Scuba Goop & Trident U Mark It Paint Gear Paint are same item

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UPDATE: I posted an honest review on Scuba.Com revealing the same information about Scuba Goop, and the post was removed. Which makes me think it was not an honest mistake but an intentional scam on the part of Scuba.Com. I thought maybe one of their suppliers had just pulled one over on them. Relabeling a product, jacking up the price from $1 to $6 and then suppressing any honest information about it does not strike me as honest business practice. I've bought a lot of products from Scuba.Com, but I never will again!
The Scuba.Com response sounds reasonable. So then why was my product review removed from their Web site? I actually rated Scuba Goop high for marking gear, but I told the truth about the supplier relabeling it and jacking up the price from about a buck to about six bucks plus shipping[/U]. Deleting this review smacks of dishonesty in business, on a site that claims to be by divers, for divers. I'm very disappointed. Six dollars (plus shipping!) is a small sum, but the whole thing stinks and makes me wonder about other "deals" on the site. Next I'll be barred from Scubaboard, no doubt, for speaking the truth.
I'll post as a business person here. is offering a product that they buy in the form they sell it. is not remarking the product, or selling it as " Scuba Goop". Therefore the issue is with the company promoting and selling the product to (and many other retailers/resellers) for distribution (Innovative Scuba Concepts). Railing against for selling the product is really not justified, and is probably why your review was pulled.
I'm not sure what happened on our board or why it was removed. Usually I'm in charge of that type of thing and that's not a post that would normally be removed. I did answer it but am now noticing it is gone myself. The Scuba Goop is an item purchased from one of the normal distributors of diving products who offers a private lableing program that is also available to all of it's authorized dealers. It is not something we do internally here at Regardless of what another type of retailer might sell the same item or a similar product for, any dive retailer has to work with the normal margin and mark up based on the price the manufacturer or distributor you working with sets for you to buy at. There is no scam or anything even remotely shady going on with the product, I'm afraid.
Thanks Merxlin! I had actually responded in a very similar fashion, although a bit more wordy than you about that on our board. I'm usually the person in charge of removing and editing our board in an effort to keep it "g" rated and had not removed that post, but rather chose to answer it. Why it is gone I'm not real sure.

But I promise no attempt to hide anything is going on. Basically we are simply taking part in a private label program the distributor of the product offers their authorized dealers. The price we offer it takes into account normal margin and mark up. There really is no huge mystery or conspiracy going on here.
I'll post as a business person here. is offering a product that they buy in the form they sell it. is not remarking the product, or selling it as " Scuba Goop". Therefore the issue is with the company promoting and selling the product to (and many other retailers/resellers) for distribution (Innovative Scuba Concepts). Railing against for selling the product is really not justified, and is probably why your review was pulled.

That's a fair comment.

But no one is railing here. Just getting the facts out.
Thanks Merxlin! I had actually responded in a very similar fashion, although a bit more wordy than you about that on our board. I'm usually the person in charge of removing and editing our board in an effort to keep it "g" rated and had not removed that post, but rather chose to answer it. Why it is gone I'm not real sure.

But I promise no attempt to hide anything is going on. Basically we are simply taking part in a private label program the distributor of the product offers their authorized dealers. The price we offer it takes into account normal margin and mark up. There really is no huge mystery or conspiracy going on here.

No, there's no huge mystery or conspiracy: You're charging divers five dollars plus shipping for a label. You're price gouging and ripping people off. Don't try to sugar coat it with marketing jargon. If you had jacked up the price 50 percent or even doubled it, that might be understandable, but to take a $1 product, slap another sticker on top of the orginal one and charge divers $6 plus shipping is indefensible. Please don't give us that, "We're just honest businessmen making a modest mark-up on a specialty product." It erodes your credibility even further.

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