Watching Men's Olympic Swimming .....

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P.S. I swear, gfisher, I do not mean to pick on you :) It's just that you keep writing about the most interesting subjects! DM

Again, no prob. If I can give someone something to write or smile about, mission accomplished.

BTW, since I'm married, I hear quite a bit about how the clothes that men like cause women a lot of uncomfortableness. Mostly in the phrase, when we're getting ready to go out, "I hope you realize what I'm putting myself through for you."

Dressing uncomfortably to look nice is one of the few reasons it sucks to be a girl. When a guy asks me "How do you walk in those shoes, they're so high?" I just reply "Very painfully." and they give me a weird look. It's quite amuzing the looks a guy can make at a girl. :11:
But we love you for it! Dress comfortable at home though, because comfy at home is goooood. As for micro fibers in the unmentionables, yeowwwwser! Any of you girls have one of those Tomb Raider Angelina Jolie wetsuits in the closet. I'll pay for pictures!
No way! I'm a woman and I actually love the bikini! I'm tall and slim and the one piece suits lack several inches I need in the torso so they won't ride up my behind. And ladies, as my mother always said "Beauty is pain." Besides those heels just make us look so adorable they're worth the blisters :)
So there I am, diving dry the other day, and this chick diver is checking out the size of my pee valve. I says, hey der diver chick. Whatchya gawkn' at? Without lookn' up, she says, nuttn'.

Should I have been embarrassed?
Hey, you could have used the same line they use on us when they're either naturally blessed, or surgically endowed...."my eyes are here." :D
Back on the Speedo. I have seen one swimmer wearing an actual Speedo. The ones that show most everything. A friend of mine says that the "new" suits are nondirectional nondrag. To translate that it means that they create less drag than even our own skin. How this happens I don't have the slightest. All I know is that jammers, thats what Phelps wears, are really nice for diving. Do I look good in them? I don't care they are comfortable and dry real fast.
Hey, you could have used the same line they use on us when they're either naturally blessed, or surgically endowed...."my eyes are here." :D
Just a note - went on an 80 km road trip with the local bicycling club yesterday, at the close we took a dip in the Bras d'Or lakes near a club member's cottage, and the oldest guy (who is also our rides captain) was wearing a Speedo!! He looked great, he is 60 years old but one of the fittest people I know. So, wear a Speedo by all means . . . if you look as if you have bicycled 5000 kms in the past 3 mos.

Incidentally, I have met many cyclists who SCUBA dive, but no divers who cycle . . . they seem to be two completely different groups of people in this area. None of the cyclists who dive were certified in NS.
{Bob delurking in the women's forum}
Every now and then here at Scuba Board some man will complain that women are more interested in looking at pictures of women than at pictures of men. Well, some guys could stand to spend a little more time and effort on their appearance.
Hmmm I should post the comments I've gotten on my profile picture, wind-blown-dive-hair look. Running 2 to 1 in the theme of "what the hell were you thiking posting a picture like that"
And if that means wearing something attractive, but not terribly comfortable, well, (evil grin) we feel your pain.
Ok, so my next picture I should have wind-blown-dive-hair while I'm in a thong or speedo instead of my dive skins? I'M JOKING... at 46, I realize my thong wearing days are reserved for boat rides with my sweetie or for wearing under my dive skin.

Bob (I gotta find a better picture )
{returning to lurking mode}
With all the advances in the suits, I think that all the men should all be required to swim naked, just to make things fair and square.


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