Unsolicited diving stories

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Why don't you tell her about that guy recently in the news. All day long folks would pesist in telling him about all kinds of horrible incidents. In the end he couldn't take it anymore; he flipped out, went on a rampage and ended up shooting 7 of his co-workers.

You never know, she might take a hint, but I doubt it, she'll probably just press you for details.
Tell her you wanted to keep the skull you found on the last dive but those little pink braces on the teeth bothered you so you left it.

Tell her You can get it for her on the next dive if she wants a paper weight!
I can not even begin to tell you how many times people (non divers) told me to watch out for the Stingrays right after the Croc Hunter was killed. :shakehead:
Really, I've learned to absolutely LOVE these stories from my many co-workers who know I dive.

I let them spin out their tales of gory woe.. and my smile just gets bigger.

I nod my head at appropriate intervals.

Then, as the story wraps up, I grin and say,
"Yeah... that stuff really happens. It takes brass ovaries to scuba dive." :D

The only real challenge is keeping a straight face.

"Yeah... that stuff really happens. It takes brass ovaries to scuba dive." :D

The only real challenge is keeping a straight face.


:lol: I've been told how brave I was to be a scuba diver.
It's constant...Aren't you afraid of; sharks? Stingrays (remember what happened to Steve Irwin) Barracuda's, Drowning, bends, etc....

But I guess it goes with the territory....I always tell them I need something to keep the heart racing...
I recall a story where a guy was accosted by a "too chatty" fellow skiier on a long ski-lift ride.

In a break in the action the chatty guy says "So, do you ski often?"

A: "Haven't for a while," came the sullen response. "...I just got out of the hospital."

Q: "Wow, and here you are back on the slopes! How long were you in the hospital?"

A: "10 years, actually. I pushed a complete stranger off a ski lift, but they say I'm probably OK now."

Pretty quiet ride the rest of the way up to the top.

:rofl3:That is just too funny!!! Thanks for a good laugh.:rofl3:
There's always someone who does that especially in scuba classes, childbirth and surgery. Tell her to knock it off. If that doesn't work ask her if she's heard the one about the dive buddy holding the other one underwater to see how long she could hold her breath.
(remember what happened to Steve Irwin)

Ahhh... the ol' barb through the heart scenario... that sucks.

I guess it all depends on how rude you're willing to be to her. Personally, I am pretty much incapable of making snide remarks at the appropriate time but I'm GREAT and thinking up comebacks after the fact. Practicing what to say ahead of time goes a long way. I like the brass ovaries idea... it does, after all, take a lot of guts to swim with sharks (reference to office politics).
Play along Yeah on a week trip we might lose 2 or 3 just a casualty of the sport you know.

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