Blue Heron Bridge

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The OTHER Melbourne...FL
Ran into my OW instructors at the dive shop on Thursday night and told them we were looking for cheap dives and they invited us to go to Blue Heron with them on Saturday afternoon. What a great dive!!

They had a AOW student with them who was working on his final skills so they used it as an opportunity to start us on our AOW skills too since we know we're taking our class with them.

Vis was good and temp perfect. This is the first dive that I felt like my boyancy control was right on. Made for a more comfortable dive thats for sure!

Saw baby octopus, HUGE starfish all over the place, big angel fish, fish I'd call Zebras but not sure of the real name and lots and lots of little creatures I can't identify yet. Some sort of crab that looked like a big wolf spider. Saw a few jellyfish as well.

I kept thinking the whole time that this is why I wanted to dive!! How gorgeous is it underwater????

After the dive we hung out at the Brass Ring with our instructors (who we consider friends now) and some other people they introduced us too. Had a great time there too...and learned a lot more.

Between the dive and dinner with our new friends, a nice evening was was had by all. We will be making Blue Heron a regular dive spot for us. Its well worth the almost 2 hour drive for us!

Laurel- The Frog Queen

Bule Heron will be a regular dive for me. Its well worth the almost 2 hour drive for me.
Ya i like that dive too. DI dyou dive the east or west half of the bridge?

And why does it take you 2 hours to drive to West Palm from Melbourne? I live in Orlando and it only takes me a tad over 2 hours to get there.
We did the west half. Actually hoping to do it again this weekend if the tides and our schedule match up.

It was not quite 2 hours to get there. I guess we're conservative drivers (don't tell the BF I said that....his macho ego couldn't handle it LOL)

Maybe we can hook up and dive it together sometime eh?

Laurel- The Frog Queen
FLArmyBrat once bubbled... SNIP... After the dive we hung out at the Brass Ring with our instructors
Yup, gotta do the Brass Ring after a PBC dive! Nice to hear the visibility was good... I haven't been able to bring myself to return after the gross afternoon we had several months ago.

Also, friends or not, I hope you're tipping your instructors for showing you a good time.
It's one of my favorite dives. Especially when I lived in Melbourne. The only thing you need to watch out for are Fire Worms / Bristle Worms. They are everywhere and if you get stung it will ruin your day. They are small and very dangerous. Buoyancy control is a must on the Blue Heron Bridge dive because of these little creatures. One day, I'll get back down there and dive it again.
FLArmyBrat once bubbled... Uh oh...serious faux pas?? Does beer count as a tip?
Absolutely! On one BIG trip for us to the Spiegle Grove (1st post certification dive for Marvel) I picked up the tab for dinner ($60 for him & his girlfriend). I'll always pick up the tab when he sets something up out of town, and I may even pay for the boat depending on the effort necessary... of course this guy is really great to us and we enjoy his company or we wouldn't even be going. A good instructor is always working - can't help it, right Scott - and you should not take advantage. They don't make much on the lessons. Just my $0.02... YMMV of course!

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