Dangerous Crossing

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It is not a question of which boat it was, it is a question of if the registration number on the boat was accurate.
the article says:
Now, after the sinking of the Captain authorities and the Marine Stewardship try to hide that it was a glass bottom boat and do not want modified further investigation because they know that the boat sunk data do not correspond to the officially settled 2304001014-6 enrollment, which does not belong to this town but the real "Living Underwater", a dive boat which began its days as the "Aldora II" which sank last last summer and now is relegated to a ground on the banks of the natural marine Caleta

Not sure how true that is but it indicates that maybe they want to spare themselves any embarrassment of the public finding out the boat that sunk actually had the wrong registration.

You can not transfer such permits and registrations as well as officers and authorities of the Defense and Federal Maritime Cozumel, by Genaro Escalante Medina, and the Port Authority, headed by Eduardo Meixueiro Mancisidor, they would have realized immediately that the boat that called themselves the "Living Underwater" 2304001014-6 enrollment was actually the "Nora Gabriela" enrollment 230410161-4 since it is assumed that they have control and make daily inspections of vessels in the docks to check carry radios, vests and documents in order, plus the boat must give notice of his departure for the coast to the Port Authority for the case of an eventuality, as it happened.

It says right here you can't change the permits without prior approval. This also tells me that the boat that sank actually had the registered numbers of the former Aldora2 presumably illegally. In other words it was the boat Nora Gabriela running with a different boats registration. Right?

After further research I think they are mistaken in that article saying they thought that boat was the Nora Gabriela. I think they are unaware that the new Scuba Mau with just Mau bought/rented this boat in Dec and there are pictures of them fixing it up.
See Here posted early in the thread:

BTW here is a picture of the glass bottom covered up:
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This is what I would like to know too, like I said, I'd like to know the details of there inspections and the requirements. Without knowing those details it's hard to say really how negligent anybody is if at all.

Would an inspection have tagged the boat as only able to cruise close to shore? Would it have flagged them with the harbor master and if they were required to tell the harbor master where they were going would have have denied them? I'm sure one of the dive operators here knows all these details about how it works.

The articles point to modifications to the boat, changing of names, pay offs etc... it's Mexico, how illegal is any of it actually? If so what are the punishments? a 100 peso fine? Jail time? I'd think it's the former before the latter.

Gross negligence? Illegalities? Still hard to say. However, tried in the court of public opinion, it's pretty easy to personally draw your conclusions in regard to whom you're likely to contact to go diving with or not.

Shoestring is as shoestring does. A small factor why I dive with whom I dive with, they cost more, but I know at least they should have enough profit to maintain their equipment and provide for my safety.
Good questions and views. I did get caught up in the drama and speedy attempt to convict the dive op based on rumors, poor translations, and a known vendetta - but if the dive op or someone he trusted falsified things and sacrificed safety - we have to hope that such can't be allowed to happen again. It was a very scarey accident for all involved.
Mike said:
Shoestring is as shoestring does. A small factor why I dive with whom I dive with, they cost more, but I know at least they should have enough profit to maintain their equipment and provide for my safety.

Well put Mike and ditto here.

I wonder if anyone has ever stood on a dock, looked at the situation, and said, this is not safe?

Jen thank you, for the PM, my words were "cleaned up" so to speak, yours were not, but all's forgiven. It wasn't meant as a personal attack, sorry.

This incident should have never happened. Look for villains all you want. Thank God no one was pulled down with that piece of junk.

Glad everyone is ok, a lot to be learned from this, think about it the next time you head out.
Oh my lookie what I just found......a video of that boat and it's underside.......I think maybe the Port Captain may want to see this.......

Family Fun @ Scuba Mau | Facebook
It's a video of some boat with Scuba Mau on it, and a glimpse of the bottom. If you saw an ID or a glass bottom, perhaps you can post screen shots as I did not.

I am not out to defend anyone who may have broken rules and endangered people, getting to the truth and let the chips fall is fine, but quick convictions based on glipses and rumors don't work.
It is dated Jan 6, looks exactly like the boat they were fixing, has the same brand new motor, same picture and letters on the side, and the bottom looks like it is squared down the side indicating what would look like a modified or glass bottom.
BTW it has nothing to do with quickly convicting anyone, the investigation is obviously confused as to exactly what vessel went down. That not only shows them but gives brief views of the bottom and a brief view of the area where the registration number is. It is very bright with sunlight but I am sure it could be edited to show the numbers.
Does the article really add anything? Had we not come to the conclusion that someone switched the numbers on the boats and that they were in the old Scuba Mau glass bottom that had be somehow retrofitted?

Does it also sound like Por Esto has been reading Scubaboard?
Had we not come to the conclusion that someone switched the numbers on the boats and that they were in the old Scuba Mau glass bottom that had be somehow retrofitted?

I am not sure that this point was established as fact. Highly likely perhaps. I am still uncertain about possible account differences where in one report water come over the stern and apparently caused the sinking and in another (possible recollection errors) that there was a failure somehow related to the glass bottom. Perhaps both are right and one (glass bottom failure) lead to the other (water over the stern).

I do know that Google translated reports have to be taking with appropriate skepticism and even first hand accounts might be a bit different based upon what a person saw and when.
I would have posted a reply sooner but had some Internet issues yesterday with all the storms.

I just want to say a couple of things and then be done with it, as I will not speculate on boat construction, permit rules, the port authority, the harbor master and the validity of statements printed in the local tabloid, Por Esto!

First of all, I want to apologize to Darol for a bit of a knee-jerk reaction to his comment about "karma". (I sent him a private message with my apologies but also wanted to state it here). I will also go back and edit out my comment. Thank you for understanding. Having spent the last two days with two of my friends that survived this, I can say my emotions were raw and I had just heard that a certain person (who also created a fake identity here: ceynote69) had taken great pleasure in privately messaging two of the people involved with this accident with the words: "ever get that sinking feeling" and "karma". I can not even imagine what type of person could possibly take delight in a boat sinking, almost claiming nine human lives. You need to move on Heath and start to heal. Perhaps some anger management and grief counseling might be in order to help you through all this. I wish you no ill harm, but I can not help but wonder why you do what you do and what motivates you.

Secondly, I wanted to say how impressed we were with the response of all involved when the distress call went out here in Cozumel. Everyone came to the ready, and there was good communication between the Port Authority, the Harbor Master and the Navy. They jumped into action quickly and they also were in communication right away with the crew of the ICE (according to the captain) as they were given the green light to take part in the search. I also want to thank our good friends with Opal's Dream, who, in the middle of a working day, sent two boats out to search for survivors and never hesitating for one moment to get out there and make sure to do whatever they could to find our friends. God bless you boys. We love you!! Thanks too to our friends at Dive Paradise who were on the ready and thanks to Apple for keeping me calm and in communication with what was going on. the same for Mau, who was constantly on the phone with us. Thank you!!!

Repeatedly, I see major confusion here about two completely separate dive accidents involving two completely separate dive shops.

Mauricio (Mau) had been gone from Scuba Mau several months before the tragic dive accident that took the life of our friend and owner Opal Cohn and injured our friend Gabriel Silva (Dive Master for Scuba Mau) and another diver, Heath Hood. At the time of the accident, the shop associated with this dive accident was operating under the name Scuba Mau. Mauricio, who is an instructor, was running a completely separate dive operation with a completely separate staff for the past several months. The two dive operations were completely separate and were in talks between the two as to who was entitled to use the name "Scuba Mau". I was diving with both shops at the time, sometimes with Scuba Mau and sometimes with Mauricio. (I refuse to speculate or get in the middle of what happened in their personal lives and it is not relevant to either accident.) I don't see how some of you here want to repeatedly crucify these shops and its employees because of two completely separate incidents involving two separate boats, owners, staff and crew. By the time the second incident took place, Mauricio had been operating his dive operation for nearly a year. (Am not sure of the exact date.)

FACT: I do not have any financial interest in ANY dive shop here on the island. Outside of diving, the only time I have ever given money to a dive shop was to Scuba Mau (who is NOW Opal's Dream) and gave it directly to the boys at the shop to help with bills there while they were desperately trying to reorganize. This small amount of money was a personal donation and there were no strings attached and I expect no repayment, unless they want to throw a free tank or two my way some day! <wink>

FACT: I have only been on the boat that sank twice and I was not aware of the construction, nor would I have even thought to ask about it.

FACT: i have been aware in the past, that there are only a certain amount of park permits given out and that when a boat is retired or out of commission it is common practice for the permit to pass on to another boat but that name of the permit has to stay the same. i can't even begin to speculate on this one.

FACT: According to my somewhat fuzzy memory, I can count approximately 10 times (all on small boats) with 4 different dive operators (some large companies and some small) that have made that crossing to go and dive in Playa in the past 15 years.

It still amazes me that some posters here DEMAND for statements that will never be completely accurate and will be based on personal opinion and conjecture and when they do post about their personal experiences, the very ones that make the demands are the very ones who claim that it's not enough and insinuate that there is some kind of cover-up and imply that these dive operations are somehow dangerous.

If you want an OFFICIAL report, get your butt on a plane and come down here and talk with the port authority and the harbor master and the Mexican Navy and stop relying on the media for your TRUTH and stop demanding that the people who were on the boat speculate on what happened and how it happened to satisfy your sense of entitlement.
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