2010 Fitness Exercise Challenge!!

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I looked on the forum, and he didn't post anything except bike riding. I would think that rowing might be ok too, if you are careful with the foot. Weightlifting too, yoga perhaps..
Rum helps the Aleve! :)
Sunday 5/23 - cycing! 30 minutes of light cycling, but enough to work up a sweat. It was sheer bliss to be moving! Huuzzzah!
How did your foot feel cycling?

Foot felt okay. I was on a stationary bike so that I could control all the variables as much as possible. Additionally, I can't wear my cycling shoes and I can't bend my foot to get into them, so I am stuck using the stationary until I am cleared to do more bending of my toe.

Also got in a swim this evening. I have to do it with a swim buoy/float between my legs and can't kick, so it was a bit more difficult than I am used to as I had to simply pull myself through the water. Managed 3/4 miles and could have done some more but was worried about overdoing it on my arms/shoulders - so I stopped. All in all - a great day!
Good to hear, glad you are trying different options.
Its quiet in here!

Tuesday 5/25/10 AM: Cycling class. Because of the foot I can't do any out of the saddle stuff, so I took it easier, simply cycling in saddle, but still doing resistance work. My instructor was reluctant to let me take class, but allowed me to after I assured him I would stop if I felt any pain. He checked in frequently and we were good to go! Tonight - swimming laps with the leg buoy.
Nice. Not much exercise, cardio at least for me for a while. Mom and Dad are flying in tonight. busy Busy, busy till they leave in a week. Will try to get a dive in on Friday morning, and we are planning a kayak paddle on Thursday night, but nothing heart pounding.

Walking barefoot or with my VFFs as much as I can trying to get the foot toughened.

Got the pool up this past weekend. So there will be some exercises there too, if only splashing around and enjoying it.
Have a great time with your family Jenny!!!

Tuesday 5/25 PM: Swam laps with my best friend. 3/4 mile with the swim buoy/float. 40 minutes. Good times. Comtrast bathing my foot and then to bed! Night all.

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