PADI AOW qualified depth

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Just a query about what depth I'm qualified for - I have PADI Advanced Open Water and did my deep dive as part of that. I was told by the instructor at the time that doing that qualified me for 40m, but another instructor says that I'm only qualified for 30m and would need to do the deep diver speciality course to be qualified for 40m. So, which is correct?

I'm aware that even if I'm qualified for 40m, I'd need to take account of whether it's sensible/safe for me to dive at that depth.
Depth limitations are only recommended, but you would be extremely wise to adhere to them - as deeper diving introduces risks that you would not yet be aware of. Depth limitations are also moderated by the water conditions, your personal physical and psychological condition and the equipment and support you have available.

The PADI recommended maximum limit for an AOW diver is 30m. For most divers qualified at this level, this depth should be taken extremely seriously and exceptional caution and sound judgement should be applied to any decision to descend to these depths.

My best advice is only to attempt dives that you are extremely comfortable in undertaking. Push your comfort levels only when you can be supervised by an instructor, or very experienced buddy/mentor. Build up your experience in deeper diving by slowly progressing the depths you attempt. Always assume that things can go wrong....spend time investigating those things (because others have learnt from those lessons and save you that trauma!) and practice your responses and drills for those occasions.
While PADI does recommend a depth limit of 30 meters for an AOW certification, that does not mean you are so qualified. What experience do you have? Your experience is much more important in determining your qualification than your c-card. A diver can pick up an AOW certification with just one dive to 18 meters. An AOW diver with one dive to 18 meters most certainly is not qualified to dive to 30 meters. You may have logged several dives to 30 meters. If so, you are very likely qualified to dive to that depth. Use common sense, examine your dive experience to figure out your qualifications.
The exact wording, for any diver, at any level is.... qualified to dive "within the limits of your training and experience".

Training courses have a set maximum depth (i.e. 30m for AOW).

They also limit certain activities (i.e. 40m max vertical/horizontal distance from the surface for penetration, within the 'light zone' for Cavern).

Experience takes into account dive conditions, equipment used, activities undertaken etc etc etc
True, but that's often not the way divers look at it, nor is it what they're always told by their instructors, nor is it the information they get when they book a trip, nor is it the information they usually get when they ask in forums such as this. I believe it is important to help people understand the reality.

Diver: "I want to dive this 30 meter wreck."
Instructor: "Take my AOW course and they'll let you dive it."
Diver takes the class with one dive to 18 meters.
Diver: "I want to dive this 30 meter wreck."
Dive charter operator: "What certification do you have?"
Diver: "AOW."
Dive charter operator:"Sure, not a problem."

It happens every day.
There can be many reasons for that.... have to draw the line somewhere. Why not do it in line with agency recommendations?Secondly...some insurance companies won't pay if you have an accident whilst exceeding your 'qualification'. is the right of any operation to set whatever limitations they want.
DevonDiver: have to draw the line somewhere. Why not do it in line with agency recommendations?Secondly...some insurance companies won't pay if you have an accident whilst exceeding your 'qualification'.

We weren't talking about drawing a line or exceeding agency recommendations. That's a totally different discussion. We were talking about being qualified to make a particular dive. Those agency recommendations may very well be too liberal.

DevonDiver: is the right of any operation to set whatever limitations they want.

True, but irrelevant to the discussion at hand. An operation might set a 30 meter limit for an AOW certified diver, but that does not mean any particular AOW certified diver has the skills and experience to safely make the dive.

What is important is giving people the information they need to may wise decisions. Telling someone they are qualified to dive to 30 meters simply because they have an AOW card is irresponsible.
Ah, I see what you mean.

I tend to agree with you... a 30m dive, without supervision, is likely to expose a novice diver (potentially 9 logged dives) to dangers that they are unaware and unprepared for.
Exactly. All too often we only look at a c-card then tell someone they are qualified to make a dive when if we talked with them for a couple of minutes we could help them make an intelligent decision to dive or not or hire a DM for the dive.

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