Waihuka Shark Dive operator charged with attempted murder?

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Hey guys, this thread has been dead for a while and I thought I'd revive it.

Myself and a friend are stoked about doing the shark dive in Roatan but we stumbled on this story in our travels.. is there any conclusion or new evidence in the matter?

We've also been trying to find other operators to take us to the site instead of the alledged operator but that is proving difficult.. any advice on that front would be also greatly appreciated.

Aside from that, we're hoping to get a second dive in before having to catch our cruise out of port.. the shark dive is evidently "the best dive" in roatan.. the one you HAVE to do.. whats the next best one that we simply have to do? we've been thinking of the prince albert wreck. any other suggestions?
Hey guys, this thread has been dead for a while and I thought I'd revive it.
Why? Seriously, why on earth revive this worthless thread? Let it die. Have Pete lock the damned thing. If you want to know about the shark dive in Roatan, start a new thread minus all the baggage. Or just go diving in the Bahamas, you see lots of sharks there.
Why? Seriously, why on earth revive this worthless thread? Let it die. Have Pete lock the damned thing. If you want to know about the shark dive in Roatan, start a new thread minus all the baggage. Or just go diving in the Bahamas, you see lots of sharks there.

first time post, too.
You know, there *IS* a reason why Zombieland was number 1 at the box office this past weekend......People are into zombies...hence, this thread is now back from the dead
So, do I dare ask whatever happened with this case? Was the alleged criminal case ever resolved/tried/dismissed, etc?
So, do I dare ask whatever happened with this case? Was the alleged criminal case ever resolved/tried/dismissed, etc?

adjuster; didnt your mother always tell you to never inquire about alegations of attempted murder charges? how rude of you. just go do the shark dive, give the guy your money, and ignore the fact that he tried to kill a tourist and a competing operator. after all, havent you heard that the sharks aren't the most dangrous creatures on a shark dive?

I'm sorry I must have missed that whole section in the forum rules about not posting unless you've posted before. how stupid of me to think that I could just join this forum.. and then post. my god.

anyways, back to relavent topics, thanks for the replies about the status of that dive. I wanted some one to actually say as much that this mafioso, i mean operator, has "ownership" of that dive site. it seems that operators in the area are scared of saying as much and I see why.

I guess I should start up a new thread asking for advice about where I should dive and with who while I stay on Roatan. Just looking to make the most of my 7 hours on what looks to be a great destination for diving.
What's your real agenda, Thorin_II? You seem to know so much about Roatan diving while simultaneously pretending to not know anything about it? Your "post" reads more like sock puppetry than a legitimate "first post", so you shouldn't be surprised that your motives are called into question.
What's your real agenda, Thorin_II? You seem to know so much about Roatan diving while simultaneously pretending to not know anything about it? Your "post" reads more like sock puppetry than a legitimate "first post", so you shouldn't be surprised that your motives are called into question.

you want to know my adgenda? fine. I'm 24, just graduated from engineering, just spent the last 4 years of my life in the basement of a building that gives people asbestosis. I'm 50 grand in debt and want to reward myself with the best *******ing cruise i can possibly have. Found myself a cheap cruise with carnival, bunch of friends who would go to, one who already dives. I thought to myself, hey, for 400$ I can get certified, another 300$ in gear, and now I'm really getting the most out of my cruise. But I'm no idiot. I don't drop thousands of dollars on a cruise and nearly a thousand dollars on scuba to not research the hell out of my chosen scuba destination. I'm not a fool. I find out that Roatan has wrecks, walls, sharks, dolphins, and even whale sharks if youre THAT lucky. But theres something liek 50 dive sits just in a 7 mile stretch of shore and probably over 100 on the whole damned island. So I thought I'd inlist some help from some knowledeable people once i had really gotten overwhelmed.

The shark dive was high on my list. I'm sorry to tell you but theres no where on the internet that says "the only way you're seeing sharks on Roatan is through ________". We've contacted a couple operators that have said "we don't offer it. There are others that do. we can arrange it through them". so after about 5 hours of web surfing I stuble onto this site, and specificly this thread and Im glad I did because now at least I know that there have been alegations against this guy which was kinda fitting into the picture I had about this specific dive. I kept asking myself how could only one operator be going to this one site that everyone wants to go to? Why doesn't anyone answer your questions regarding this operator.. then it became clear that this guys is clearly an imigrant from Italy, with a business partner who used to be a lawyer, and they have set up their turf and will defend it to the death.

Now I admit that when i was sifting through this thread for the final verdict on the matter, that I was seeing tensions from posts and I didn't know why.. much of it was going over my head. It seems that many of you are hurt that this guy is being accused of these things and thats fine.. maybe you did the dive, met the guy, went for beers after, would dive with him again. Fine. But don't question my motives.. I'm not here to falsely accuse some one I've never met of having tried to kill other people I've never met. I'm trying to find out if there's any proof to settle this case one way or the other.

I'm broke, trying to spend what little money I have left on a great cruise, and I'm trying to establish if I'm about to give my money to a guy who would actually kill to maintain his monopoly over this dive. I kind of have moral issues with a guy like that, I have moral issues with me being his customer, and I'm here to get advice on Roatan so that I can make the most of what little money I have.

Maybe we got off on the wrong foot. Hi, I'm Chris, an electrical engineer from Canada. Just got into scuba, havent even finished my certification yet, and I'm planning a 7 hour stop in Roatan. You seem knowlegdeable regarding Roatan,.. care to give me any advice of what operators will be able to take me to one or preferably two of the best dive sites the island has to offer during that short 7 hour period? we're arriving at 11am local, which seems to be a problem since most operators only do two morning dives and one in the afternoon. Do you know of an operator who could maybe start their day off a little later for some cruise ship customers?

Maybe you could introduce yourself and tell me why you think that some one questioning the conclusion of alledged attempted murder charges has to have an adgenda to do so?
No, he freely admits to being the operator. It's an established fact.

What may be established fact to people in the comunity isn't exactly written in stone for those who have never dove before, or gone to Roatan.

I don't want to do the shark dive if this operator is the only one that will do it, and if theres outstanding allegations on his back. I couldn't live with myself knowing I gave money to some one who had aledgedly done what he did. Even if he hadn't, the alegations standing are enough for me to steer clear.

I don't want to do any of the other land crap at Roatan, I have 3 other ports of call to do stuff like that. And given my cash status, theres NO WAY I'm going to a casino. We've got a Caesars in my city, I can gamble when I want, and I dont.

So as I said in my last post, any ideas of how I can get 1 or hopefully 2 of the "must see" Roatan dives in from 11am - 6pm on a cruise stop?

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