Diving in Fakarava Rangiroa Moorea Bora Bora

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Polinesia Diving
Hi I am a divers and i love sharks!!!
I am planning a dive holiday in Polinesia (Bora bora, Rangiroa, Fakarava, Moorea). I am looking for information about diving experience in this area. Is Anyone who can help me about choosing island in order to have a nice experience with sharks?
I know in Rangiroa there are some spots where can see sharks but I don't have information about the others island...
could you help me?
I did a couple of dives with Club Med off Moorea. Suffice to say, it was shark city. My log says 50+. Mostly black and white tip reef sharks with the occasional lemon shark zipping through the melee as word got around that there was fresh fish to be had for free. We also snorkelled inside Bora Bora's lagoon and watched the shark feeding - again black and white tips swarming everywhere.

But check - it was a long time ago (1991 to be precise!) and things may have changed (I'm thinking in particular of shark finning - I don't how well or badly the problem has been managed in Tahiti).

One site I found was http://www.pacificislandtravel.com/fr_polynesia/diving/diving_intro.html

Have fun if/when you go.
The wife and I celebrated our 25th anniversary in FP last May. We cruised on the Tahitiain Princess and dove at every stop. Most of the dives were arrnged with associates of TOPdive.


We saw sharks on nearly every dive. Most operators run shark feeding dives, and thery attract plenty of preditors.

You'll have a GREAT time.

I dove Bora Bora and Moorea last May. I loved it. Moorea is shark city!!! Log book also shows about 40+ sharks per dive. On one shark feeding dive they got a little close. While we high tailed it out of there, I got bumped by a couple of them. Bora Bora is known for the manta rays. If you have neve dove with them before, this is an awesome experience.

I dove with TopDive on both islands. They offer manta ray dives on Bora Bora (make sure you ask for it) and shark feeding dives on Moorea.

Have fun.
We stayed on Tikehau and Bora Bora in November 2002. Saw more sharks around Tikehau than Bora Bora, but only saw manta rays at Bora Bora. Dove with Blue Nui both islands. The young French couple running the Blue Nui dive shop at Tikehau were very nice - and the girl would "call" sharks up by clicking two rocks together underwater to mimic the sounds of spear guns being cocked (we saw spearfishing was common) - and it was amazing! No matter where you go and what you do, you'll love the experience, so have a great time!
I did Moorea with ClubMed about 1986, very cool, lots of wildlife and sharks. One newbie stepped on a stonefish and nearly died. (No bouyance control) Spent the remainder of the week in a wheel chair. Remember, there are things out there that can be deadly!
Was in Raitea two years ago (A mile or so from Bora Bora)
We also stayed at a small private Island near Bora Bora. Since our places were less commercial, there were not so many divers and shark feeding was prohibited where we went. We did not see so many sharks in the numbers others have indicted, but those that we did see were perhaps in more natural settings/behaviors.

You can see a lot of sharks and rays on Jet ski tours, which is a great way to see small atolls and islands and wild life. I highly recommend that.

I ended up doing more snorkeling than diving since we had huts out on the edge of the reef over the water and amazing coral life all around our huts in just 4 or 5 feet of water, but there is a dropoff where we were that went out to blue. Had a whale visit our porch one night.

Lots of smaller sharks feeding in the shallows at night. You can hear them bustin up the baitfish all night out under more stars than you can imagine where I live. Some wreck dives near Raitea for sure, probably other places as well.

What about Fakarava? I have to split my 3 weeks into the islands but It is so... difficult!! I have heard the pass in Fakarava blows away the pass in Rangiroa and the corals there are alive...so I am thinking to stay in Fakarava for more days (7 days) than Rangiroa( 5 days).Now my timetable is 7 days in Fakarava, 5 days in Rangiroa, 4 days in Moorea and 3 days in Bora Bora...
Is it crazy?
Hi, I spent more than 6 weeks in The Tuamotus/Tahiti a couple of years ago. Bora Bora and Moorea are nice but Fakarava is by far the best destination for big stuff I have ever seen. The pass is beyond belief, more than 1K wide! Make sure that you also do the small neighbor atoll Touao which is a uninhabited paradise a couple of hours away by boat. Think about the Marquesas as well, colder and different but worth while since the flights are so cheap.


Hi. I was in Fakarava, Moorea and Bora Bora this last summer.
Best places i have ever dove, specially Fakarava viz was more than 50 meters. Sharks everywhere in all directions at the pass while you are drifting at high speed.... The island is so quite and wonderfull that you think that you are out of this world. I was at Hawaiki Pension and it was greit, close to a nice beach, close to the town and out of the big resorts. I dove with Te ava nui that took me everyday from the pension.
Moore it's nice but not the best... to close to Tahiti.
And Bora Bora it's a wonderfull place, too much touristic but the most beatyfull island of all. The lagoon it's someting that you MUST see, probably you will not see that blue water in another place in the earth. There i dove with Bora diving club, and we did a lot of shark dives, including Tapua where we met (very, very close) some big Lemon sharks, around 10, of 4 meters. Do the Manta dive there, it's a must.
Ok. If you need more information, please tell me

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