A request to the "new" DIR advocates

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Mike and Paul,
If you are here because you were anointed on Quest by a "challenge" to be missionaries to the unwashed masses, then I'm not interested. If fact, I'm insulted by your philosophy and marketing approach. It's pretty obivious that GUE is an agency that's agressively trying to carve off it's market share.
When Paul disputes Dr. Powells Decompression information and references George as an authority to dispute Dr. Powell's research, it's like comparing a little leaguer to the majors.
When I walk into EE and hear GUE instructors being yelled at like they were children, I realize that this isn't a cult I want to be programmed into.
The DIR equipment configuration makes sense. The skills are what we all aspire to, but drop the arrogance.
I'm not baiting nor am I anti-DIR. I'm just a Diver.
Dive Safe,
pt40fathoms once bubbled...

REALLY? Its been my experience that nice people don’t act like jerks when the opportunity arises. To quote a very good saying, "Integrity; is doing what’s right when no one is watching". The anonymity of the Internet shows just how little integrity some people have.

Yes really. One of the truly nice guys I've ever met. In fact upon meeting Popeye, and he really didn't know who I was, his words were " we're down at the end please help yourself to any food we have because people who ask make me nervous. Me casa, su casa. Nice to meet you" THis was my first meeting with the guy and his first words to me are to help myself to whatever he brought and that asking was not necessary.
If you idea of a good guy is different, I'll stick with mine.
Internet personas are just that.
I agree that his style is somewhat forward, but I would dive with him any day of the week.
Also his internet persona is quite different than reality.
I could be wrong here, but I'm under the impression that this Popeye person and the oh-so-pleasant person we just had a run-in with are two different people.

Could that be why one person thinks he's really nice and somebody else is saying he was threatened by this person?
I believe you had a run-in with the Airhog aka Mick aka Pumpkin aka TekDiveGuy aka SirHogoFair aka (well you get the point... he changes his email address in rec.scuba every other day to make sure that he gets past peoples killfiles )

Its hard to tell him and popeye apart because Airhog worships popeye.
chrpai once bubbled...
I believe you had a run-in with the Airhog aka Mick aka Pumpkin aka TekDiveGuy aka SirHogoFair aka (well you get the point... he changes his email address in rec.scuba every other day to make sure that he gets past peoples killfiles )

Its hard to tell him and popeye apart because Airhog worships popeye.

Painter is right. Mickey (Airhog, etc) was the one who went verbally postal here. He and Popeye are not the same person. Popeye is generally engaged in constructive debate; Airhog is generally hurling insults and wishing people die.
dad6b once bubbled...

Painter is right. Mickey (Airhog, etc) was the one who went verbally postal here. He and Popeye are not the same person. Popeye is generally engaged in constructive debate; Airhog is generally hurling insults and wishing people die.

Then the person that Laser met that day would fall into the catagory of someone who is a worth getting to know both on and off line.

I still however maintain what I said in the previous post about integrity. Unfortunately the annonimity of the internet makes it difficult to know if you are talking to the same person from one day to the next. It's one of the reasons I prefer a moderated and controlled board such as this one. It's not impossible to log on with changed ID and cause trouble. It's just that it wont last very long.
Doof once bubbled...
I could be wrong here, but I'm under the impression that this Popeye person and the oh-so-pleasant person we just had a run-in with are two different people.

Could that be why one person thinks he's really nice and somebody else is saying he was threatened by this person?

No, I don't think so. I've heard other people who met Popeye say that they liked him and he behaves himself very well on this board from what I've seen. Maybe he is ok, I wouldn't know. Frankly the thought of never meeting him doesn't make me lose any sleep. I suspect that Popeye and I are just each other's evil twin. In any case we share zero common ground on the policitcal spectrum. I'd say if you want to get a glimpse of how this guy is put together you should start a thread called something like this:

"IRAQ Victimized by lying US President and his sock-puppet Blair--Weapons of Mass Destruction don't exist."

I'm not seriously suggesting we do this on this board but if you want a laugh then post something like this on rec.scuba and watch the fireworks. If you try standing your ground on the issue then you'll enrage him and an enraged Popeye is not a pretty sight.

Diver0001 once bubbled...

If you try standing your ground on the issue then you'll enrage him and an enraged Popeye is not a pretty sight.


Yes if you stand your ground on a disagreement with Popeye, he becomes very mean and nasty. He's no angel.

chrpai once bubbled...

Yes if you stand your ground on a disagreement with Popeye, he becomes very mean and nasty. He's no angel.


He come after me pretty hard but (on this board) he seems to engage in normal conversation from what I've seen of his posts where he isn't talking to me. He just doesn't like anything I have to say. LOL

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