Blue Heron Bridge Trolls

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Okay, enough is enough let us focus on the important issues.... Those horrible public showers!!! Grrrrr I hate them!! And the ones that are just glorified "mist sprayers!" I remember the days of PVC pipe showers that would blast the skin off your body. Together we can fix this inhumane travesty!!!
Any id on the boat ????...I would love to identify this boat, and get Law Enforcement involved......and if somehow this was not illegal, then the immediate thing to do is to acquaint the Park service of this, to prevent further transgressions.
So how will they prevent further action; if this was legal?

Face the facts, Dan. We are but one part of the population that uses the bridge. We have absolutely zero right to dictate to the fisherman, instructors, swimmers, grillers, students, boaters, snorkelers, sunbathers, hobos, dive shops, tourists, beach-goers, childeren, and any other group how to use this public park- as long as their actions don't break the law. The real law, not what you think it is, or want it to be- the law that is written into the books.

Remember what I said earlier?

"The right to swing my fist ends where the other man's nose begins."
Oliver Wendell Holmes (1841-1935)

There does not seem to be any special rules about this park. While we think, and I agree, that it is special, until and unless the area is designated as a preserve, reserve, special park or given any sort of status other than "Public Park", there is nothing that can be done, except personal interactions with the offenders.

If the county wanted to invest in the park and make it better for divers, they should have dredged tons of sand from in front of the southweastern beach area, placed it on shore and under the bridge They should have excavated as deep as possible to maybe a maximum of 20 plus feet. Then placed filter fabric on the bottom, then gravel over that, then boulders over top in order to make something that is divable to a useful depth (like 15-20) feet. Sand traps could have been excavated on the east and west ends of the area so the rocks would not be buried quickly. It would require periodic dredging, but if the County really wanted to make it functional, that would be worthwhile.
So...your "solution" is to destroy the very habitat and wildlife that we divers enjoy and that has developed in this unique habitat?

Isn't this something akin to destroying the village to save it? Seriously; where do you dream up this nonsense?

You mean underwater to surface missles. :)
I'm currently looking for investors to help develop the Diver Defense Torpedo (c).
Try Kickstarter folks seem to be willing to support most any project on there. Heck, I might even invest:)

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I think if you do that; you actually have to do something. I wonder if they'd be happy with a few design drawings as a result? I know a few kids that need amusing for a few hours...

I'm more interested in people from here sending me large checks to finance continued "research" into the sound of boats from underwater, and in varied conditions and depths.
most of the area I had in mind looks to be primarily barren (shifting) sand.
Wow....You really don't know of the wildlife here, do you?
Yeah, because that's what draws all these divers...barren, shifting sand. Biminitwist, I think you have another candidate post...
Man this used to be such s happy thread about frogfish and nudis and octopus... And pictures. Now it reminds of why i don't go to church anymore.

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Nice. Glad to see somebody posting pics.
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