Vets park update & meeting report

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Ken Kurtis

Reaction score
Beverly Hills, CA
# of dives
5000 - ∞
The Vets Park update is pretty simple: It's still dirty. But it's getting better. Thanks to the efforts of Roc Allen (L.A. County Instructor) and
Claudette Dorsey, there have been weekly cleanup dives that have already pulled out close to 200 pounds of trash. Now bear in mind that when we say "trash,"
most of this is shredded plastic/paper/etc. That doesn't weigh very much. So 200 pounds in weight is a tremendous amount in volume. And more stuff is coming up
each day so the trash situation is getting better. (And we know there are some individual divers who are bringing stuff up as well.)

More cleanups (usually on Wednesday nights) are scheduled. If you're going out on your own, our thought/request is to just pick up trash & garbage. If
it's organic, leave it there. And if you're bringing up things like bottles or cans, please make sure that someone hasn't moved in and adopted it as a home. If
there's an animal inside, leave it on the bottom.

I did a survey dive last Wednesday afternoon (before the storms hit) straight out from Middle Stairs (200 yards south of the Pier) with Tim Balcomb
of Ocean Adventures. We ran down to the base of the slope and then followed that contour almost all the way to the Topaz Jetty/Groin, a distance of another 665
yards. (In case you're wondering about the accuracy of the distances, I measured them all with my Bushnell golf laser rangefinder.) There was definitely trash here and there but what was most troubling was that blackish gunk that now covers much of the bottom along with a lot of organic (mostly kelp) debris that also seems to coat much of the area from 40-70' deep, pretty much the entire length of our 36-minute dive/swim.

Knowing that was all down there, it made our attendance at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Contaminated Sediment Task Force (CSTF) meeting last
Wednesday morning (the survey dive actually came out of a request during the meeting as to how extensive the debris area is) all the more interesting.
Understand that this isn't a public meeting but one that we were allowed/invited to attend and that's appreciated. I went and spoke, as did Roc Allen. (Kathryn
Kempton was also there but in her capacity as NOAA legal counsel. Susie Santilena from Heal the Bay was also attending.)

That this group is comprised of people from the Army Corps of Engineers (ACE), NOAA, EPA, CA Coastal Commission, various Water Boards with regulatory
and supervisory jurisdiction, and others. The folks collectively are the ones who issue the various permits needed for the dredging and sand placement
process, as well as those charged with overseeing the implementation of the permit, as well as overseeing the protection of our oceans. So a good mix of the
"right" folks.

We had sent "The Trashing of Veterans Park" video to the group ahead of time (The trashing of Veterans Park HD 720P V2 - YouTube)
and it seems to have gotten a number of views as the YouTube count was around 250 when the meeting started. The meeting, with about two dozen people in
attendance and at least that many on the phone through a group conference call, started with the ACE folks explaining what the operation was intended to be.
That was followed by NOAA explaining that they had done a survey dive as a result of our complaints, and pretty much found the same types of things that we
had found.

Then they allowed us to speak to give the whole thing from the perspective of the dive community. I explained that we had no real issue with the sand
placed on the shoreline and that we assumed everything either came from the sand placed in the offshore temporary storage area (which is supposed to be just
south of Topaz) or that it was materials leaking out of the barge before stuff got pumped to the onshore site.

I have to honestly say that we didn't know what to expect when we walked into the meeting. A few people there, especially those directly involved with
the sand nourishment project, were a little defensive, and that's understandable. The hardest thing in all of this, from an evidentiary
standpoint, is establishing a positive direct connection between the trash on the bottom and the barge operation on the surface. But even though some were
defensive, they weren't overly so and all seemed at least receptive to the idea that things hadn't gone as planned and this whole situation could possibly have
been avoided with some better planning and oversight.

Some things we learned during the meeting:
• They had very specific protocols for placement of sand on the shore but essentially had no such protocols for anything dropped into the ocean
• They didn't do any kind of an underwater survey prior to the start to establish a baseline of what things looked like
• They didn't have anyone actually go underwater during the operation to see what was what
• They checked for trash and such on the surface but freely admitted that they couldn't see anything if it was underwater
• All sand deposited was "clean". Even so, their filters on the pipe to the beach had to be cleaned two or three times a day due to getting clogged with trash.
• Sand dumped offshore in the temp holding area went through no such filter but was the same type of sand.
• Their assumption is that when they dump sand it all falls directly to the bottom but no one watches to ensure that's the case.
• They were unaware that the place is frequently dove and that they were close enough to have an impact.
• They were unaware that it's a squid mating area (which can have a negative financial impact if the squid grounds are destroyed by silt).

I said that there were two things from a diving community standpoint that we'd like to walk away with: (1) Create better lines of communication between
them and the dive industry so we don't go through this again, and (2) Explore what mitigation options (fines, restitution, etc.) are available as a result of
the outcome of the dredging/dumping process.

The first idea they all endorsed whole-heartedly. Although many of their projects don't impact dive areas, some do and just to get them to include us in
the pipeline is a win. The second one is going to take a lot more talking, evidence, and finesse. But it's something that we will continue to pursue.

What will help the second goal is any personal experiences any of you have had with this project in terms of how it impacted your diving. Canceled dives,
lessened enjoyment, gunk in the water, etc. Just write what you know or saw. The idea here is not to be too judgmental. If you're willing, write down what your
experience was, document dates if you can, and send it to me at . The more first-hand accounts we have, the better.

So that's where things stand now. There are some other things going on in a low-key back-channel manner that will hopefully help us achieve our goals in all
of this. If you have any questions, let me know.

- Ken
Thank you for all your efforts past, present and future...They are appreciated!
A few points:

A history lesson:

1) Star mops-
In the 1950s the divers of So Cal under the banner of the of the Los Angeles Council of divers (LACD, Named changed in 1960 to "Greater LACD" and incorporated OC and parts of Ventura Co) conducted a series of Star Mops, which were events to rid the break waters of star fish. It was a big news worthy event and divers from all over SoCal participated with local news paper and TV coverage.

There was very little knowledge of marine life sixty years ago, so in good faith the star fish collected from the LA break water were chopped up and tossed right back into the ocean...a few years later there were five times as many star fish on the break water.
In the Long Beach break water Star mop and the second LA break water Star mop the offending star fish were placed on boats taken to mid channel and tossed over board

By the time OC cleaned the NP/CDM break water of star fish a certain amount of learning had taken place. The star fish were bagged and sold to a company in down town Orange who preserved them and marketed them to the local beach communities.

2) PURP-Palos Verde Under Restoration Project

In the early 1960s LA Co UW Instructors Association, under the direction of Tom Ebro established PURP a huge event attended by untold numbers of divers, and covered by news papers and TV stations. The object of PURP was to rid White's Point of sea urchins..Divers took to the water with hammers in hand to crush all the sea urchins. A PA system was set up. a huge tally board keep a running track of the the number of sea urchins destroyed - once again marine science was just emerging and all PURP did was to produced more sea urchins at Whites point.

3) That was then--what about NOW?
A tree that falls in the woods does it? or does it not?-- make a noise?
It appears that it is time for you to place your well worn organization hat on and organize this clean up for maximum public exposure..Set a specific date, notify divers and dive clubs, contact the media, news papers, TV, CDN and make an event of that will make a noise and be heard through out the land- and not in the dark of a week day night

I recall the very first Avalon clean up organized by Lil Lancaster, the wife of charter boat captain Arnie Lancaster (Arni's reef)I was a participant and a picture of me smiling coming off a boat toting my dive gear and a bag of bottles was the featured picture in Skin Diver Magazine, which was the only Magazine of that era. We pulled up so much trash, so many very rare antique bottles. I saved a few, which have all disappeared with the passage of time- when I head about the dredging and dumping and now clean ---I question how many antique bottles will be tossed into the dumpster- gone forever. May be the antique bottle collectors should also be invited to the party?SDM
Last night we pulled up 14.7 pounds. Surf had kicked up so fewer divers were able to make it in.

I'd like to request a moderator make this thread sticky so it stays relevant while cleanup activities continue.

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