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Goind points -- but as with any equipment recommendation, I think it depends on the individual diver and the type of diving they do.

If a diver is about to take a weeklong $2,500 trip on a liveaboard in the South Pacific involving up to 20+ dives, a computer is a must.

For a relative newbie like me, for the type of diving I do, a computer is less important. I dive mainly in New England here in the US. About 60% of my diving is shore diving in water 60 feet deep or shallower. I rarely, if ever, come up against NDLs before I run out of air on these types of dives (newbie-ness combined with my large size). The other 40% of my dives are 2 tank square profile boat/wreck dives -- again, a computer does not provide a lot of value add here.

This topic is at the forefront of my miund right now -- I am weighing near-future purchases of a drysuit, regulator and computer. When weighed against the other purchases I need to make, the computer comes in third. Do I think a computer is useful -- yes. Do I need to go out and spend $800 on a Cobra RIGHT NOW? No.

Hi Andy.
There is a lot to choose from so take your time, but get one they make diving much more fun. I bought an Aeris 500I three monts ago and I'm happy with it, large easy to read display, easy to use and lots of features, Aeris also has less and more expensive models. Do good research and get somthing you'll be happy with, as usual the folks here have givin great advice, have fun shopping. RC
Just like to say thanks to everyone for your replies and input, so far this site, it's boards, and it's members have been more helpful than anything else I've found on the web.


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