Solo Diving: It's time to set the record straight

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I don't believe in poor training ...
Bob, I don't want to speak for others but I can't imagine that anybody else does either. But your comments, which as an instructor really surprise me, throw training as a general institution under the bus. Maybe you intended to say "bad" training instead of just training? I don't think anyone would disagree with that.

"Training doesn't really address that much, because most training classes feed their students full of platitudes like "Plan your dive and dive your plan" ... or "End the dive with 500 psi" ... without ever providing the knowledge of how to actually DO it. "

This statement is factually incorrect. The training classes I know begin with theory, mindset & process/procedures. That knowledge is then sequentially implemented first multiple times in confined water and then again in open water. Not only is the knowledge provided to do it, the skills are practiced and executed repetitively.

I see examples of poorly trained divers with certifications every day. I'll reserve judgment on someone's abilities until I see them dive.
Of course, we all do. But that doesn't mean that "training" or even certification courses are a bad thing. By your earlier recommendations, (good) training would occur best by divers or want to be divers somehow finding and being able to vet an incredibly well qualified SCUBA mentor instructor that would teach them in an informal setting. While the idea sounds good, its completely impractical and would lead to more variable results than we have now. SCUBA certification classes are certainly not the end all be all. And I completely agree with you that just plain dive experience and informal mentoring are important. However, "formal" training is created by experienced instructors putting together a best practices framework and delivering it in a consistent manner. Again, not the end all be all but definitely the best place to start for most divers. :D
Bob, I don't want to speak for others........

I personally want to thank you for that because you certainly see things differently than are in no position to talk for anybody other than yourself IMO
Bob, I don't want to speak for others but I can't imagine that anybody else does either. But your comments, which as an instructor really surprise me, throw training as a general institution under the bus. Maybe you intended to say "bad" training instead of just training? I don't think anyone would disagree with that.

"Training doesn't really address that much, because most training classes feed their students full of platitudes like "Plan your dive and dive your plan" ... or "End the dive with 500 psi" ... without ever providing the knowledge of how to actually DO it. "

This statement is factually incorrect. The training classes I know begin with theory, mindset & process/procedures. That knowledge is then sequentially implemented first multiple times in confined water and then again in open water. Not only is the knowledge provided to do it, the skills are practiced and executed repetitively.

So how do you teach dive planning? Gas management?

I understand the training philosophy ... I'm asking about the implementation.

Let's get beyond platitudes and snide comments here ... because so far the only content I've seen from you is an article on solo diving that suggests you don't understand much about the topic.

If that's how you teach, I'm not impressed.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
I read the article and I don't agree with it. The author makes several assumptions about the quality of the certification and the training industry that I don't agree with. The author also assumes that there is no other way to get the proper training by other means.

I solo dive regularly. I choose my sites carefully. I believe it makes me a better dive buddy, ultimatley, because I am more attentive to conditions, gear configuration, and my buddies abilities when I buddy dive.

Bob, I don't want to speak for others but I can't imagine that anybody else does either. But your comments, which as an instructor really surprise me, throw training as a general institution under the bus. Maybe you intended to say "bad" training instead of just training? I don't think anyone would disagree with that.

Hmmm ... I think you do. Let's get back to the closing statements in your article ...

adventure dude:
So What is the Answer to the Solo Diving Debate
Simple really. If you are a diver who wants to dive solo, you don’t have to be inconvenienced but you do have to be trained, have a solo diving certification and use the correct techniques and equipment – especially a redundant air supply. Dive resorts, operators, instructors and divemasters need to step up and promote solo diving training and not allow people without the necessary training and equipment to dive without buddies. Then, when someone shows up to dive and flashes their solo diving c-card, we need to say, “That’s awesome; have fun. Enjoy your solo dive.”
So you would deny someone with 40 years and thousands of dives worth of experience the right to solo dive, while saying "That's awesome; have fun" to the person who's been diving for six months and has a shiny new c-card.

My issue with not just the content of your article, but the implications of it, are the assumption that a c-card is somehow going to magically transform someone into a qualified solo diver, and that without it you aren't qualified.

The problem with a solo course is exactly the same as it is with other courses ... which is that while there are some well-intentioned standards and some reasonably good material included in the class, there is little in the way of consistency in the quality of the training, which pretty much boils down to who's teaching it.

You can get away with that for most recreational classes, because ... let's face it ... an awful lot can go wrong during a typical recreational dive and you can still get out of it pretty much intact. But once you start removing the safety net ... which is exactly what you're doing when you decide to solo dive ... you reduce the degree of what can go wrong before it leads to a tragic event.

So let's talk about that class for a moment. How do they teach gas management? Carry a pony? Do they go into how to plan their dives with adequate gas reserves based on the dive plan? Or does it just boil down to "if anything goes wrong, switch to your reserve gas and go?" Stress management? Does the class give them any exercises that will determine how well they will function when they're task loaded and something goes wrong and there's nobody around to help? Do they learn ditch and don? Lost mask? Can they reach behind them and manipulate their tank valve? Can they reach their pony valve? Do they know how to make sure their redundant air is deployable if it's needed? Just carrying it won't do a damn bit of good if they can't assure it's accessible when needed.

And when do they get introduced to the notion that once they've learned a skill, they only get proficient at it by PRACTICING the skill?

And when does the class teach them anything about the importance of exercising good judgement?

Another thing that bothers me about how you're promoting it ... I really don't think the course should be promoted as a "shortcut" to learning proper buddy skills.

adventure dude:
Given the above facts from DAN, why would anyone want to solo dive? I’ve read all the Zen and hocus pocus reasons for solo diving and for the vast majority of solo divers it’s a much simpler explanation. And here it is –

It can be inconvenient to dive with a buddy.

It’s really that simple. Most divers that dive solo don’t want to be bothered with having a buddy, keeping track of another person, taking care of a less experienced diver or adjusting their dive plan for somebody else that may run low on air faster or doesn’t want to spend an hour watching a mimic octopus. Its just the way that they chose to make their dive and there’s nothing wrong with it.

What you're saying is that solo diving can substitute for diver awareness and self-discipline ... two skills that a solo diver needs MORE ... not less ... than someone who dives with a buddy.

And that's, really, what's making me uncomfortable about what you're promoting ... you're trying to sell people the course as a substitute for developing skills that they're going to need anyway.

Solo diving isn't about avoiding "inconvenience", or not having to keep track of what's going on around you, or not having to adjust your dive plan. Are you kidding me? If anything, the solo diver damn well better be more prepared than ever to do those things.

You've missed the whole point of solo diving ... which has nothing at all to do with the perceived inadequacies of the buddy system. Most people solo dive for one reason only ... because they want to. Why they want to is irrelevent. And how they can best learn the skills needed will depend on the diver. For some ... particularly newer ... divers, a class can be helpful. For others, it's a complete waste of time.

But even for the newer diver, providing them with inadequate training for the wrong reasons can, and eventually will, do more harm than good ... because it'll leave them with a false sense of security that they're more qualified than they really are. And as long as nothing goes wrong, they'll probably be OK ... but the whole point of training is to learn how to deal with things when they DO go wrong ... and being down there all alone when an o-ring blows or you get entangled in a coil of steel leader that some fisherman thoughtfully left in your way is a helluva a bad time to find out that you aren't as prepared to deal with it as you thought you were.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
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In fact, that's exactly what you said. Bob, please help me out here. You said,

"Training often doesn't provide sufficient knowledge"

Many people on SB believe that there are courses with inadequate information and skills development prior to issuing a c-card. In fact this is sort of the idea behind the solo course to begin with. Solo diving is all about self sufficiency, risk assesement and problem solving, all things that should be covered in the prerequisites of the solo diver course, making such a course redundant. (pardon the pun:mooner:)
Many people on SB believe that there are courses with inadequate information and skills development prior to issuing a c-card. In fact this is sort of the idea behind the solo course to begin with. Solo diving is all about self sufficiency, risk assesement and problem solving, all things that should be covered in the prerequisites of the solo diver course, making such a course redundant. (pardon the pun:mooner:)

As a solo instructor, it has been my experience that even divers with adequate recreational training and a thorough understanding of recreational gas management in both psi and cubic feet and know about reserving enough gas for a team to safely ascend in OOG situations, are often in error about the role additional gas such as pony bottles and buddy bottles play as part of the total gas supply.

Courses such as solo, cavern, and intro to tech may be considered "safety courses" because they may be the first experiences that even skilled divers and instructors have with technical diving concepts and mindset.
There is a subtle difference in viewing the C-card debate from the divers perspective, and the operators perspective. Much of this thread debates the value and efficacy of the course material, and whether or not it has any value. Will a solo course on its own turn a less skillful, panicky, and inexperienced diver into someone able to handle any crisis on their own without issue? Of course not. In the same vein, will such a course have any value at all to someone with hundreds or thousands of dives and years of experience, who already dives solo? Likely not. Should such a diving veteran be required to take said course, of course not, if viewed only from the perspective of the diver.

I think the major benefit of the course is from the operators perspective, not the divers. Requiring the card gives an operator, who wants to support customers desires to dive solo, some modicum of protection in today's legal world. That's the whole point of the course. It is not about making well trained solo divers, it is about protecting operators. If the divers are well trained, that's a bonus. The buddy system, whether right or wrong, has become an ingrained part of recreational diving certification among the large majority of agencies. We live in an overly litigious culture, whereby any operator is at risk of a lawsuit just by the nature of his business. If an operator is going to stick his/her neck out even further and support divers who wish to solo, and in order to do so requires a course to dive solo off their boat, or in their quarry, because they are concerned about a lawsuit, I'll say no problemo. Who cares if the course is perfect, or even useful? It is a means to an end, which is the ability to dive solo.

Now, if you are lucky enough to live in a place where you have access to a location where you can dive solo without being dependent on someone else to facilitate it, then I fully concur with your right to balk at the concept of requiring another c-card to dive alone. Your life, your risk. But if you, like me, need to rely on either a quarry operator or dive boat in order to pursue your passion, then you need to follow their rules, and support them by taking the course so they can protect themselves and allow you to dive the way you want.
There is a subtle difference in viewing the C-card debate from the divers perspective, and the operators perspective. Much of this thread debates the value and efficacy of the course material, and whether or not it has any value. Will a solo course on its own turn a less skillful, panicky, and inexperienced diver into someone able to handle any crisis on their own without issue? Of course not. In the same vein, will such a course have any value at all to someone with hundreds or thousands of dives and years of experience, who already dives solo? Likely not. Should such a diving veteran be required to take said course, of course not, if viewed only from the perspective of the diver.

I think the major benefit of the course is from the operators perspective, not the divers. Requiring the card gives an operator, who wants to support customers desires to dive solo, some modicum of protection in today's legal world. That's the whole point of the course. It is not about making well trained solo divers, it is about protecting operators. If the divers are well trained, that's a bonus. The buddy system, whether right or wrong, has become an ingrained part of recreational diving certification among the large majority of agencies. We live in an overly litigious culture, whereby any operator is at risk of a lawsuit just by the nature of his business. If an operator is going to stick his/her neck out even further and support divers who wish to solo, and in order to do so requires a course to dive solo off their boat, or in their quarry, because they are concerned about a lawsuit, I'll say no problemo. Who cares if the course is perfect, or even useful? It is a means to an end, which is the ability to dive solo.

Now, if you are lucky enough to live in a place where you have access to a location where you can dive solo without being dependent on someone else to facilitate it, then I fully concur with your right to balk at the concept of requiring another c-card to dive alone. Your life, your risk. But if you, like me, need to rely on either a quarry operator or dive boat in order to pursue your passion, then you need to follow their rules, and support them by taking the course so they can protect themselves and allow you to dive the way you want.

A sad but somewhat true post that illustrates why some of us didn't like the OP's assurtions in his article. I think many solo divers view the course as a kind of artificial hoop to jump through and some of us solo dive partially because we reject the artificial nature of todays dive industry mindset. I also don't appreciate the fact that he tries to encourage others in the industry to adopt such policies. It just further turns the C card into an entry pass one needs to purchase and diminishes the real benefits that a course of this type, taught by a good instructor, might offer someone.

When one builds an argument on false logic, offer a simplistic solution, and suggests that solution should be foisted onto others it's no wonder there's some push back.
I personally want to thank you for that because you certainly see things differently than are in no position to talk for anybody other than yourself IMO
Thank you for your generous comments. I'll keep your council in mind.

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