Blue Heron Bridge Trolls

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Can I use my lionfish hotel after netting?

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yes. No spears, but nets are ok. hotels are OK for transport..
Couldn't get a buddy to dive with me this afternoon. So I said screw it and went alone. 2.5 hour dive, good vis. only got tangled in my flag line once. haha

My girlfriend and I where out there today. First time at BhB. Was pretty neat though we didn't go under either bridge. :) Her cert ocean dive is Sunday and wanted to work on her buoyancy in open salt water.

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While I disapprove of molesting the sea life that would have made for great video:catfight:.
We had one burst from hiding in the swim area as we crossed over it.
It swam high and fast off the bottom with me paralleling it trying to get low and shoot up, I was so focused that I was totally unprepared when a second smaller stargazer burst free and began to do what appeared his/her dammest to mate.
When the larger one buried again (due to a barracuda) the smaller had to settle for digging in a few inches away.
Hopefully for a more intimate encounter sans video lights.....
:DWhat was the vis like today?

and "tenterhooks".....

on tenterhooks in suspense, anxious, on edge, keyed up, in an agony of doubt, with bated breath He was still on tenterhooks waiting for a decision to be made.

Now, I never woulda pried him up, except once when I had found one still buried, I waved a passing diver over to show him, and *he* immediately dug the thing up. *And*, this diver happened to be one of my photographic heroes. So, I've come to assume this to be standard operating procedure for gazers of stars. And, I still think Kepler probably murdered ole Tycho Brahe. And, that reminds me. The first one I ever found buried turned out to also have a much smaller one come un-buried and take off when he did. That one also shocked me (well, not literally).

The viz was great again yesterday, though with plenty of particulate and no shortage of moon jellies. Also noted some smaller, similarly colored jellies, but their shape and swimming style was much different. Fortunately, I have no idea whether these small ones sting. Have seen enough different and interesting stuff on this trip that I'll likely return next weekend. Just getting started with the pics from yesterday, but here's a couple. I'm getting a hint, now, for why they call them orange spotted filefish. And, if this dern software woulda let me upload the photo, I could show you why. Must be time to reboot (again). . .

---------- Post added August 17th, 2013 at 08:35 AM ----------

Let's see how the software acts now. Nope, still won't accept the pics. Just get a red exclamation point.
As a photog, I am totally against moving critters so I can take a photo. the movement of critters may cause it's death.
now I'm on tenterhooks waiting to see these pictures:D

I try to not molest the critters beyond giving some a good tan from my video lights:shakehead:
now I'm on tenterhooks waiting to see these pictures:D

I try to not molest the critters beyond giving some a good tan from my video lights:shakehead:

I guess it ain't gonna happen. Doesn't want to upload for me from this puter today. Did see a full sized nurse shark whiz by on the west side late yesterday afternoon. Oh, and one of those oddly colored, dark, juvie (scrawled?) filefish just before the nursey went by. Oh, and a grand total of one dully colored little seahorse just before exiting. Oh, and a very active octopus hunting on the west side of the west wall. Biggest octo I've seen out here and he was constantly changing colors, especially as the damsel fish kept attacking him. Oh, and an octo who seemed to be trying to find a way to get his clam inside his beer bottle. :D
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