Where did you dive today?

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Two more nice Tobermory Ontario dives, 154 ft, 35 min on the Forest City wreck, 41 F;
98 ft, 29 min on the Niagara II wreck, 39 F. Lots of swell on the Forest City, dropped right down to the rock wall first to avoid a choppy surface swim, then over to the wreck which starts in 60 ft. In contrast, the Niagara was as flat as a pancake, sheltered from the wind.
Well, my today dive is yesterday... actually this weekend. I did 8 dives over 2 days at New Melle, MO, basically opening the place up in the morning and closing it down at night on Saturday.

Yesterday, we cut the last dive short at 30 minutes... I was getting cold in my core and started feeling bad so I just thumbed it. All in all a pretty good weekend.
Just got back from a 3-day liveaboard experience in the Channel Islands (southern CA). Did four dives around San Miguel Island on Friday, four dives around Santa Rosa/Santa Cruz Islands on Saturday, and three dives around Anacapa Island yesterday.

Shared a boat with 21 other divers, 19 scooters, 22 deco bottles, and an assortment of doubles and HP130 singles.

Many of those other divers are also members of ScubaBoard (TSandM, Peter Guy, Mo2vation, HBDiveGirl, Adobo, Ben V, CoolHardware52, Doc Wong, and several others).

It was an amazing experience!

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Just got back from a 3-day liveaboard experience in the Channel Islands (southern CA). Did four dives around San Miguel Island on Friday, four dives around Santa Rosa/Santa Cruz Islands on Saturday, and three dives around Anacapa Island yesterday.

Shared a boat with 21 other divers, 19 scooters, 22 deco bottles, and an assortment of doubles and HP130 singles.

Many of those other divers are also members of ScubaBoard (TSandM, Peter Guy, Mo2vation, HBDiveGirl, Adobo, Ben V, CoolHardware52, Doc Wong, and several others).

It was an amazing experience!

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

My goodness, how are you going to face the cold murky waters of our beloved Pacific NW Waters after all of that? As I just wrote a couple of days ago - 48 degrees and 7 foot visibility at the South Jetty/Yaquina Bay/Newport/South Beach/Oregon. Come on home before you get spoiled. :)
Finally got to dive the "Put van Ekeren", Belgium.

Nice warm water (24C/75F), until you reach the thermocline... :cold:

[table 0 0 3]#|Location|Duration|Depth|Temp
427|Put van Ekeren|76 Minutes|15M/49Ft|8C/46F[/table]
So, where did you dive today? :)
I did four dives today.

The first was to pay my respects to a young diver (and former ScubaBoarder) who died a couple months back. Two days ago they spread his ashes on his favorite dive site, and I went to take a picture of Jake's final resting place for his dad.

The second dive I joined five friends for a scooter dive ... same site, just deeper. Just prior to going in I heard a commotion on the fishing pier ... where a fisherman had just hooked a six-foot long humboldt squid ...


Prior to today, I had no idea those things were in Puget Sound.

Third dive was 20 miles south, at my local mudhole. Just me, my camera, and my little buddy AL.

Fourth dive was another scooter dive. Same site as the first two dives ... just a different profile.

Dive 1 = 35 fsw for 48 minutes
Dive 2 = 101 fsw for 58 minutes
Dive 3 = 95 fsw for 61 minutes
Dive 4 = 111 fsw for 57 minutes

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
I made a dive at Five Caves, Maui today. Not so nice for here. Viz was only at best 30-40 feet. There was a strong south swell and it had the bottom stirred up and extra surgy. There were times when we could barely see five feet. We did run into three sea turtles, an octopus and some cool nudibranchs. The girls I took were decent divers and they said they enjoyed riding the surges. Hopefully things will improve tomorrow as I have two dives scheduled on the holiday.

Happy Fourth of July everyone! I Hope you all get to get wet!
Today was El Zee's 200th dive.

I had hoped to come up with a remarkable dive but life got in the way. :depressed: Little did I know that the dive would be even more remarkable than planned... :shocked:

To make it a nice long dive, she dove with a wetsuit again.

  • Complication #1
    Only one tank (hers) was discovered to be filled while en route to the dive site. 30 Minutes delay locating the nearest LDS to get it filled. :banghead:
  • Complication #2
    Weight pockets had not been packed. No problem, just place some lead in strategical places in her wetsuit. :crafty:
  • Complication #3
    The water was too warm to wear the Fourth Element Xerotherm Arctic undergarments. OK, I'll just use the drybase underwear. Hmm, that leaves me without a place to store my car key. No problem, just put it in the canister. This actually turned out to be a good idea due to...
  • Complication #4
    My drysuit flooded. This makes a very long dive (100+ minutes) seem even longer...
  • Complication #5
    El Zee's canister light failed to work (battery was fine, the bulb seems to be the problem).

[table 0 0 3]#|Location|Duration|Depth|Temp
428|Bergse Diepsluis|111 Minutes|13M/43Ft|22C/72F[/table]
So, where did you dive today? :)
  • Complication #5
    El Zee's canister light failed to work (battery was fine, the bulb seems to be the problem).

... and here I thought you were gonna tell us that your car keys shorted out your battery ... :blinking:

Congrats on #200 ... despite the complications, I'm sure you had a great dive.

I dived two shallow wrecks today ... both relatively short dives.

Dive #1 - Wreck of the Omar and horizontal barge ... max depth 86 feet, bottom time 51 minutes. Current was running pretty heavy and so we took scooters. No camera on this dive, which I think in hindsight was a wise decision.

Dive #2 - Four Mile Barges ... max depth 92 fsw, bottom time 46 minutes. Once again we took the scooters, and no camera. No current on this dive, and the barges were loaded with life. This time I wish I had brought the camera.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
No dives this weekend for me, as gear is in the shop for yearly maintenance. So instead I took a buddy of mine out snorkeling to get him used to his mask, snorkel, fins, and wetsuit before his class starts on Tuesday. Had a decent time, as current was running decent along the shore. Swim down a ways, then drift back on the surface. Had fun skin diving for shells for the wife. Hell of a time trying to get down in 7 feet of water in a 6.5mm semi-dry though.

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