Deep South Divers is hosting a skill drills day Saturday Nov 8th

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Raven C

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I have arrange to have the Bluffton Recreation Pool (indoor) available for us to do skill sets and practice drills starting at 1 PM this Saturday. The pool is in Bluffton, SC near HH and Beaufort. There is a $2.00 fee per person for using the pool. Other than that, the only cost is whatever gear and air you need. Please supply your own gear and air. This is open to everyone who wishes to participate. It is always good to practice and this is a great opportunity to do so. Wanna join us? R
in addition to the dive previously mentioned by SeaJay? Or, instead of?
Are you interested in both? Whatever the interest is and the weather....

Both can happen. What do you want to do? R
well I cant make it , due to work
but was up in your area somewhat yesterday near columbia pick up a steel tank. you all have fun thought tell SeaJay HI for me .
but, I'm tied up. Perhaps we could do one in early Dec? Schedule it a couple weeks out or so to give people time to plan.

I really look forward to the getting together. It just seems my schedule sucks!

I really would love to get together and meet everyone.

Don't give up. I appreciate all the effort RavenC & SeaJay are exerting trying to get everone toghether. Keep up the energy. I know it will pay off in the long run.
Heya, medic! :)

sc, you asked if this "practice day" was in lieu of, or in addition to other dives...

Here's the day's possibilities:

1. Dive at Brighton Beach on the May river, 8:30am. This is "slack tide" and I can assure you that it'll be completely gorgeous. Vis around 4', which is spectacular for the May River.

2. Pool stuff at 1pm... We're gonna have a blast, hanging out, nailing buoyancy and trim, and maybe even playing around with some DIR skill sets (I'm not an instructor, but I can share some of the stuff I've learned). RavenC and I are going to be practicing them anyway.

3. Another "slack tide" dive on the May River at around 2:30pm. By the way, the pool and Brighton Beach, a great entry/exit point on the May River, are about a mile from each other.

4. In addition to the "slack tide" dive, we may do a "drift" dive... That is, having a seperate entry and exit point along the river, and allowing the massive tide to take us; that way we don't have to dive on slack tide... Drift dives are also cool in that you cover a lot of ground pretty effortlessly.

5. We might do a night dive as well... Stuff always looks different after dark. :) Slack's at about 9:30pm Saturday night, or we can again get gutsy and do a drift.

Anyway, those are the possibilities for Saturday. Out of all of them, RavenC, mgri, and I are all definitely going to do the 1pm pool work... Then we'll take it from there depending on how we feel. I'm pretty sure we'll do a dive right after the pool work, which may end up being a drift dive, depending on the time. I'm not sure if, after the dives of the day, those two are going to want to do a night dive, but it's there for us if we want it. :)

Max depth for the day is going to be something like 23 feet... Repetitive profiles won't be a problem. And despite it's shallow depths, the rivers can still be pretty challenging dives in their own right.

Who knows? We may find some teeth, too. :D

Here's the bottom line: Little to no cost, lots of diving. C'mon out! :)

I'm thinking we need to do more of the same on Sunday.
hey guys lindsay and i, have company coming over saturday and are not going to make the dives wish we could

any how yall have fun and good luck

keep the faith

You guys are crazy missing a dive day like that. The water is going down into the low 50's up here. I'd give anything to trade places.

SJ and RC- Jen and I were considering driving down to SC tonight, just to blow some bubbles tomorrow with everyone. We would have made it if the person who watches our dogs didn't have to go out of town this weekend :upset:

If it's OK with you, I'd like to keep an eye out for the next one in December. I hope you don't mind a couple of yankees coming down for a day :wink:

Ha! We'll "tolerate" your yankeedness. :D

Just kidding. You know I spent a good deal of time in New Jersey, don't you? Of course, it was SOUTH Jersey... :wink:

We'd love for you to come down.

From NYC, Hilton Head is about a 15 hour drive. It's not too bad, and the environmental change (read: warm water) is totally worth it. :D

December: I personally am heading down to the Keys to visit a buddy of mine from high school the weekend of the 26th. The group doesn't have anything yet planned for December, but there's no reason that has to stay that way. If this weekend turns out to be the blast we think it'll be, then we might do it again very soon.

Or... We might want to hit some of the springs in N. Florida if the water gets chilly here. The trip is really cheap for us... The drive for you would be about 20 hours each way, or you could fly into Savannah (cheap) or Jacksonville (cheap) for an event like that. Just bring your personal gear - the rest is available at the dive shop there.

No doubt as summertime comes back around and the water begins to warm back up (it's in the upper 60's by Mar-April) then we'll be doing local stuff... And maybe even taking a trip to visit the "Keepers of the Graveyard of the Atlantic" in NC. We could hook up then, too. NC from NYC is like 5-7 hours, depending on location.

Yeah, man... Keep an eye on our calendar on the website in my signature. We need to hook up, and y'all have a standing invitation for any event... :)

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