good time be had by all, but you'll also be doing a super-good deed by not only helping to clean up the harbor, but also by helping to raise money for both the Wrigley Institute Catalina Conservation Divers and the Catalina Hyperbaric Chamber. If you want to join the Reef Seekers group, just give us a call to 310/652-4990 and we'll get you all super-squared away.

A TREAT FOR THE EYES - A lot of times, people don't understand the effort that goes into getting a good - let alone spectacular - underwater photograph. There's frequently an element of luck involved - were you in the right place at the right time when something happened with the right lens, the right exposure, and a quick trigger-finger - but there's a lot of skill as well that goes into an eye-catching shot. And that's why I think you'll appreciate these photos that are the winners in the 2018 Ocean Art Underwater contest: Ocean Art Underwater Winners

MAYBE A NICE BEACH DIVE ON SATURDAY? - As I always say, "You never know unless you go look." Given all the rain we're having, I don't know if Vets will be diveable or not by next weekend. However, we've got one of our single-tank beach dives on the schedule for Saturday morning and we're game if you are. This one's a guided dive, costs a whopping $25, and is perfect if you haven't done a beach dive in a while or simply want to get wet. We generally meet around 9AM and are usually done and out of the parking lot before Noon. If the squid have been laying eggs, we'll certainly see those, and some of those egg casings may be about ready to pop. And you never know what else you might find down in Redondo Canyon. If you're interested, give us a call at 310/652-4990 or simply reply to this e-mail address.

YOU CAN'T CURE STUPID - Actually you can, but it's a fairly drastic on-way cure, and this idiot is lucky the Blue-Ringed Octopus that he's holding didn't "cure" him. In case you're not aware the Blue-Ringed octo, which is extremely small and looks fairly benign, possess some of the deadliest poison in the world, and certainly enough to kill a human. This guy is lucky the octo didn't bite him. Interestingly, the octo only shows the blue rings when it's a bit miffed, so the fact you can see the rings here indicates the chap was lucky: Don't Handle the Blue-Ringed Octopus

YOU CAN SEE BLUE TOO - If you'd like to see a Blue-Ringed Octopus for yourself, safely of course, give some thought to joining us July 6-17 for our journey back to Manado, Indonesia, and our good friends at Murex Dive Resort. There's actually a spot close to Murex where we've found Blue-Rings in the past, as you can see if I've done this link correctly (10 shots altogether - hit the right arrow to see the next one): Blue-Ringed octopus (1 of 10). The diving in this area is fabulous. We'll do some dives on the reefs at Bunaken, plus we'll do some muck diving which will include three dives in the world-famous amazing-critters-abound Lembeh Straits. This trip is a firm "go" and we've got room to add a few more people.

And that'll do it for now. Have a great week, and let's go diving soon!!!

- Ken
A big thank you for the book-- we have so many unidentified creatures from so many past trips - It will be put to good use --
A book-- actually three books that should be in every serious traveling divers library
"Poisonous and venomous Marine Animals of the world" by Dr Bruce Halstead,

I first met the author Dr. Bruce Halstead at a party at Bob Rutherford's home in the mid 1950s. (see portage Quarry -Legends of diving--Sea Sabers signaling system-bob was the father of Underwater signaling ) At that time Dr Halstead was just dreaming about completing his 23 year extensive research on Dangerous Marine Animals and publishing a book...He did very well......

His first work, a three volume book set is titled "Poisonous and venomous Marine Animals of the world" by Dr Bruce Halstead, LCCC 65-60000, hard picture covers with out dust jackets published in 1965 by the US Government printing office. This work is the base line which all present and certainly future research will be based. There was nothing like it published prior to his research and certainly nothing of this magnitude will published by future researchers

Volume 1 is 994 Pages, Volume 11 consists of 1070 pages and volume 111 consists of 1006 pages for total of 3007 well illustrated pages jammed packed with valuable information. Each 8 -1/2 X 11 page is lavishly illustrated with drawings and underwater and topside photographs of the animals .

It's original publication price in 1965 was $160.00 hard earned Yankee dollars. Some years ago a beat up well used research set sold for $750.00 on E bay, currently there are several listed in the used book market ranging from around $100.00 for a single chapter of the book to almost $600.00 for the complete set. I suspect that most do not have or have never seen or possibly heard of the set-- Now you have!

There is a less expensive book also by Dr Halstead that is addressed to the layman. it is :

"Dangerous marine Animals-that bite, sting -are non-edible"
published 1959,Cornell Maritime press, LCCC 58-59799, 146 pages, hard cover with dust jacket

The second revised and enlarged consumer edition;

"Dangerous marine Animals-that bite, sting -are non-edible"
was revised and enlarged was published in 1980, ISBN 0- 87033-268-6, 208 pages, picture cover, no dust jacket.

Yes, I have all the editions and all are inscribed to me by Dr Halstead..

There is also another published edition "A color atlas of dangerous marine animals" by Dr Halstead, Paul Auerbach and Dorman Campbell. Published in 1990 ISBN # 0849371392 & ISBN # 9780894371994. It is an illustrated photo edition that might also be of interest to the traveler.

With advent of international dive travel to remote locations often devoid of modern medical assistance it would behoove the modern dive traveler to obtain at the minimum one of the later two books for their reference library. It would be a good investment

Sam Miller III
NAUI Instructor # A 27
Ken, I look forward to seeing you at the clean up.

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