What scuba diving goals did you accomplish in 2007?

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Dr. Doug Ebersole

Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Lakeland, Florida
As we roll into 2008, what scuba diving goals or milestones did everyone accomplish in 2007? What do you hope to accomplish in 2008?

As for me, I did my deepest dive to date (270 fsw) diving the Carrie Lee off Grand Cayman and I got my first two scuba magazine cover shots. And I continued to meet lots of very interesting and fun scuba divers around the world. Hopefully, for 2008 I"ll finally see a whale shark!!!!! :)

Completed the requirements for my DM card on November 29th, on a day when the viz under water was better than the viz ABOVE the water due to the driving snow!
Completed 100 dives in the calendar year for the first time, and saw hammerheads (Yonaguni & Palau) and Manta's (Palau) for the first time - both were a huge thrill!

For 2008, I want to learn how to service my 1st stage, complete 101 dives, improve my fitness and rate of gas consumption. I would also like to see a whale shark! And improve my underwater photography. Maybe learn how to use a dry suit next winter. And of course - more improvement in bouyancy and general diving competence.
2007 was the cave year. I did cavern tours in March, did Cavern/Intro in October, and did a few cave dives in December. This was a big deal, because I've spent most of two years preparing carefully for doing this, and all my preparation paid off nicely. And the caves turned out to be every bit as much fun as I thought they would be (or more).

I also tried to get a recreational helium cert, but that didn't work out as well :(

Goals for 2008 are GUE's Cave 1 and more cave diving trips. And continuing to work on my midwater issues, so maybe someday I can pass that Rec Triox class :)
I completed the AOW course and, surprisingly for me, I also did the Stress and Rescue. Surprisingly, because I didn't know that 50 dives is enough to go for it.

2008 - dive also in cold waters. Brrrr.
Over 100 dives again in 2007 (118). Saw my first Hammerhead, finally made it out to some of the more local spots that I had never dove, Lake Rawlings and Portage Quarry, finally got a couple dives in on the Spiegel Grove and Duane and got the wife to a point where she is very comfortable and becoming a good diver too.

Going to Cozumel and the Caymans in Feb. and maybe down to the Invasion in Fl. and I'm not sure what else trip wise. Probably won't do any others, need to save big bucks for the big anniversary, Hawaii trip in 2009.
2007 was the year of training for me....Starting in March, I went from Rescue with one specialty to Assistant Instructor and Master Scuba Diver, completing 14 specialties and also DAN courses to get DAN's Diving Emergency Specialist.

For 2008 my immediate goal is OWSI before the season, and by the end of the season MSDT.
I passed NACD Full Cave. Of all my C cards it is the one I am most proud of.

Also did my deepest dive so far (210 feet) in Cayman.

Plans for 2008 are more cave dives and attending TechWeek with Divetech on Grand Cayman. Maybe I will see you there Doug ??

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