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Just found reference to this BB posted on Rodale's BB so I thought I'd pop in and see what you guys are up to. Although Rodales tried to erase the mention of this site I read the post first! Im here to stay and will not be returning to a site like Rodales that would rather HIDE someplace with the right answers than try to help.

I'm from Sydney and dive mainly the NSW coast of Australia, plus I do a lot of Diving in Fiji, where bought a little piece of it before the Coup, it's overlooking Beqa Lagoon.
Was going to build but not so sure now.

If you want to know about diving in Fiji or are planning to, I'd be happy to help out with any advice regarding Live-aboards or resorts that specialise in Scuba.

Hope to share with you some interesting dive stories, so as a friend of mine says- "Stay Golden"

hey! one of my buddies and i are planning on heading down to Cod Hole and maybe Lizard Island as soon as final exams are over on Dec 14th! We were thinking of doing a week on a live-abouard and a week in say, Northern Queensland.
any idea on good boats? photo spots? topside or bottom?
How's it going Mike?

I spent a year in Northern Queensland, and for your weeklong liveaboard I would highly recommend Undersea Explorer, they run more out of the way trips out to Osprey Reef via the Ribbon Reefs and Cod Hole. My Girlfriend spent a week on there last year as hostess and had an absolute ball. Check out their Web site just look-up Undersea Explorer on Yahoo.

Have a top time
Hi Mike,

You can also find contact information for Undersea Explorer at Scuba Directory . Just click on this link and you will find all their contact information and a link to their website.

Good luck on your trip.

i appreciate the info! I have never been to Australia and only recently looked at a few guidebooks and maps! I didn't even know where Sydney was in relation to Brisbane or Cairns or Canberra! That Great Barrier Reef is a helluva big structure!!

some of the guidebooks mention that there are some areas closer to the coast where although the viz is not the best, the critters are phenomenal. Anyone have firsthand experience on those sites?
Heya Wiz,

If you have any articles or photos about diving in those areas I would be more than happy to post them around our site. Ive always dreamed about diving down there and love to hear about it. If you are interested just let me know.


My son lives in New Zealand now and we want to go visit him (as an excuse to go diving of course) We will have two or three weeks vacation available. He says the diving in NZ will be pretty good in January but I find that Fiji diving is not so good in Jan. He says the NZ diving in June is quite cold but I find that the Fiji diving in June is warm. We dont want to do cold water diving and if we are going to spend all that time, effort and money, we really want a top diving experience. We have the last week of December and first two weeks of Jan available or end of May to end of August. Do you have some suggestion for this dilemma? Thanks

What have you found out about diving there for that time of year? Just curious.


BULA, My best friend and I lost a 2.5 million dollar deal in Fiji that we worked on for almost 2 years because of the Coup. We were 10 days from Flying there to close a 400 acre land deal when it started. Lucky for us it was not AFTER we bought the land! We lost 2 of our backers for the resort but we may proceed later. I have not followed it much lately but alot of people say things are back to normal, I don't beleve that at all! I will go back to dive some time next year but my new business has me booked for the next few months. Glad to hear from another diver who loves the Fiji islands. By the way this weekend we are having a KAVA party at lake house. My buddy Paul is going to Korea next week for 6 months and had his lady friend send us some Root. He spent 2 years living in Ovalau and now has a kinda family there. Let me know about the situation there now. Thanks, J.P.

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