Glowing review of EPL-1 for underwater use

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Just a bit of information.

I recently came across this glowing Cathy Church review of the EPL-1 for underwater use, and why she thinks it superior to Canon G11, S90, etc..

Latest News and Camera Reviews's always great to see reviews that show you made a good decision!
That is all good but the housing does not take a dome port and there are no M4:3 super wide or fisheye lenses--yet.

After the sale of several camera rigs both on this board and others and several additional eBay sales of other photos gear I am sitting on about 2,000 dollars earmarked for something above and beyond my S90/FIX but unfortunately, there is nothing--yet.

I notice that almost every photos that wins a contest or more important to me, catches my eye, is shot with the Tokina 10-17 or it is macro. I do believe the ELP-1 with the current housing and lens will be a great macro camera but right now, no dome port system and no super wide lenses restricts it's use underwater so severely that it is a NO GO for me. Since I don't sell the camera I can say that as I have no vested interest in promoting an item.

A "system" at the price point we are talking with this camera but be exactly that--a system and a system would include fisheye and ultra wide capability.

Yes, I realize one fellow has made his own ports etc, that is fine, I would prefer to just buy it over the counter.

Please Olympus, FIX, Sea and Sea, Ikelite, address these few remaining shortcomings.

Zen Underwater has already shown a 100 mm dome port for the Olympus 9 to 18 mm which has a 100 degree angle of view on the wide end for around $499.00. A dome port for the Pany 7 to 14 is sure to be coming. Pany has an 8 mm fisheye being announced next week and Oly has one coming next year. A 10 to 17 Tokina on the 4/3 sensor would not work all that well.

Phil Rudin
There is no perfect system. There are other 4/3 options...I just got a Seatool dome port for my Panasonic GF-1 with 7-14 lens. I'll see how it does in a few weeks. 10bar also offers a dome port for the EPL-1 in their housing.
I notice that almost every photos that wins a contest or more important to me, catches my eye, is shot with the Tokina 10-17 or it is macro.

I did a survey of wide angle photos in Wetpixel Quarterly last fall, and was surprised by the results. There were 13 photos shot with prime fisheye lenses, 3 photos shot with the Tokina 10-17, and 4 photos shot with rectilinear lenses. Here are the results:

9 photos taken with the Nikon 10.5mm fisheye on crop-sensor cameras (D200, D300, D2x, D80)
3 photos taken with the Canon 15mm fisheye on full-frame cameras (Canon 5D)
1 photo taken with the Sigma 15mm fisheye on a full-frame Canon 5D

3 photos taken with the Tokina 10-17 on crop sensor cameras (D2x and D300)

1 photo each taken with the Nikon 12-24, Nikon 17-35, Nikon 14-24 and Canon 14mm rectilinear lenses.

Based on this, I built my E-P1 housing to work with an MMF-1 adapter and the very fine Olympus Four-Thirds 8mm fisheye lens.
I did a survey of wide angle photos in Wetpixel Quarterly last fall, and was surprised by the results. There were 13 photos shot with prime fisheye lenses, 3 photos shot with the Tokina 10-17, and 4 photos shot with rectilinear lenses. Here are the results:

9 photos taken with the Nikon 10.5mm fisheye on crop-sensor cameras (D200, D300, D2x, D80)
3 photos taken with the Canon 15mm fisheye on full-frame cameras (Canon 5D)
1 photo taken with the Sigma 15mm fisheye on a full-frame Canon 5D

3 photos taken with the Tokina 10-17 on crop sensor cameras (D2x and D300)

1 photo each taken with the Nikon 12-24, Nikon 17-35, Nikon 14-24 and Canon 14mm rectilinear lenses.

Based on this, I built my E-P1 housing to work with an MMF-1 adapter and the very fine Olympus Four-Thirds 8mm fisheye lens.

OK, make that almost every winning photo is a fisheye or ultrawide angle regardless of the brand of lens.

I am like inches from buying an ELP-1 just for surface use alone irrespective of the underwater thing. It is a really nice camera, perfect size, good ergonomics, very fast shooter when in manual focus, in auto focus however it shoots about as fast as my S90. I wonder how the vf works with it, has anyone looked through the electronic vf?

OK, make that almost every winning photo is a fisheye or ultrawide angle regardless of the brand of lens.

Sorry for any confusion, but I was only looking at wide angle photos when I made that list. I ignored any photos shot with a lens with a focal length over 35mm.

I was trying to get data to answer the question, "what's the best lens for wide angle underwater photography?" instead of the question, "what's the best lens overall?"
There is going to be a return volley from Canon and Nikon. Nikon get's it's sensors from or trades technology etc with Sony and Sony is introducing an EVIL this summer, sooooo----- and there have been several Nikon hints of something as well. I am just going to sit tight a bit since I have a new camera already while the M4:3 and EVIL wave builds into a tsunami. There will be a ELP-2 you know. This whole spectrum of sub size interchangeable lens cameras is going to be the hot market I betcha and FIX, Patima, Ikelite and others will have to jump in the water or shrivel on land. So, me, I am going to hold off another bit as much as I am impressed, very much, with the M4:3 Oly. Personally I like the M4:3 (EVIL) format better than a larger APSC EVIL but we shall see.


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