call the dive for missing comp?

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Personally, I wouldn't have made the second dive, but then again I can get 1 hour + off an AL80 at 65 feet so I could have, potentially, pushed the NDL on that second dive (although with the SI of 90 it would have been hard to do).

40 minute dives are all well and good if you know you are doing them... but if you don't have a timer of any sort time can get away from you.

Did you do wrong for you? I have no idea. Just know what I would have done.

I also would have tried to find a way to borrow a $10 backup watch from somebody on the boat.
I don't think what you did was wrong for you, you were apparently within your limits and abilities. I wouild have blown bubbles that day too.
I hereby revoke the AOW card I gave you! Seriously though while it may have seemed like a benign thing the consquences could have been less than desirable. I know that you knew what the hard bottom was. But just how far around was that, Would you have dove if on the way out they changed the site? I'm guessing and hoping the answer is no but pay all that money for the dives, all the time invested? 65 is not bad but if it were 75 what is the answer or 85? You've seen my setup. Comp, BT, watch, and knowledge of the bottom. While not ideal a $40 gshock would have made the dive that much safer. And someone's extra comp or even analog depth gauge with the watch a no problem scenario at all
No computer, no depth gauge, no timer...What could possibly go wrong?
What could possibly go wrong?

More or less what I was asking. I take you would have sat out the dives?

I know that you knew what the hard bottom was. But just how far around was that, Would you have dove if on the way out they changed the site? I'm guessing and hoping the answer is no but pay all that money for the dives, all the time invested? 65 is not bad but if it were 75 what is the answer or 85?

To my knowledge the bottom there is a flat nearly featureless plain for miles, very gradually sloping as you go east. I had no intention of loosing physical contact with the wreck, the vis was so bad. There was little/no current to get blown off, just lots of surge.

If they had changed the site and it was more or less equivalent I'd have done the same. If they'd moved deeper I might have sat out at least the second dive. 85 or 90 feet? I'd probably sit both out.

I honestly didn't think of asking if anyone had a watch or comp to lend. Going to the store after work to pick up a waterproof watch so I don't have to think this through again.
This sounds reasonable to me because you had plan going in. You had a good idea of what your decompression and gas limits were before starting so you knew you were OK. Too many people jump in the water and have no idea what their dive computer will tell them in advance and they have no gas plan. Having the computer should just be a cross check of whatever plan you have going in.
Forgetting my computer (Luna, hoseless AI) at home is the only thing I worry about with it, not if it will fail and cause me to have to thumb a dive. I always have a watch, but no SPG/depth so I would pay the dumbass tax and not do the dive. Sure beats having to be rescued or dead, doesn't it?
I would pay the dumbass tax and not do the dive. Sure beats having to be rescued or dead, doesn't it?

Sure, when you put it like that. But what in the situation I described would actually kill me?

No way I'm paying dumbass tax, unless I get some representation in a dumbass legislature...oh wait...

EDIT: nevermind, I see you have no SPG. I understand now.
I don't know why the timer - depth gauge - tank pressure gauge - table diving has become a lost art. Everybody has started to over-complicate the sport diving situation. Computers are fun... easy to track and extend your bottom times.... BUT you should always have those 4 other items with you.

You don't have to call the dive, just swap over to using the tables. I don't know about you, but I have never been able - on a single tank (unless it's over 110cu.ft.) - poke around some on the way down, dive to MOD, hang around some and ascend within limits, poke around some on the way up, safety stop, get back to the boat with 500psi or so and exceed the table limits on the first dive. With a 2 hour or so SI, you can do it again at 1/2 to 2/3 the first dive MOD.

The third dive or if all dives are square dives, will take some closer planning and put tighter limits on you. EAN will limit you out before the n2 saturation becomes a problem.

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