Blue Springs (Waldron, IN) is closed till further notice

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Reaction score
Central Indiana
# of dives
200 - 499
As posted on the Blue Springs website....
Indiana Scuba – Blue Springs Premier Scuba Diving: Home

Blue Springs is closed till further notice.
Effective June 10, 2011
We are in the beginning stages of contractual litigation with one of the sellers of the property know as Blue Springs. More information to follow as it becomes available. Your support and kind words have been very much appreciated.

Latest updated information on another SB thread....

@USdiver1 - It is sad to say but yes the website is correct and has not been hacked. We are in the beginning stages of litigation against one of the sellers of the land known as Blue Springs. We are being a bit quiet as we prepare for the upcoming activities.

It is sad to say that some try to prosper of the sweat and hard work of others.

Here is just a peek...

At last note we have been call squatters and removed from the property by the sheriffs Office. On the contrary, we called the Sheriff's office to report a burglary and prevent any altercations from happening.

Items missing:
Two Honda Four Runners
1 Underwater Scooter
1 Box of wristbands
250 Office Waivers
1 Small Air Compressor
2 Scuba Tanks
1 Weed-eater
2 5 gallon tanks for fuel
1 New wet/Dry vac
and more...

To verify this statement, please contact the Shelbyville Sheriffs office. (Date compliant was made: 6/11/11)

While the other side will continue to spread lies and innuendos, I encourage all divers to dig a little deeper, talk to other volunteers that spoke to the sellers as we improved the property.

Who is Blue Springs LLC Registered to?
Who has made the improvements to Blue Springs?
Why is litigation happening at the beginning of the season?
Why do we keep saying only one of the sellers and not both?
How is it we carry liability Insurance?

Does this sound like a Squatter? Remember this is only a very small glimpse of what is going on.

For us, diving is a passion and not just another company for make money to be mad from. Once again your support and kind words have been very much appreciated.

Please consider visiting Natural Springs, France Park, Hidden Paradise or other great locations in the Midwest for all your diving activities.
Again with the posts intended to keep divers away from BLUE SPRINGS in Waldron Indiana. The quarry is OPEN FOR DIVING. I dived it this past Saturday the 2nd of July, 2011. The same people that were running it last summer are running it this summer. It is not right to keep posting this closer as it is NOT TRUE. Your childish behavior is making you look bad. Most divers don't care who owns the place they just want to go diving. Since you continue to post UNTRUTHS I can only conclude that your arguments are also false.
@ Hello MarkAnderson - Thank you for the opportunity to respond to your statement.

Blue Springs was closed by myself and is under litigation at this very moment. At last count one of the previous sellers is trying to operate as if nothing has happened. As of June 10th one of the previous sellers had divers signing waivers that had our company header and was using our liability insurance as if it was their own. The other Seller (Jack Kesler) has also requested that no diving take place.

Now this is just my take on things since I'm on the side that had equipment stolen and had my good name slandered by Nelson saying we we're squatters and was escorted off the property. To the contrary. We called the Shelby Sheriffs office and filed the report since all my equipment was stolen and as of this date is still not in my possession.

I differ from your opinion. Most diver do not want to dive just anywhere. They want to dive where they know they are getting good air, have proper safety processes in place and a clean and maintained environment. Water visibility is the most important facet of diving since it is a visual sport. I find it interesting how most of your posts around the internet are about Blue Springs and it's operations.

I'd also like to address the fact that I have not continued to make posts about the issue and have only replied to questions on the board. Even the divers that have come to me and asked what is going on receive only a top level view.

As far as the quarry being closed. I closed it, Jack Kesler (Seller) has closed it yet there is one seller that is trying to do business. He's trying to prosper of the labor of your fellow divers. We did the cleanup, built the kitup stations, built new underwater platforms, harvested underwater growth and completed the maintenance on the Airfill station. (Bank Tanks were 12 yrs out of Hydro and bird poop an oil all over the Air Compressor. I hope you liked the new Air Compressor room too since it was constructed by volunteer divers)

You also mentioned that my argument must be false. I don't think I've made any argument, just stated the facts. Please don't just take my word. Go and verify it, talk to the divers who volunteered hundreds of hours trying to provide a quality place for midwest divers to come to. Call the Shelbyville Sheriffs office and see who filed the burglary report.

Once again thanks for giving me the opportunity to address your statement.

I'd like to express my gratitude to all the divers for their support and kind words. I encourage all Midwest divers to visit some some of the other great diving locations located in Indiana, Ohio and Illinois.

Hidden Paradise
My Favorite - Natural Springs
Phillips Quarry
You say you only respond to questions but I didn't ask you any questions. I stated a fact. Blue Springs Quarry in Waldron is open for diving and I dived it on the 2nd of July 2011 after you posted it was closed. I also notice you pull my posts and any posts that don't support your position. As far as the compressor and kit up stations go I haven't purchased air from Blue Springs in years. I bring all the gas I need to dive with me. And the kit up stations? What happened to all of the ones that the scuba shack built and put around the place? I understand you did a lot of work and had other divers do a lot of work. I understand you called the sheriff and filed a report. I also understand that you are not in control of the property you claim to own and claim is closed when in fact it is still in operation. My posts are about Blue Springs and it's operations because it is my local dive hole. I only post because you post that the facility is closed and it is NOT. All divers don't care about your plans. Some divers want to dive the place regardless of what you do or think. You say you have only mentioned facts. Why isn't one of those facts proof that you actually own the place? Why are you not out there running YOUR property? Why didn't the sheriff support your position? Why haven't you done anything to stop the operations from continuing on your property? Why do you pull posts that don't support your position? Why is the only FACT you continue to point to is that you filed a police report? I'm on the side of divers who don't want to drive two or more hours to dive an overpriced quarry when there is one right here that may not be the best but it does the job. No one, including Nelson has ever said anything bad about you or even mentioned you by name. Just that a deal to buy the place fell through. You are doing enough to yourself by claiming the facility is closed when clearly it is not. Sorry things didn't turn out as you planned but claiming ownership is not the same as ownership.

- I also notice you pull my posts and any posts that don't support your position.
Reply: Didn't pull your posts, I replied to them.

- What happened to all of the ones that the scuba shack built and put around the place.
Reply: When We bought the place there were 3 Kit Up stations. 1 was removed by Scuba Shack, 1 is at N Beach, 1 is at Central Beach.

- I also understand that you are not in control of the property you claim to own and claim is closed when in fact it is still in operation.

Reply: You are correct that I am currently not in control of the facility. That is why we are in litigation. Not just civil but criminal as well. All "Signed" contracts give me the rights to do operations. That includes closing it. There are a lot of things going on that I would like to share with everyone but can't until we have concluded litigation.

What one of the sellers has done is wrong and Illegal, I am hopeful that after the court hears what has happened then Blue Springs will be back in Business and operating as a safe, clean and respectable establishment.

On a personal not... Since you are an original IDC member, why didn't you just call to blast me versus trying to rake me over the coals publicly?
Someone pulled my post on the IDC blog. You replied all right but the original post of mine is gone.

I am not trying to rake you over the coals. I actually believed you at first, but once I placed a phone call and found out the quarry was open, not so much after that.

I agree with Brian. Something does not add up or you would be in control and would have had people removed not the other way around.

Filing a police report does not a criminal case make. If you had any proof of something criminal someone would have been arrested, not told to leave. This leaves me to conclude it is a civil mater.

Hiding behind the I can't say anything because of litigation isn't exactly helping your position in the court of public opinion.
I don't know what to tell you. I did talk to you, in person. I believed you when you said you owned the place and I believed your web posts when you said it was closed. Then I found out that it is open and now I have some doubts about your previous claim.

As far as something being taken without permission and not returned or whatever being criminal I guess that depends on who owns the building where the property was located at the time and other circumstances of it being there that I'm not aware of at this time.

Why is it any of your concern how long I have been a member of anything or when I start posting or why?

You stated the quarry was closed and represented things to be a certain way in a public forum so I wanted to make sure that people who wanted to dive Blue Springs knew it was really open for them so they could dive there. So I used the same forum you did. I like diving the place. I want to dive the place. But you apparently don't want divers at the place if you aren't getting paid. Which would be ok if you were really the owner and had control of the property.

Good intentions are great but why drag the divers into your private war by claiming things that appear not to be true. Possesion is 9/10 of the law.
I can't sit back anymore. When I was running IDC, the previous owner sent out a diatribe via email and alluded to his contention that part of his problem was instructors diving free when they had no students. In the same note he announced he was doubling price from $10 to $20. When others tried to discuss with him a way to mitigate this, he was not willing. No season passes, no DM breaks (later reconsidered). I stopped going to BS and stopped taking people to BS. Then he later sent and email with a breakdown of new rukles for instructors that was poorly wriotten and obvioulsy hadn't been proofread as it said an instructor needed 25 students to get in free. So, the instructors that broing in $100's of dollars on a training weekend, were cheating him? So complain about $20 and put $200 in jeopardy? Doesn't seem like a good idea to me.

Knowing the new owner as I do, I know as a IT professional he is detail oriented. We discussed a number of items. I advised him against buying Blue Springs as I felt it would be a money pit to compete with Gilboa, Haigh and Mermet and he didn't have the viz on his side like they do. Fortunately, he ignored me.

As we spoke, we discussed insurance, and other business related things that had nothing to do with the property. To get liability insurance, you need an insurable interest; to get liability insurance you have to pay or finance the premium. You cannot go to your Allstate agent for liability for a quarry. That is a specialty market item and takes at least 5 figures per year. That money is due up-front or financed. So, the business of Blue Springs Diving is insured by the new owner, who had to show something indicating he owned the business to be insured. Else, why would he spend the 5 figures to insure it? That wouldn't be prudent unless he and his attorney felt everything was in place.

Secondly, the web address remained the same. The only way that happens is if the previous owner gave the new owner rights to the website. To me these 2 items combined show intent to sell, at least the business of Blue Springs Diving.

So, the previous owner told my instructor brethren we are thieves, then accused the new owner of being a squatter. Pattern anyone?

Until this is settled, I will be going to France Park, NSR, Gilboa, Phillips, Haigh etc.

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