Anyone fancy a dip?

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Scuba Jim

Reaction score
In a field in Kent
Great shot. I will pass on the dip though.

was this a natural aggregation or was someone chumming the sharks?

Photo was taken from topside and not by a diver?
That's gotta be chumming. Look at all the sharks in the middle. Looks like I have a new wallpaper. Hope you don't mind Jim.
for my late response guys and gals!

I posted the image and my first reply just before leavcing the office on Friday evening and so did not see the responses until today (Monday)

Well, as the few people on the Scubaboard who have been to Bikini will confirm, the sharks aat Shark Pass are an unusaly congregation of said beasties. They are massed at the back of the boat as soon as you arrive - they are attracted by the sound of the engines not by food.

However they take some old fish heqadd and stuff along for the fun of doing sa shark feed. There is NO WY you would get in the water with these guys. They are naturally aggressive, and as as you put any appendage in the water they are at it.

This picture was taken by dangling my camera in the water for a split second, taking the shot and then whipping it out again before the pesky critters grab it and me!

The only way I would go in the water with these guys is in a cage, especially as there are also some large silvertips way below and there are also plenty of tigers in the vicinity.

Hope that answers the questions...?
in the water each time they arrive, it's more likely the sharks are conditioned to associate boat/engine noise with a meal.

Without the chum snacks, you'd probably see less curiosity and aggressive behavior from the sharks.

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