Cozumel photos Feb - Mar 2020

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A few photos from diving the end of Feb to first week of March 2020. Our friends from Canada came to visit and we had a norte came in when they arrived at the end of Feb and had another on 6 march before they left. So we had some port closures and cancelled dives. However they said they were glad to escape the snow and cold in Toronto.

All our dives were with Raul and Bottom Time Divers. The brown Toadfish (I say Large Eye Toadfish but my post in Name that critter for ID did not get responses) is still in the same spot. We looked for the flying Gurnards but they had moved. Days I did not dive, there were eagle rays in groups but I did manage to get some decent photos the last day.

The visibility at the southern sites like the Palancars was down so we mostly dove from Dalila up to Tormentos. The poor vis on some sites caused significant backscatter on wider shots however the photo of the divers was on Santa Rosa and we had slow current and good vis. Most days the current was mild to non-existent but a few days on sites like Tormentos and Yucab it was much faster. We did dive Cedral Wall and Tunich with very little current one day. Higher winds caused more chop on the surface.

Water temps were cool but not too bad. We did have one day with 3 tanks and were a bit chilly underwater. The wind was up most days so we were cold after surfacing.

Of note, I did get a photo of a Harlequin pipefish in a hole. Most pipefish I see are in sand channels in the open and I have seen few Harlequins. There is a photo of two grey triggerfish which both tried to bite the glass on the dome port and one trigger bit another diver on the ear, not too bad – just a nip. I am generally more concerned with triggerfish than I am with eels, sharks or barracuda. Triggers are evil. Raul once again found the batfish. There are quite a lot more and larger lionfish deeper on the walls. We saw less lionfish in the 40-90 foot range and most were small.

This trip I mostly used a wide angle lens and worked on some close focus WA. It was overcast most days so I had less ambient light to work with. Lighting on close focus WA seems to be very different than what I am used to.

Coz Mar 1 2020 Bigeye 001c.jpg

Black Grouper
Coz Mar 1 2020 Black Grouper 002c.jpg

Brown Spotted Eel
Coz Mar 1 2020 Brown Spotted eel 001c.jpg

Chalk bass
Coz Mar 1 2020 Chalk Bass 001c.jpg

Coz Mar 1 2020 Fishscape 001c.jpg

Giant Hermit Crab
Coz Mar 1 2020 Giant Hermit Crab 001c.jpg

Goldentail Eel
Coz Mar 1 2020 Goldentail Eel 001c.jpg

Grey Triggerfish (the bitey kind)
Coz Mar 1 2020 Gray Triggerfish 001c.jpg

Harlequin Pipefish - It's the best I could get of it.
Coz Mar 1 2020 Harlequin Pipefish 001c.jpg

Large Eye Toadfish - Still trying to get a positive ID on it. If it's common to the south like Belize or Honduras, surely someone knows.
Coz Mar 1 2020 Large Eye Toadfish 001c.jpg
Con't photos
Lettuce Sea Slug
Coz Mar 1 2020 Lettuce Sea Slug 001c.jpg

Coz Mar 1 2020 Octopus 001c.jpg

Coz Mar 1 2020 Porcupinefish 001c.jpg

Queen Angelfish
Coz Mar 1 2020 Queen Angelfish 001c.jpg

Divers on Santa Rosa wall
Coz Mar 1 2020 Raul Divers 001c.jpg

Roughback Batfish
Coz Mar 1 2020 Roughback Batfish 002c.jpg

Spotted Eagle Ray
Coz Mar 1 2020 Spotted Eagle Ray 001c.jpg

Web Burrfish
Coz Mar 1 2020 Web Burrfish 001c.jpg
thanks for sharing your talent capturing the water and creatures I miss! Nice!
Nice shots!
Thanks all. I haven't got an answer to the proper ID on the toadfish. I'll ask in the Central America forum as maybe they are more common there and people who go there don't read the Coz forum :)
Great stuff. My trip in early Feb had similar conditions to what you're describing. We dove Santa Rosa Wall & the day we did there was almost no current. That was a first for that dive. A lot of my photos had too much silt in the water to consider even processing them.
Great stuff. My trip in early Feb had similar conditions to what you're describing. We dove Santa Rosa Wall & the day we did there was almost no current. That was a first for that dive. A lot of my photos had too much silt in the water to consider even processing them.

Thanks. Bad vis but sometimes no current. And dark since it was overcast alot. Many long WA shots had so much backscatter tthey were useless. I mostly used wide angle this week and worked on close focus WA. I notice that I went to f/14 to f/22 for many shots for the close focus WA and really had to work with lighting and strobe position. Many shots were dark but some we way overexposed if any sand was nearby. Alot different than "normal" shooting.

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