Child diving while sharing regulator

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It has been more than 20 years, but I recall from 7th grade that the president can not declare war, however he can send troops into a country for a limited number of days (180 sticks in my head) at which point congress either approves or the troops have to come home. It is also my understanding that we have never been a first strike nation and that is the main reason for the changes with regard to terroist states. The thought being that terroist attacks have been going on for 70 years so it really is not a first strike. (this statement in no way represents my attitude on the matter) I would however love to see a consitutional lawyer or two chime in to clarify.
I agree with less government in our lives. However, for the sake of discussion, suppose the child had panicked, held their breath while ascending, had an embolism & died. Should the parents then be held accountable? And, if so, should there not be a measure of preventability in place to keep this tragedy from taking place? If your child is not seat belted in while you drive, the police pull you over & issue you a ticket. That reminds you to belt the child in. If this story is true, the parent should be thrashed by the biggest cop in the station, no video cameras present, as a reminder not to be a douche bag by endangering their child. Just my opinion. :D
I'm all about the public flogging. A good beating would beat a good vacation in most jails for getting recidivists to correct their misdemeanoring ways. If the story is 100% true ...

Who knows where these people came from ... might be they were doing okay by themselves without our ways of doing things as even a remote consideration on their minds. Many countries have a very different outlook on life than we do here in the states. Kids stand up in the moving cars where ever they travel and just enjoy the ride. They go outside and play for the day with no fenced in yards, no reporting in every 30 minutes, no nanny chasing them around. Hehehehe ... go to a ski resort and check out the lil' ski ninjas. These lil utes are fast. One of them hits a tree and they'll be sucking down hot chocolate with Sonny Bono. Should we then also give the phonebook treatment to their parents for what might be coulda happened?

This is an interesting social topic with very deep statements about our society and the way we feel it should be ran.
Wow - fun thread. Came all the way from a scuba diving kid to war, government and politics. Why don't we ask the question how it is possible that a Western government can legally send citizens who have barely escaped childhood to get themselves killed in wars?
We just heard about a group of divers that took an 11 year old diving in the Keys. The young girl is not certified, they took her to 30 feet in open water, using their emergency back up regulators for multiple dives. The child was brought down by holding onto the adults weight belts. The child has chronic asthma. Short of being just stupid, is this criminal? What are the regulations, rules and guidelines for this in Florida? PADI? etc.

How about another interpretation: scuba diving family child is interested but unsure. Parents say :"This is how you equalize your ears, pinch nose and breathe gently through nose, try it now, can your feel the difference in your ears? OK you never hold your breath when breathing compressed air, especially when going up. If you have any problems we will go right back up. If your ears hurt signal me like this. (down they go, up they come) Was that fun, do you want to go to the course?"

I was given very simple directions when I learned to dive:
Do not hold your breath
If your ears hurt come up a little and clear them
When it becomes hard to breathe pull the rod (J valve)
Do not go up faster than your bubbles
Have a good time

The US is fast becoming a nation of busybodies....
Just because an established group says this is the way to do it, does not mean there are not other ways to learn. This is of course not what I would do but,...... there is no such thing as scuba police. To say the child was in danger is reaching for bubbles. There is not enough info about the child, the parent, or the dive site. BTW Are your statements based because they did not buy into the followed path? I'm no lawyer but, I don't think hear say is allowed in court.
See you topside! John

Regarding hearsay you're somewhat correct. There are many exceptions to the hearsay rule. For example admission by party opponent or regularly conducted business records. Just me showing my nerdy law side.
If Britney Spears was certified, I can see her taking her kid(s) diving like this ... oops, sorry for getting the thread back to its original subject ...
I'm all about the public flogging. A good beating would beat a good vacation in most jails for getting recidivists to correct their misdemeanoring ways. If the story is 100% true ...

Who knows where these people came from ... might be they were doing okay by themselves without our ways of doing things as even a remote consideration on their minds. Many countries have a very different outlook on life than we do here in the states. Kids stand up in the moving cars where ever they travel and just enjoy the ride. They go outside and play for the day with no fenced in yards, no reporting in every 30 minutes, no nanny chasing them around. Hehehehe ... go to a ski resort and check out the lil' ski ninjas. These lil utes are fast. One of them hits a tree and they'll be sucking down hot chocolate with Sonny Bono. Should we then also give the phonebook treatment to their parents for what might be coulda happened?

This is an interesting social topic with very deep statements about our society and the way we feel it should be ran.

The diving practice mentioned in the OP is foolish, beyond standard practices for certified adult divers. It's a little more extreme than the examples you give. I would contemplate bringing my uncertified 10 yr old son diving, with his own reg/weight belt, etc. Having him come down to breath from my octopus, while relying on my weights for buoyancy is just foolish.
How about another interpretation: scuba diving family child is interested but unsure. Parents say :"This is how you equalize your ears, pinch nose and breathe gently through nose, try it now, can your feel the difference in your ears? OK you never hold your breath when breathing compressed air, especially when going up. If you have any problems we will go right back up. If your ears hurt signal me like this. (down they go, up they come) Was that fun, do you want to go to the course?"

If it were one dive, I would buy that explanation. In addition, if the kid had borrowed a set of gear, I might also buy it. However, a snorkeler breathing off of an octopus while relying on other's for weights is just unsafe.
hmmm.. Almost thought this was a thread about our family!

The wife and I are divers as is my 14 yr old. My 10 yr old has passed her OW and is going to finish up her written part soon. Our 9yr old has gone down on the octo a few times..

Do we have any issue with this? No.
We have instructed her to communicate the entire time. She always gives the OK signal or the she is wanting to go up signal and we adjust. The dive lasts as long as she can take the water temp (she hates cold and 79* water is cold to her so figure on 15-20 min max..)

She will be 10 in Nov. At that time she will start her classes and I am sure she will do just fine.

Every situation is different. To just go on a witchhunt like this is absurd. Do I care what anyone thinks these days? Heck no. Too many people that "think" they know how to rear children properly are causing too many issues and quite frankly have no business raising children. I know. Have seen way too many instances of it by owning a pizzaria..

So, after a couple of times of messing aroung in the water with my 9yr old, what was the first thing she asked? WHEN CAN I GET MY OWN TANK?
Yup.. Family of divers we are.. Unconventional? YES PLEASE! Dangerous? At times.. we live LIFE and enjoy every moment we can. From our 14yr old riding horses (OMG! Those are HUGE!) to all of the kids racing BMX. Nothing like seeing your daughter going over a set, and crashing HARD then seeing her get back on the bike and FINISH. Are we criminals? Must be, judging by the mass populous here. But my kids love life and our lifestyle. We get to get outside and experience a world that is not padded, not covered in rainbows and puppy dog kisses. Life is hard. Unforgiving.
My kids can all tell you what the concrete feels like. They can compare cocrete to packed dirt and tell you why concrete is better to fall on.

I personally think more of the armchair judges we have on here need to spend more time experiencing life than hiding indoors on a computer.

Soon, the kids will be in karate.. No TWK.. but Aikido or something more respected (no offence to TWK lovers out there, just not my fav art form for real practicality). I imagine, they will be hit a few times while in class. Hmmm.. Ohh well.. If THEY want to quit, thats their decision, if not FIGHT ON.

People should realize that children have minds. They can learn. They just have to be taught. Simple really. Kids are 100% more apt to strickly adhere to rules than adults. No doubt about it.
My cousin woudl not wear his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles underwear to school when he was 6 yrs old because any TMNT garment was not allowed.. Underwear! who would know?!?!? None the less, he wouldnt wear them.

My daughter, while having lunch at her school with her, would not say good bye to me because the teachers had dictated its quiet time and lips were sealed. Seriously. Thats messed up in my book but kuidos to her for following direction.

You all may feel however you want, but rest assured, I am not alone and we will continue to do our thing our way. Regardless.

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