Destin and Navarre shore diveable wrecks(allegedly)

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I walked out to the area the newer boat is supposed to be, tide was coming in, but it had just started coming in a few hours earlier, so not nearly at a high tide. I went Wednesday, seas were glassy and topside visibility was unlimited. I saw no signs of a mast sticking out of the water.

Either the boat has flipped or the rigging has been knocked over into the water, the seas have dragged it somewhere else, or the boat was salvaged.

There is a new wreck that has showed up beside the Garson Bridge. It is a pretty good size boat that just all of a sudden appeared and it is tipped over on its side in a few feet of water. I drive Garson Bridge a couple of times a week and it was just there early one morning. But, didn't get me excited because it is not in a fun place to dive it.
I went there this afternoon (FWB) and I didn't have any luck seeing it either. I'll try diving it next week though.
Welcome to ScubaBoard cjprtt

Paintball fan much?
Hey thanks. Ahh I love to play. Try to do it as much as I can, but here lately diving is a little less expensive. Air fills are cheaper than cases of paint lol.
I used to be big into it, then I found diving :p Haven't played since.
Its been a little while for me too. My last game I played was back in June. Me and a group of friends flew up for Oklahoma D-Day. Hopefully we will be going back this year, it was definitely a great game. I think diving is a little more enojoyable though, sometimes its nice not to worry about all of the competitiveness and of course the cheating.
My last game was in Ocala for Wayne's World Big Game at the end of the year, it was Star Wars themed... Couple years ago now.

I used to play competitively on national level, novice though. I also had my own line of guns built - small batch - but they all sold with a quickness.

"I'm kind of a big deal"
I had 3 $1500 paintball guns and several cheaper ones...

The crazy thing is that I bought them on barely over min-wage salaries. Its amazing what you can do before you have bills. Not the case nowadays.
I have real guns that dont cost that much, thats crazy. (Have some that cost way more too, so I quess I cant talk)

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