Basic gear from mid-twentieth-century Spain: Nemrod

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David Wilson

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Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Six decades ago, Spain had numerous basic diving equipment manufacturers, many more indeed than the country has now, thanks not least to its Mediterranean coastline famous for its underwater fishing grounds attracting water sports enthusiasts everywhere.

A while ago I attempted to compile a list of Spanish diving mask, breathing tube and swim fin makers from the second half of the twentieth century, coming up with the following names and, where known, their addresses:

(Catalunya). C/. Coll 59 a 61 (La Sagrera). BARCELONA-13. TEL. 394 03 58.
- COPINO (Illes balears)
- SAFARI SUB (Comunitat Valenciana). Calle del Cartón, 11, 03690 Sant Vicent del Raspeig, Alicante, Spain. 34 965 66 06 58.
- BELTRAN (Illes Balears). Vendaval, 4 - Molinar.
- INDUSTRIAS RIVER (Illes Balears). Palma de Mallorca.
- BARRAGAN (Catalunya)
- DUARRY (Catalunya)
(Illes Balears). Padre Vives, 59. Teléfono 23129. Palma de Mallorca.
- CARBONELL GIMENO (Catalunya). 2 de Mayo, 236. Barcelona. Teléfono 258343
- PRACTISUB (Catalunya)
- BCN SCUBA (Catalunya)
- METALSUB (Catalunya)
- TECNOMAR (Comunitat Valenciana)

I would welcome any input in the way of corrections or additions. I am certain that the list is incomplete. For a number of these companies I have little or no information, so please do not expect me to cover them all in these threads dedicated to Spanish basic diving gear. You can help fill the gaps here too. I should also mention that my foreign languages are French and German, not Spanish, so I will be relying heavily on Google Translate as well as my Romance-language "intercomprehension" skills based on my knowledge of French and Latin.
The present thread is devoted to Spain's former leading diving equipment manufacturer Nemrod. I expect everybody here will know the name "Nemrod" and may well have dived using the gear the company produced. I have several items of Nemrod equipment in my collection. I am no expert on Nemrod products and have come to rely heavily on the wisdom and expertise of the owner of Facebook's Nemrod Museum, who already knows everything worth knowing about the firm.

Before embarking on a review of Nemrod masks, snorkels and fins over the years, I intend today to post a potted history of Nemrod written by others.

1. Nemrod celebrates its golden wedding (translation)
Nemrod cumple sus bodas de oro
All retailers and fans of the world of underwater activities recognize the name of Nemrod as a leading brand in this specialty. Now Nemrod is celebrating no less than 50 years of existence in the sector, since that 1935 when Metzeler Nemrod, S.A. was founded.

The industrial and commercial steps taken have been many since then, consolidating from year to year the image of quality, prestige and specialization that the brand has always had. As a small tribute to this professional work, DIFUSION SPORT joins the celebration of the golden wedding of the firm of Canovellas (Barcelona) and has prepared the following report, which tries to synthesize the progression in our sector of this historic and dynamic Spanish company.

The beginnings
As we said, in 1935 Metzeler Nemrod, S.A. was created, at the request of the firm “Industrias del Caucho y Similares Sagué, S.A.” (or Saqué, S.A.), which specialised in manufacturing surgical, orthopaedic and industrial rubber goods.

Four years later, brothers Pedro and Juan Vilarrubís founded an industry dedicated exclusively to sporting goods, toys and roller skates. Their personal attention to the sea and underwater fishing leads them to start manufacturing underwater hunting and immersion items.

Focused on this last operation, the years pass until the trademark “Nemrod” is officially registered in 1945. According to mythology, Nemrod was a king of Chaldea, in Babylon, to whom the invention of the bow and arrow is attributed, also highlighting his hunting skills. In antique prints he is represented as an armed warrior and pointing with a bow in tension at an invisible target.

In that year of 1945 the first swimming fins of the brand appear. This material is immediately accompanied by regulators, as well as various elements and accessories clearly defined in the world of diving.

In 1953, the merger between the Vilarrubís and Sagué families took place, giving rise to the firm Vilarrubís y Sagué, S.A. This union significantly increases the company’s capacity, developing new product lines, such as masks, respirators and rifles.


José Amengual, advisor and collaborator of Nemrod, is considered the best underwater sportsman in the world.
The great leap of 1966
At the beginning of the aforementioned year of 1953, Nemrod launches its open circuit compressed air based diving equipment, as well as an assorted range of accessories for this activity. This was possible thanks to experiences built up after the World War, when Nemrod first manufactured an autonomous closed-circuit oxygen scuba in Spain.

In 1966 there was a new and important merger of the company, by signing a 50% partnership with the great German firm Metzeler Kautschuk (since 1974 belonging to the Bayer group). This enhances and energises Nemrod’s actions, starting with expanding its facilities, building new and advanced production plants, extending its offerings and ultimately achieving a high level of sales volume. Nemrod produces its first inflatable boats in this period.

During the period from 1970 to 1981, Metzeler A.G. increased its capital share, until it had 100% of the shares of Metzeler Nemrod. S.A.

Today we can say that Nemrod is one of the largest industries, internationally, dedicated to the manufacture of underwater material. It is one of the few with a technological base enabling it to be self-sufficient industrially in several production lines, without requiring the collaboration of auxiliary industries.

In Canovellas (Barcelona), Nemrod has a first-rate industrial plant, where 300 employees produce all kinds of underwater items, from simple children’s fins to sophisticated multi-seat hyperbaric chambers. Its 12,000 m² factory also develops programs with technical rubber parts, autonomous breathing and safety equipment (for industry, fire departments, rescue organisations, etc.).


The ill-fated naturalist Felix Rodriguez de la Fuente. In his expeditions and reports for scientific dissemination, he always used Nemrod equipment.
Technical and commercial progress
Apart from the articles mentioned when we explained the successive growth of the company, the history of Nemrod is marked by innovations and technical achievements. Already in the early stages, with the Vilarrubís brothers, the “Astoria” masks and the first speargun for underwater fishing were launched for the first time in our market.

In 1939, the first gun appears and at the end of the second world conflagration, Nemrod also launches the first mask with a snorkel. Before that, in 1943, Nemrod was the first company to manufacture swimming fins for commercial purposes.

In 1951, the Catalan firm launched the world’s first oleopneumatic rifle, called the “Admiral” and very popular at the time. In 1953, as we have already mentioned, Nemrod produces the open-circuit scuba, which increases the possibilities of marine research (in the mineral, archaeological, biological field etc.).

In 1957, with a Nemrod scuba, man descended for the first time in history to a depth of 100 m. With a block bottle loaded simply with air and a regulator (Shark III-V-2 model) it was shown to the whole world that underwater exploration no longer offered obstacles or danger.

In 1960, the Nemrod teams were chosen for certain psycho-physiological tests by a unit of “paratroopers-scuba divers” of the United States Army. It was about checking a man’s survival conditions after parachuting from a high-altitude plane and diving immediately in the water after contact. The tests provided very valuable data on the effects of pressure.

In 1966, military units of amphibian paratroopers were already operating in different countries. The most popular are undoubtedly the Americans, given their role in the rescue of astronauts after the landing of space capsules in the Ocean.

The missing naturalist Felix Rodriguez de la Fuente was also always equipped with Nemrod suits and equipment. The same as the great world champion in underwater hunting, José Amengual, who continues to use the Nemrod items in high competition. Amengual is also an advisor to the firm and technical and design aspects collaborate. He is universally recognized as the best underwater sportsman in the world (see interview in DIFUSION SPORT No. 4, 1983).


A historical photo from 1957. His footprint and the image of the grouper already say it all.


The new double-chamber hydrostatic vest (Push Lift 2000), with all known advances incorporated).
Worldwide Implementation
Since the beginning, the foreign market has been one of the objectives of the brand. The first exports were made to European countries, later to America, Asia, Africa, Oceania ... Today Nemrod is officially represented in 100 countries on five continents, and its goods are also found in many other nations of the globe.

The technology, quality and industrial capacity of Nemrod, has led the brand to manufacture and supply a varied range of products to the Armed Forces, Navy and various military units. This particular line is fully introduced in the equipment of the international military organization NATO.

With his knowledge and extensive experience in rubber production, as well as articles for diving and spearfishing, Nemrod has significantly expanded its offerings. An example - as detailed above are its technical rubber parts and the development of autonomous breathing and safety equipment for different industrial applications, including rescue bodies.

The Nemrod team and the powerful structure of Metzeler. It makes this brand based in Spain intentionally compete with the elite labels in this professional specialty. Its implementation in all markets, demonstrates the importance of its commercial impact in the sports and professional sector of underwater activities.

For this year, Nemrod has a series of very interesting new articles, following its line of progress and honouring those golden weddings that it now meets. Among the new collection, it is worth highlighting the new Octopus assembly of its regulators, a double-chamber hydrostatic vest (PVC interior and nylon exterior; rapid air evacuation and overpressure safety valve; automatic breathing nozzle; exclusive automatic inflation Push Lift, auxiliary pocket and whistle; plus bottle of 0.5 l.), As well as a robust hyperbaric chamber (a two-seater model) and the remodelling of practically all its lines, wetsuits, snorkels, fins, silicone masks, rubber masks, dry diving suits, inflatable boats of all kinds, knives, control devices, vests, rifles, regulators, fasteners, back-packs, taps and gauges, blocks (bottles) of steel or aluminium, various accessories and accessories.

An offer of the first order, to commemorate half a century of constant dedication.


Hyperbaric chamber, two-seater model, recently developed by Canovellas firm.
Here is an article written in 2011:

2. National News September 15, 2011: Safari Sub denies it will no longer distribute Nemrod products
Safari Sub niega que vaya a dejar de distribuir Nemrod

After several media echoed the rumour that Safari Sub might have stopped marketing products under the Nemrod brand, the distributor has told Tradesport that although it has brought some changes in recent months in its distribution policy, its commitment to the mythical brand will continue. After a long history, Nemrod S.A. had ceased trading in the year 2000. Marketing commercial products under the Nemrod name had stopped until Safari Sub acquired the rights to the brand.

Nemrod was founded in 1935 as a toy manufacturer. In 1941, the Vilarubis brothers joined the company and began manufacturing, in Barcelona, masks, fins and spearguns. In 1945, the Nemrod brand was registered and production of regulators began. Metzeler, which had been a Nemrod shareholder almost from the outset, was increasing its share until it reached 100% in 1981. The brand then passed through the hands of large companies, among them Bayer and Pirelli, until the Nemrod S.A. company was forced to close and auction off its assets in 2000. After a period of oblivion and the expiry of the company’s registration, Safari Sub took over the trademark rights and began to combine the distribution of its own Safari Sub brand with products sold under the Nemrod brand.

And here is a company history on the BluTimeScubaHistory website:
3. Nemrod

In 1945, Pedro and Juan Vilarrubìs Frerrando brothers found Nemrod Industrias Vilarrubìs, initially dedicated to the manufacturing of diving spearguns. The first spearguns are made with spring, with or without surcompressor followed, two years later, by the rubber Tarzan and Catapulta models. In 1953, the Comodoro pneumatic model is launched, followed by a very long series of models such as Crucero, Fragata, Galeon and, finally, the Clipper series, which will succeed until 1998, distinguishable because of their tank, which went from red to black. In parallel, the rubber speargun production expands, always more requested because of their silence action and precision.

In the meantime, Nemrod distinguishes itself as the main brand developing in Spain in this period among which Casals, Beltran, Parra, Copino; the latter, soon famous for its sophisticated spearguns.


In Nemrod catalogue, near its spearguns in 1957 the Snark III two-hose regulator appears, meant to become the longest-life regulator, being in Nemrod price list for almost thirty years. To note that the roman number in its name does not mean any sequence but the number of pressure reductions; in fact, it is the only three-stage regulator ever produced. The Snark II single-hose double-stage regulator follows, remarkable for its original shape.

In the following years, Nemrod product range broadens. In 1966, the Siluro diving camera housing is born and, in 1970, the first Venturi Power fins. The company than, expands in the USA, where imposes itself under the Nemrod by Seamless brand name. Always in the 1970, it associates to the German Metzeler family with which, at the end, it will merge. This partnership becomes one of the largest manufacturers of diving gear, exporting in more than 100 countries and, in the next ten years, its catalogues become richer and richer, with different models of regulators, tanks, suits, buoyancy compensators, fins and, a large choice of accessories.

At the of the end of 1990, after a period of decline, Nemrod brand disappears.


That's quite sufficient for today. Next time, some time midweek, we shall begin to review individual items of Nemrod basic diving equipment starting with diving masks. Until then, stay safe and keep well.
It's lucky the Spanish have a different spelling than the English "Nimrod." In the USA at least, the term "nimrod" had come to mean a fool, especially an inept fool.

This probably came about through the intermediary usage of nimrod meaning hunter. And then a mocking usage for the all too common drunken or clueless hunter.

Nemrod were associated with the Seamless Rubber Company in the USA and when their equipment was one of the biggest brands around worldwide was when that Seamless Nemrod name was synonymous with the company. Their adverts were found in US Skin Diver magazine which was for decades the "bible" of what was going on in the underwater world and in the late sixties Nemrod gear was found in many of our sport stores, the dive shop as such was yet to arrive in Australia.
Did my OWD validation dives in April 1990, on the Costa Brava in Spain. Nemrod ads were all over the place and many divers were kitted with the brand, I especially remember the 'Mae West' type BCD, bright yellow, with the archer logo.

Nemrod were also the last to sell at that the time a single stage, 2 hoses regulator (can't remember the name of the model though). I was dying to buy one (as I was already vintage mad). Alas, I was a student back then and diving was a very expensive mistress, I never had the chance to fulfill that fantasy.
I’m still using my old nemrod spg for my dilluent of my (gue) JJ ccr.

I like the display of my nemrod spg, it’s easier to read the pressure of the nemrod spg.

I don’t know how old my nemrod spg is, I didn’t buy it new. I was already the second owner.
I’m still using my old nemrod spg for my dilluent of my (gue) JJ ccr.

I like the display of my nemrod spg, it’s easier to read the pressure of the nemrod spg.

I don’t know how old my nemrod spg is, I didn’t buy it new. I was already the second owner.
View attachment 733885
Reminds me when SPG were reliable and durable... My very 1st one, a platsic Scubapro/Uwatec lasted more than 20 years and got flooded on my 1st trip ever to tropical waters (Dominica, nice memories there). It was probably too strong a change from French Atlantic or Med. Anyway, it lasted until the end of my week there.

Back home, got a new one, metal this one... Blasted after a few dives... Bought at least 3 that year. Unpleasant experience.

Concerning the colored crown, I've got one SPG with very similar markings. Italian made, can look up the brand if you want me to.

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