camping and diving

  1. Bookmon

    Devil's Den

    Just completed trip to Devil's Den. Diving a cenote was fun. Knowing how old it is was cool. Many crevices to explore. A few fish, a turtle and lots of heavy textured large rocks. Dove with a shorty 3mil and was rather chilled in the 72* water. (I tend to not be cold.) Be sure to take a light...

    ScubaBoard FallFest MegaDive 2018

    All are welcome for a weekend of Diving, Camping, and Camaraderie! ScubaBoard Fallfest MegaDive 2018 Mark your calendars for Oct 26th - 28th, 2018 Come for 1 day or the whole weekend. All are welcome. This event is open to ALL dive levels, newbie, OW, all the way to full cave certification. If...
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