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Chicago, IL
I was at Gilboa this morning and just exiting the water when a cry for help came from towards the center of the quarry. I had one fin off already, so I put it back on and headed out to the group that was bringing in the unconcious diver. When I met them it they didn't need my help so I swam along side. The diver was unconcious, and white foam was coming out of his mouth. Response was excellent and he was taken ashore and treatment began immediately. I don't know the details of the dive. The diver was worked on for at least 30 minutes ( chest compressions ) and life flighted from the quarry. If anyone knows the outcome, I would appreciate a note. It didn't look good from what I saw.
As for the profile, all I know is I heard his buddy, who was exhausted from getting ashore say something about 100 ft and a free flow. No speculating beyond that. As information becomes available I would like to find out what actually happened. Very sad day.
Laser once bubbled...
I was at Gilboa this morning and just exiting the water when a cry for help came from towards the center of the quarry. I had one fin off already, so I put it back on and headed out to the group that was bringing in the unconcious diver. When I met them it they didn't need my help so I swam along side. The diver was unconcious, and white foam was coming out of his mouth. Response was excellent and he was taken ashore and treatment began immediately. I don't know the details of the dive. The diver was worked on for at least 30 minutes ( chest compressions ) and life flighted from the quarry. If anyone knows the outcome, I would appreciate a note. It didn't look good from what I saw.
As for the profile, all I know is I heard his buddy, who was exhausted from getting ashore say something about 100 ft and a free flow. No speculating beyond that. As information becomes available I would like to find out what actually happened. Very sad day.

Where were they able to land the Life Flight? On Saturday, the place was so congested with tents, campers, and vehicles, that I can't picture where there may have been room.

tx, Bob
Life flight landed across the street from the quarry in a field.
we were at Whitestar Quarry and some divers had come up from Gilboa because Mike shut it down because of the incident. The only thing I heard from the divers that came to whitestar was that there was an air lift, the diver was 27 years old, it was an air embolism, he was found at 125 feet, and he was dead. All of this is what I heard from a diver that came up from there and I cannot confirm any of it and have no details as I wasn't there, so please take this information I heard as hearsay.
OK, I have a decent account but it's mostly 2nd or 3rd hand but from unrelated sources so I'll post what I know. Any or all facts could be wrong.

3 guys take out drysuits from the DUI demo tent, who was supervising them, I don't know. They are swimming around and cross paths with an AOW class and end up following that group into the deep side. At some point one of the three notices that they're at 80' decides that's not right and aborts the dive. The other 2 continue on with the group. The man who eventually died was reported to have a freeflow and his computer registered his maximum depth at 120'. His buddy ditched his weightbelt and they made a rapid ascent to the surface. I also heard from someone present when he was pulled out that his tank was showing 50 psi. The rescuer was taken to the hospital by ambulance but was reported to not be showing any signs of DCS. The other man received chest compressions until EMS arrived and was taken out by air care. I heard from a non-diving source that the man was pronounced at the hospital.

That report is what I most consistently heard at the quarry today or came from first hand accounts. I hope it's at least somewhat accurate.

Very sad day,

I was at Gilboa yesterday leading groups of divers who were trying out drysuits around. I had to leave yesterday afternoon but several others from the shop I dive with stayed. During all of the tours I led we stayed on the shallow side of the quarry (max depth about 60 ft)

Really sad that something like this happened. DUI Demo days is a great event. I hope this doesn't stop it from happening in the future.

Besides the information here and what I know firsthand, I spoke with several sources including the guy who pulled the gentleman from the water and the EMS, and all accounts vary somewhat.

Rumors abound once again surrounding a death. Out of respect and good sense, there's no point in speculation. I've found over the years that when a diver dies, we all want to know what happened so that we might "learn something."

We then find what's to be learned: Plan your dive, dive your plan, dive within your level of training, comfort and physical limits, and don't get complacent.

My condolences to the friends and family of this young man, Mike and the quarry staff, and Dick, Faith, Tony, and the rest of the DUI folks there.

you're going to have to let me know how the trial set-up went. I am anxious to hear what you thought about the bp/wing set-up and even a dry-suit....(though I need zero convincing to get a dry-suit...I just need the $$$ <grumble>)

I finally get to try a BP and wing in 2 weeks (thanks ckharlan) I am curious as to what kind of weighting adjustments you had to make....what the bouyancy differences felt like...etc. etc.

Sorry to hear about the incident at Gilboa...we are supposed to be up there next Sunday doing OW check-outs. Hope everything is still a go for that.

I also hope to get to try out my brand spankin new 7footer next weekend at the quarry after everything is said and done with the students. I only have one gripe about the says "DIR dive systems" on it....I'm going to have to bust out the electrical tape to conceal that stuff. :D

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