Why a snorkel?

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Mostly for the surface time. On boat dives, I'll snorkle a bit waiting for my dive buddy to get in the water since I usually get in faster than the people I go with. I may snorkle a bit at the end of the dive too if air is low and I want to swim around a bit before getting back on the boat.
In between dives,there's a pod of dolfins,you get in the water and use the "S"thingy.:D
Because sometimes you have to make a half-mile kelp crawl because your tank has 300psi... That was a fun day.
Some people carry them all the time and use them on the surface, some have never had a use for them. Next time your on the surface in a chop, take out your regulator and see if you are more comfortable breathing with or without a snorkel.
thats what my dad said plus if your in a bc that puts you on your face you would really want one
Some people carry them all the time and use them on the surface, some have never had a use for them. Next time your on the surface in a chop, take out your regulator and see if you are more comfortable breathing with or without a snorkel.
Got a properly stupid question why would a diver with a air tank want a snorkel when diving. Also how do you keep the water out i guest why would it matter since your underwater with air

Take the class---you've got a long way to go.......BTW, divers use ones with 14' tubes.........
I think they are most useful in tropical waters where you can see deeper than 5 feet, but even then there's probably some questions over their usage. The short answer is: your OW certification probably requires you have one (at least that's what my instructor said: because he said away from class he wouldn't be using one).

The long answer is it's personal preference. Personally I see no reason not to have it. It doesn't really get in the way and in an emergency when you're stranded and out of air, it may be useful. However, I use my snorkel a ton in regular situations: waiting for my buddy or after surfacing on boat dives, swimming in to shore on a shore dive, waiting around for whatever reason. I just like them because I can let myself swim or bob under water a little without wasting air. Unfortunately, I also start descending with my snorkel in my mouth half the time :)
Next time your on the surface in a chop, take out your regulator and see if you are more comfortable breathing with or without a snorkel.
A DM friend of mine spent 5 hours adrift in 40kt winds and very sloppy conditions. He would have loved to have a snorkel that day, and now carries one in a pocket on every dive.

He considers the snorkel to be survival gear, just like a signal mirror and a signal sausage.


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