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Dallas, TX
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I will be in Italy September 5 - September 22, this is my first time to Europe. Not sure what to pack/wear, I've heard you don't want to "Look" like a tourist? We will be going to Rome, Venice, Capri, Napels, and Florence. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

The island of Sardinia offer great dives, have done 10 days diving last July, beautiful clear water and lots of marine life, a very good spot in the Med. I have dived with Nautilus Diving Center located in Palau, great diving school and around 40 spots in Marine Parks.
In September, you can expect temperatures to be in the 70s/80s as it is the end of summer in Italy. It may get cooler in the evening towards the end of your trip and further north such as in Venice. You shouldn't have a problem looking like a tourist in Rome, Venice, Capri, and Florence as there are thousands of tourists every day. You may want to keep a lower profile in Naples as petty crimes are more frequent. Basically, if you don't want to look like a tourist, you should wear casual dressy clothes such as you would wear at a corporate job (no sweatpants, sweatshirts and/or odd colors such as pink and orange). Sneakers are ok, especially if you want to do a lot of walking. You may be able to get some good diving in Capri. There are some really nice caverns. Enjoy your trip!
Basically, if you don't want to look like a tourist, you should wear casual dressy clothes such as you would wear at a corporate job (no sweatpants, sweatshirts and/or odd colors such as pink and orange). Sneakers are ok, especially if you want to do a lot of walking.

Well, a tourist is a tourist, and it's almost impossible to look like something else. It's a matter of details, not only clothes.

My question for scubaag03 is "why"? What's wrong with looking like a tourist?

In any case, about temps, the maximum temperature in september in the day could be something between 21 °C and 28 °C. In the night you can have 12 °C - 18 °C.

I just returned from Italy where I did a little diving with my son. We dove in Cinque Terre which is a special protected marine area and just at the French / Italian border from the town of Menton.

We dove twice in Mentone (which is just over the border in France) with an outfit from Ventimiglia that was absolutely fantastic from great staff to great rental gear. It's run by Manuela and Luca. They seem to be able to handle most languages and had newbies (like us) to very serious folks. Their details are below:

Apparently the rules of this board don't allow me to post URLs because until I've made 5 posting (not clear how I'm supposed to help someone find a good operator) so I'll give the phone number, the name and the core element of the web address and you can google it.

Manuela & Luca
Pianeta Blu
cell. +39.335.8155703 - 347.1012896
skype: pianetablu
google for pianetablu

The other dive that we did was at Cinque Terre. There is only one authorized dive operator permitted to dive in the Marine Protected area. Do not be confused by others that have Cinque Terre in the name or URL. The only authorized dive operator is Associazione Diving 5 Terre, google for 5terrediving - phone 3900187920011. They too can handle English.
There is only one authorized dive operator permitted to dive in the Marine Protected area. Do not be confused by others that have Cinque Terre in the name or URL. The only authorized dive operator is Associazione Diving 5 Terre, google for 5terrediving - phone 3900187920011. They too can handle English.

Who gave you this information?

As far as I know, there are others diving center who can bring you to the Marine Protected Area.

Take into account that such a limitation is a violation of the commercial rules in Italy: every diving center would have the same rights. I found several diving in the Cinque Terre:

5 Terre Diving (the one suggested by you)
Circolo Subacqueo 5 Terre (in Riomaggiore too)
Centro Immersioni Teseo Tesei (in Manarola)

In addition, the diving centers in La Spezia e Levanto (many others) have the same rights to dive in the Marine Protected Area.

Please, don't send misleading information.

While I quote my virtual friend Boa Gialla (Liguria has a big variety and density of authorised diving centers and dive spots, all under the same local regulation), I have to add a call about the two guys in Mentone (Luca and Manuela): in this case Octopus' description was perfect... I spent three dive holidays with them, saving money with cheap but clean hotels in Cote Azure! and they're skilled but absolutely funny!!!!

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