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  1. C

    English-Language Book Drive for Children Organized for Dia del Nino

    If you’re planning a trip to Cozumel shortly and find yourself with a little extra room in your suitcase, consider tucking in a used, or cheap book, in English, for a child here in Cozumel. While many children learn English in school, books for children in English can often be hard to come by...
  2. C

    Looking for 2 Advanced Divers for special trip

    Greetings y'all!! We just had 2 last minute cancellations on our special Arrowsmith Banks trip. If you haven't googled it, Arrowsmith is a bank in the middle of the ocean (blue water all around) that starts at 80 ft, and has a super strong current. It's known to fisherman as a place to see...
  3. C

    Update on the new wrecks in Cozumel

    Hey y'all! I wanted to jump and and give a quick update on the two new wrecks in Cozumel. As you prolly know they sank the 2 boats on June 4th, outside of the marine park, between Sedena and the downtown ferry pier. Both boats are sitting upright and have a max depth of about 35 feet, with...
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