A Quick Trip Report 4/17-4/24/04

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Okay, this is my first time doing this, so bear with me, I'm going to try to keep it brief. 'Try' being the operative word.

The flight was rather uneventful, other than the fact that we got up at about 4am after only getting about 3 hours sleep and leaving for the airport at 5am. Made it to Fiesta Americana without a hitch, but we were exhausted. I mean dogmeat exhausted. The room was nice enough, with a nice ocean view. We decided to take a siesta. Some siesta, the day was gone! We got up and showered and went into town for dinner.

Dinner our first night was at Casa Denis. Great food, and cheap! and the best darn Mango Margaritas! Due to the warnings posted here I ordered a small margarita, probably half the size of their normal ones. When I ordered the second and reminded him that I wanted a small one he presented me with a shot sized margarita complete with a lime garnish. It was pretty funny. He of course promptly brought the 'medium' sized one I really wanted. We had a great time and headed home, tummies comfortably full, to get ready for the next days dives.

Day 2-
Careyitos agreed to pick us up at the FA pier. We got up and had breakfast (overpriced and mediocre) and hung out by the pier to digest and wait for the boat.

The Careyitos boat is large and comfortable with a head to boot! Tony and Ricardo greeted us as we hopped on the boat. Tony checked our C-cards and gave us a brief grilling about our prior dive experience. He told us that we'd be diving with him for the first dive and we'd see from there.

Tony gave us a short synopsis of Coz drift diving, guide rules to follow. He helped us scub our masks (with what appeared to be comet) to get all the silicone off (which he said no one really does completely) and prevent fogging. Tony was a trip, talkative, funny, lively. Ricardo was quiet and unassuming, doing yoga on the deck before each mornings first dive. Something I admired being a yogi myself.

There were 2 other 'DM's' and a full DAN kit along with a boat captian and a first mate on the boat. Ciello, Ricardo's son (as it turns out) and Aaron who's training to be a DM, but a great diver and a patient and kind dive guide. The first day the boat was nearly full. 10-12 divers, but it wasn't crowded and it was a good group, including a friend of Tony and Ricardo who took some amazing pictures that we later purchased from him.

First dive day was pretty much all of Palancar divided into the days 2 dives. On the first dive we saw probably 4 Hawksbill Turtles, a HUGE (about 6-7ft) Moray, various reef fish, some huge grouper, gorgeous coral and sponges. Drift diving was great. Fly along and see what you see.
Multi level dive (our first with computers purchased right before the trip) Max depth 78ft/66min

Careyitos is known for long surface intervals and serving a great lunch. All true. The Surface interval was spent close to shore where it was less choppy. (It was apparently unusually windy and choppy in Coz last week, though I am proud to say I didn't feed the fish!) The interval was nice and relaxing. Chatted with other divers, and laid out up top in the sun to warm up.

2nd dive Tony told us he was significantly impressed with our skills and buoyancy that we didn't need to be babysat and we could dive along with the rest of the group. We didn't need to go deep if we didn't want to, just glide along above the group as necessary (which it wasn't) We continued along Palancar. Saw many hawksbill turtles including one very large turtle (probably 4ft across it's shell) hanging vertically under a coral overhang, muching away and having lunch. He barely seemed to notice us gawking at him or everyone snapping pictures, he just wanted to eat! Lots of reef fish, some large gorgeous French Angels (do they always seem to travel in pairs or is it just me?) 1 medium sized ray (not sure which kind) seen from afar. A very large lobster, and a nurse shark.
Max depth 75ft/68 min.

I was having problems with my bouyancy for my safety stops. My body kept wanting to pop up to the surface. I was adequately weighted and there was no air in my bc, but it was a bit of an effort to stay at 15-20ft. Not sure what that was about, but I corrected it by the end of the week.

Because of the long SI, diving with Careyitos is an all day affair. We returned to the FA pier divehappy, but tired, at around 330p. The exhaustion, I think, was partially due to it being our first dive day in 6mos, and partially due to us still being wiped out from the trip down. We drank LOTS of water and took a nap.

Dinner on Sunday was at La Choza. Though highly recommended by many sources we weren't overly impressed. It was satisfactory, but nothing spectacular. Maybe we just loved Casa Denis too much! We walked around the square and looked around in the shops, but didn't stay out too late because we were diving again in the morning.

Day 3-
Woke up early and had breakfast...(see day 2)
Much to Tony and Ricardo's chagrin they had accepted a pod person and his wife. Apparently they had tryed to book another op which was full and the other op had called them and called in a favor buy asking them to accomodate the pod guy (his wife was just going to snorkel). So it was just my hubby and me, the pod guy, and another guy who drove me nutz the rest of the trip, along with Tony, Ricardo and Ciello. Aaron was stuck babysitting the snorkeler.

Dive 1 was Punta Sur. We were supposed to dive something else, but when we got there there were a few other boats and Careyitos likes to keep to themselves (which is nice) so we moved over to Punta Sur.

Did 2 swim throughs, but not Devil's throat. I know my limits as a new diver, and with the other yahoo's we were with I think they knew better. Saw a few Turtles, some rays (not eagle rays, just generic rays, Manta?) and some enormous grouper (maybe 5-6ft in length?) along with all the other usual reef dwellers. (I love seeing any and all the reef life, but if I tried to list them all here this would go on forever, which it already seems to be. So much for a QUICK trip report!)

The pod guy and the yahoo were all over the place. Swimming up under/over me, across my path as I calmly floated along or stopping dead in their tracks in front of me as I glided along with the current. UGH. Spent some air avoiding those guys.
Max Depth 88ft/45min

SI/lunch/sun/avoiding the

Dive 2 along the wall. A few turtles, a couple of rays, more great big grouper and 2 nurse sharks.

Headed back relatively happy and less tired than the day before, but we still needed a siesta before dinner.

To be continued...
"...Much to Tony and Ricardo's chagrin they had accepted a pod person and his wife."

Hi Goofygirl!
Great report. But one question. What is a pod guy?
He was a cruise ship passenger. Apparently the guy tried to book with another op, and the other op was full. The other op apparently called Careyitos and asked them to take this guy on (my guess is they were calling in an owed favor because Careyitos doesn't usually take cruise shippers)
Not happy with LaChoza.........that's extremely abnormal.
Mike- not UNhappy, just not extremely impressed. It was fine, just not as great as we were led to believe. Maybe it just didn't live up to the hype we were expecting.

Oh, and speaking of gills (reading Mike's sig) I forgot to mention that Ricardo, who led the dives, is Aquaman. I swear that dude's got gills hidden somewhere. Hardly any bubbles, no exaggeration. I'll bet it's the yoga, very good breath control and breath restriction to prolong inhalation and exhalation, but I'm tellin ya, like NO BUBBLES MAN!
Okay, back to the report...
Went to Casa Mission for dinner. Beautiful house, beautiful surroundings, pretty birds, but I did feel bad for the lions and the monkeys. They just looked so depressed. Since we had the day off from diving the next morning we had a bottle of wine with dinner They said it would be a Merlot, but it turned out to be a Malbec, which was even better! The food was wonderful, the mariachis were very talented, it was a nice romantic dinner. Hubby had a Filet Mignon that was outstanding!

Next morning slept in a bit then headed into town. Had breakfast at Jeanines Waffle House. Nice view, good breakfast (too much food really), and much more reasonable than the breakfast at the hotel. Walked around town and shopped for most of the day. Luch at Coffeelias (yummy) and the waitress (owner?) was so nice. Then headed across the street because we noticed a SPA! Spa Del Sol. We both got 1/2 hour massages which were divine, we both wished we had gotten a full hour. So the 2 jellyfishes headed back to the hotel to do some pool time.

Dinner was back at Casa Denis. Can't argue with a comfortable, casual, laid back, good food, good drinks, good service place. The waiter remembered us an sat us at the same table and brought the husband a shot of tequila on the house when he brought the check. My husband isn't generally a shot kinda guy, and definitely not a Tequila guy, but he downed it dutifully, and I think the waiter may have created a convert! Mikey likes it!

Day 4
Another dive day, but not like the others. We were surprised when the boat arrived that there was only 1 other diver besides us. The yahoo who was all over the place the other day! UGH! AND all the regulars, except Aaron and the captain and first mate, had decided to take the day off without calling to tell us or offer us a reschedule! They sent another DM, who I'm sure they had every confidence in since they trained him, but we booked to dive with Tony and Ricardo, we paid to dive with them, we were comfortable with them. If they had called to tell us they wanted to take the day off but were willing to send a replacement DM we probably would have still went diving (which is why I didn't really get upset) but I thought they should have at least called and given us the heads up and the option to cancel or reschedule.

Anyway, why make a stink. Any day on a diving vacation is better than a day at work!

Dive 1 was Punta Tunich through Yucab and Tormentos. The yahoo kept gettting in my face again and was making me suck air and continually flip him the underwater bird and scream and grumble through my reg. At one point the DM dropped just over the wall to look at something and point it out to the yahoo and I stayed at the edge of the drop off because they guy was pi***ng me off so much. Aaron thought that I couldn't drop for some reason and was taking a 2lb wt out of his belt to offer me extra wt. I waved him off, I don't think he got it.

All the swimming to avoid the yahoo, (I swear if he wasn't stopping dead, or crossing in front of me he was up my @$$!!!) I sucked air. And even if I hadn't I just plain didn't want to continue the dive, so I signaled to Aaron that I was going to safety stop and surface. Aaron surfaced with me and asked me if I was okay. His english isn't great (good enough, but not great) and I vented to him that the yahoo was really driving me nutz! I mean, it's a GREAT BIG OCEAN, why does he have to be up my butt!!! He just kind of said 'oh, as long as you're okay' and I hailed the boat and he went back down.

We did see a spotted eel, large grouper, an enormous green turtle from about 10-15ft away, and a rock fish.
Max depth 78/38min

My hubby was the next one up (thank goodness) and I told him that I'd be skipping dive 2 because I didn't want to end up in a Mexican prison for underwater homicide. I told the DM that my ears were bothering me and I was going to skip the next dive. He looked puzzled, but got the point. I wonder if Aaron told him what was really going on.

What's worse is the guy was annoying on the surface too! Too much to go into and no use dwelling on the negative.

Since they guy got to me so much, and they were passing the hotel on the way to the next dive site I asked them to drop me off, which they did. Thank goodness because my hubby said I would have hated the last dive. It was at Las Palmas? and he said that though the max depth was 73ft right at the beginning of the dive, but most of the dive was spent around 20-15 feet. I'm sorry but that's a snorkel site! Plus he said there were lots of boats and stuff around, which being so shallow for most of the dive would have freaked me out! Plus having to deal with yahoo. OY!

I could actually see the boat from my palapa on the the FA 'beach' the whole time they were on the 2nd dive. I met my hubby at the pier and we spent the rest of the time poolside since they got back early for Careyitos since they didn't do their typical long SI and the 2 dives were shorter than typical Careyitos dives. I guess while the cat's away...

To be continued...
Interesting. You loved Casa Mission and not overly impressed with LaChoza. Usually the other way around. Casa has very nice surroundings. They rescused the lions so they are far better off than they found them.

Nice report. I always make my first evening meal at Casa Denis. I really look forward to sitting out front and enjoying the plaza. The waiters are always friendly and the food is great at a fair price.

Sorry you had to deal with the idiot diver. I am glad the scubaboard members do not have to visit you in mexican jail hell.

Looking forward to part 3...

Interesting. You loved Casa Mission and not overly impressed with LaChoza. Usually the other way around. Casa has very nice surroundings. They rescused the lions so they are far better off than they found them.
While I love La Choza, especially the garlic dip and the margaritas, I'd say you have to be a little careful what you order there. You want to stick to the specialties and not the specials. Anything the make regularly is wonderful but last time I was there I ordered one of the specials wich was swordfish with a garlic butter sauce that was mediocre at best.

Now the chicken mole on the other hand...
James Goddard:
While I love La Choza, especially the garlic dip and the margaritas, I'd say you have to be a little careful what you order there. You want to stick to the specialties and not the specials. Anything the make regularly is wonderful but last time I was there I ordered one of the specials wich was swordfish with a garlic butter sauce that was mediocre at best.

Now the chicken mole on the other hand...

For me, it's the fish in mustard sauce... <drool><gurgle>

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