Diving and Congestion

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Reaction score
Great Lakes (Ontario, Canada)
# of dives
50 - 99
A week ago I had a pretty bad cold. Currently, I'm still somewhat congested, but with a 12 hr relief Sudafed I can breath clearly through my nose all day (though it does take a few hours to kick in). Otherwise, I feel totally fine. I don't feel lethargic or sick whatsoever.

I am supposed to go diving in three days. Nothing intense - low key dives, primarily to work on buoyancy control and become reacquainted with OW . I really, REALLY want to go (I missed last weekend because I was downright *ill*). My question is therefore threefold.

1. (disclaimer: this is possibly a stupid question) If I feel fine, am I still risking giving other people the cold that I had a week ago? (obviously I don't want to do this).

2. If not, given the nature of the dives, is it still wholly ill-advised that I go (given the risks associated with diving while congested or on decongestants). I.e. is there anything that I can to do to further minimize or even eliminate (ok, fat chance) the possibility of ear/sinus problems (e.g. staying shallow)

3. I've also been sticking to sinus friendly foods. Does anyone have any other ideas for how I can get my ^&*#!@ sinuses to cooperate?! Gah.

I want to go, but, hey, if it's better to sit out, then I'd rather do that than cause myself further problems.

I dove once knowing that I was at the beginning of a cold. Big mistake. I took Sudafed, but it still didn't help. Couldn't get past 15 feet because it felt like 1) my face was going to explode, and 2) my ear was going to pop open. Then I spent 2 days in bed after the dive because I felt like crap. I would suggest that if you a more than minimally congested to postpone your dive until you are feeling better. If you blow your eardrum or cause other sinus issues, you may be out of the water for a lot longer than you ever want to be. There will always be another day to dive.

If you are having second doubts, take another weekend off. Can you go to a local pool and swim a few laps with a mask and snorkel? This can be a very safe alternative. Practicing airway control and getting the fins on will be very useful. It sounds like you have had the cold already for at least two weeks. It also sounds like it is local diving for you, meaning not a paid holiday planned long in advance. If this is case, what will another week off hurt?

Just my opinion,

1. (disclaimer: this is possibly a stupid question) If I feel fine, am I still risking giving other people the cold that I had a week ago? (obviously I don't want to do this).

Diving while sick is Bad News. What's even worse than having problems descending is having problems ascending (reverse block).

I'd wait until you feel better.

"Can I dive with xxx?" is usually the same answer as "Can I afford a Yacht?" If you have to ask the question, the answer is probably "no."

Note that I'm not a doctor and didn't stay at a Holiday Inn last night, however I have tried diving while sick and will never do it again.

Possibly what irks me most about this is that I am NEVER sick. I haven't been sick in lord knows how many years. Not even a sniffle (and don't tell me I'm therefore long overdue!). Why NOW? And for so LONG? I thought colds were an in and out thing... a few days and wham! All better.

I suppose it won't kill me to stay home again. I've done the pool, and this weekend was to be a chillax brush up for a not-so-far-out-of-town trip that I'm making in a couple of weekends. So I kind of feel like if I cancel *this* then I'll have to cancel *that*...and so it spirals.

But yes, of course, to stay home would not be the end of the world. Or I could just wait until Sunday...and maybe, just MAYBE, I'll magically be 100%....(maybe). Otherwise, I'll take your advice and hit the video store instead.

Damn it, but thanks.


3. I've also been sticking to sinus friendly foods. Does anyone have any other ideas for how I can get my ^&*#!@ sinuses to cooperate?! Gah.


Pardon my ignorance but which foods are sinus friendly??
I read that one should stay away from excessive amounts of dairy, wheat, and sugar as these tend to generate more mucous. I honestly couldn't tell you whether there's any truth to this whatsoever (though the dairy part at least sounds plausible), and it might pertain more to allergies than to a cold, but I figure it can't hurt.

On a separate note, I just got back from the gym and, strangly enough, had a great workout all things considered (maybe it's the Sudafed?). A pity you can't exercise a cold out of your system.

you'll never hear sudafed works really well by anyone. It's not right telling a new person to use sudafed.

You don't want to ever get a reverse block bad news. But if I took sudafed and was really clear and took it thousands of times with no side effects I surely couldn't say anything like that to you.

And did you know sudafed raises blood pressure? I didn't maybe thats why I have high blood pressure lol. I was also surprized you can buy sudafed over the counter in the Florida without showing a drivers, I guess they don't have the drug producers that make meth like Missouri does.
Been there, did that, and I will never do it again. My son tried the same dive with his cold and got stuck at 45 feet looking up with a reverse block at Crystal River. He ended up pounding on his face till a passage cleared in the mucus in his sinuses and he made it up.

Diving + a cold + any med for it = bad juju.
I spent a week diving in the keys with a cold. 12 hour sudafed worked great! As long as you can clear your ears there is no issue. The 12 hr sudafed is the best choice since it won't wear off during a dive. I felt great during the dives. Lots of snot on the surface, though. Not very attractive :)

There is nothing wrong with taking sudafed and diving if you are relatively healthy (no significant contraindications). It can possibly raise your blood pressure a little but if you are within normal limits that won't matter. It has no real effect on mine and I'm usually about 105/65

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