Breaking news from the whale wars

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From the long video you might see the whaler change course at the very beginning. I have a hard time seeing it.

Could this be the fact that the Japanese whaler was zig zagging all day?

Could this just be a continuation of thier day? Hunting whale?

Is it a fact that the AG had (used loosely) expertly piloted the craft all day back and fourth in front of the whaler?

What happened that the pilot lost all control of his driving skills?

Now that they were low on fuel weren't they more "Nimble"?

When watching the video (It was his first viewing of the video) again with a Behavioral Scientist friend (25 years +). He stated to me that they look nervous! (his first impression)
Also this person stated the one bald individual (i think the captain) looks like he is trying to site up something. Looks one way then the other!

The bald dude gives the order to stop! But continues his look out! Why in the middle when they are low on fuel would they just stop?

These are some of the questions he posed.

He also noticed the forward thrust of the AG, what was the cause of the forward thrust?

Why would the Bob Barker be in just the right spot for video?

He had the impression that they knew what they were getting into!
This guy is way smarter than myself and I will not argue his observations.
Of course I still do not get a vote when it comes time,and neither does he!
I will repeat I like my whales in the ocean.
& Two wrongs don't make a right.
Three lefts do!

See you topside! John
Stop reading StevenN, if you think this is boring. It's really simple.

Yeah, it is really simple. You pro whaling apologists flag everyone that disagrees with you and the mods support it.
See you on the seal clubbing thread!
No matter how the voting goes, can you say this is not how the IWC has responded to Japans Research Permits:

In 1976, the quota for Southern Hemisphere Bryde's whales was set to zero by the IWC. However, Japan proceeded to take 225 of them during the 76-77 season by issuing itself a permit to take whales for scientific research under Article VIII of the ICRW. Following this event, the IWC recommended all future applications of Article VIII be reviewed by the IWC scientific committee.

In 1986, Japan introduced a similar proposal and later issued itself a scientific permit to take 825 minke whales and 50 sperm whales every year for ten years. Despite the fact that the IWC scientific committee rejected its research proposals Japan continued whaling.

The IWC adopted a resolution in 1987 recommending Japan not proceed until disagreements over its research proposals were resolved. A second resolution was also adopted on February 14, 1988 recommending Japan not proceed. On February 9, 1988 Japanese whalers killed the first minke whale in Antarctic waters under the new self issued research whaling permit. U.S. President Ronald Reagan responded by cutting off Japanese fishing privileges in U.S. waters on April 6, 1988 under the Packwood-Magnuson Amendment.

Japan has since conducted research whaling programs in the North Pacific (JARPN 1994-1999, JARPN II 2000-Present) and in Antarctica (JARPA 1988-2005, JARPA II 2005-Present). Each program has met considerable disagreement in the IWC which adopted several resolutions urging Japan not to continue. Both the value of the research was questioned as well as the necessity of lethal methods.

In 2005 the IWC passed a resolution specifically requesting Japan either modify its JARPA II proposal to use only non-lethal methods or drop the proposal completely.

In 2007 the IWC passed a resolution asking Japan to refrain from issuing a permit for lethal research in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary - the main Japanese whaling area.

Japan is using a loophole; they are openly defying the IWC as well as the majority of Nations in the World and the UN. All this and it is really just about eating whale, not research.
Looks like a loophole big enough to sail a whaling ship through and they don't even have to zig zag.
Here it goes again, as I see it:

In the long video (first link below) from the Ady Gil, between 18 and 28 seconds, we see in the rear distance a less than quartering view of the Whaler. The path of the Ady Gil does not seem to be moving to starboard, if anything it moves slightly port, so if the Whaler maintained that course we would next see the same or less of a quartering view.

But no, between 36 and 44 seconds the view of the Whaler is considerably more broadside, so since the Ady Gil has not moved starboard the only way that could happen is if the Whaler swung port from their original course.

At around 1:10, with no noticeable Ady Gil prior deviation from course the Ady Gil throttles down and is just coasting at idle for the duration until just before impact. At ~2:10 the sonic disruptor is heard and the crew turn on their now pretty at rest vessel to take pictures of the "close pass attack" evidently not worried that the Whaler Captain might not have the same respect for human life that they do.

At 2:20, notice how much of a quartering view there is of the Whaler and how motionless the Ady Gil is in the water. If the Whaler continues on that course it can't even hit the Ady Gil with it's water cannon. At about 2:35 there is big spray from the port bow of the Whaler and the quartering view is decreasing instead of increasing as it would have if there had been no starboard turn by the Whaler Captain.

At 2:47 when the video starts zooming in, I think under orders to get video of the acoustic weapon operator, the Ady Gil is still at rest. Granted they probably should have been more concerned with collision at that time, but I do not see how the at rest vessel has the legal onus to get out of the way of a vessel that obviously is aware of their position. It would have been smart to move at this time but they did not cause the ramming by not moving.

At 3:04 we again see the quartering view that should be increasing if course is held instead diminishing indicating more starboard turning by the Whaler Captain. The zoom is way "in" but see the apparent distance between the Whaler towers decrease; the turning starboard is obvious.

Now moving to the 3-way split screen video (second link below): At 1:24 the video camera guy on the Ady Gil seems to duck under the water cannon spray, that seems to hit the front of cockpit, where I assume the helm might be. I have not see the controls of the Ady Gil but typical throttle levers I have seen could easily be possibly pushed forward by a water cannon stream of water.

The view from the Bob Barker is such that I also feel it could have been the helmsman's view that the Whaler was turning so hard starboard that forward could mean escape, but then the Whaler turns back port. At 1:29 we see again a big spray from the Whalers port bow, again indicative of a starboard movement, then at 1:36 or so the big swing port as impact happens. Either the Whaler was adjusting for that attempted escape or he did not mean to be so close and did so thinking he would just miss, but if he had not made the series of course changes to facilitate the attack heading the collision would not have happened and the Ady Gil posed no threat at the time so the Whaler Captain is obviously the only aggressive criminal in the collision incident that constituted serious human endangerment possibly justifying attempted murder charges.

OK, searched some more. This one that was down for a while is back up;

Shocking New Video Of Ady Gil Disaster :: the latest in green gossip

And another with three way split screen of impact;

YouTube - Ady Gil Collision 3-way Split Screen
Yeah, it is really simple. You pro whaling apologists flag everyone that disagrees with you and the mods support it.
See you on the seal clubbing thread!

I have not reported ANY post in this thread. NONE. And I would never report a post solely because I disagreed with it, nor would I ignore someone who disagrees with what I have to say. (I only put people who hijack threads on ignore or post only smileys, not those who disagree with me.)
Halemano you can post your take of it all you want, it won't make it fact. It's your opinion and one I and many others disagree with. Even anti whaling people that I know, some think that it was the AG's fault even though they support SS.

Secondly you can post all you want about the IWC's consternation at Japan's continual issuing of permits to themselves, it doesn't change the FACT (which you can read on their website) that Japan is allowed to do so under IWC guidelines.
You don't think he could maybe whaling do you ?
See you topside! John
Oh yeah the water cannon hit inside the cab?

Are you for real?
I get it your just messing with me!
Seeyou topside! John

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