
  1. El Hefe 612

    Howdy From Minnesota

    I never know what people want to know about me. I'm very open, and I'm happy answering any questions you might have. I'm an easy-going guy, and try to look on the bright side of things. I'm a big kid at heart. The Intro: (cue ominous music) I have wanted to dive since I can remember - being...
  2. El Hefe 612

    Solved: LGBTQIA people. Is there a need for a sub-forum?

    Okay… First, I know I'm new here. Second, I'm genuinely curious. And third, I read the entire 18-page thread of the "LGBTQ Divers?" question. As a openly gay, married man I would love to have a place to connect with other gay men, women, and like-minded individuals to discuss dive travel...
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