ear pain

  1. N

    New divers: Gear and Instructors

    Dear Divers, I posted a thread earlier about which dive computer i should get between shearwater Perdix AI and Teric, and here is what i am gonna do: my husband will get the Perdix with AI and i will get the Garmin descent MK1. We also made a pool dive appointment (before our Cozumel dive...
  2. J

    Taking medication pills while underwater

    Part of the whole big scary warning against using ear-clearing / mucous-reducing vasoconstrictors and antihistamines while diving, is that short-acting drugs can wear off, and leave you plugged up with a painful and dangerous inner ear or sinus reverse block at the end of a dive. I have to...
  3. J

    Eardrum pain from water slap?

    I am practicing learning to swim at a local community pool. I don't have any SCUBA training yet, though I may see if I can do a Discover Diving in a pool to try it. I'm slowly moving up to more advanced things. Just this last week I started practicing ways to jump in at the deep end face-first...
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