Empress Expedition 2004-Trip report

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Uhmm, that was my attempt at French............

I gotta get some work done......see ya.
Uhmm, that was my attempt at French............

I gotta get some work done......see ya.


I enjoyed your version of French....you had me laughing my butt off on the way up there. If anyone is interested in the most amusing 12 hour drive, please invite Steve....he'll keep you in stitches the whole time with his Francais.

You were catching on pretty well by the end of the week....much better than on the drive up there....

I wish I could have recorded you somehow....I'll save that for next year :p

There are a few spots left on the Labour Day charter with Abucs in Brockville. Have Scuba Punk & wife been invited to join us for our Sat a.m. dives. I know all who met him at Daves would be more than happy to see him getting wet in the Great White again. I personally would like to take a tour with him, so I can gleen from his form & function. I missed the opportunity at Windmill as he was hogged by you & Jay.
Talk later
Terry & Janet
Hi Terry.

I believe he's already booked passage on another charter, but he has asked us all if we want to do a Friday afternoon/early PM, 2-tank dive.

Maybe if he's reading this he could just post the details here. I just PM'd him for it, and then read this here.

It was sweet to have him all to myself (With my equally trimmed out buddy, Jay).

I trust you've received my latest e-mail last night regarding the latest local "situation".





I just might have time to bring you a coffee today, but no promises.
Hi Terry.

I believe he's already booked passage on another charter, but he has asked us all if we want to do a Friday afternoon/early PM, 2-tank dive.

Maybe if he's reading this he could just post the details here. I just PM'd him for it, and then read this here.

It was sweet to have him all to myself (With my equally trimmed out buddy, Jay).

I trust you've received my latest e-mail last night regarding the latest local "situation".





I just might have time to bring you a coffee today, but no promises.

If Scuba Punk is reading this.....I'd be interested in joining you for the afternoon dives since I won't be heading up to Ottawa white water rafting....

Dearest Steve,

If you are heading out to see TEAZER, please let me know. I was planning on popping in to see him today too to catch up. I'm not used to being without a Waterbaby or TEAZER chat for almost a month....
Hmmm a quazi, mid-week, meeting of the dive club.......How many coffee's?


I'm not sure if I can make it yet, but I'll call my Empress buddy first.

Thanks for the e-mail, girlfriend. You're a good pal. It's nice to have friends.

Hey Steve,

You gotta be carefull with that "girlfriend" term....people might get the wrong idea....and you know I've always got your back.

Knowing how OCAR you really are, I wouldn't give a second thought to trusting you with my life on a monumental wreck like the Empress. I wouldn't have done it without you.

Also, wondering what you're up to this week. I still have to set up my backplate & wing.....and it's not like OTE has time since my basement still has priority. Do you think you could spare me some time? I'd like to get it rigged for Saturday's Tiller dive.

Just let me know what hardware I need beforehand....
After a long weekend of Triathlon training (no, really, this past week was the big training week, 4 weeks to go) and helping with a rescue class, I can now concentrate on Long Weekend. In fact, I have the Welland Sprint Tri on my list for next year. I read that it has an obscenely hilly bike route.

Here's our plans for Long Weekend... Wifey and I are leaving South-Central P-Tucky around 7:30AM Friday after dropping the kids off at camp (well, OK, it's the dogs and it's a kennel, but it makes Jen feel better to say 'kids' and 'camp'), so we should be able to make it to the Conestoga by 2:30-ish. It usually takes us 6 to 6.5 hours to get to Prescott. We haven't done the Rothesay for a couple of years, so we plan to do that after the Connie. In case you're not familiar with those 2 wrecks, they are shore dives. The Connie is about 20' max and 35' for the Rothesay. After that, who knows. We're diving with Riverside (new charter for me, we usually go with Sea and Sky). We're doing 2-tank boat dives on Saturday and Sunday, and driving home monday morning. Jen also mentioned doing a night dive Maybe Saturday night. Rumor is that it might be on the Gaskin... We're available for apres-dive drinks at the Keystorm Pub in Brockville. We'll be there all weekend, try the veal :p

Seeing as Steve-O is an Amerikun at heart, he has had no problems with his P'Tuckian. I need to work on his Spanish a little more though :)

Tom R:
3 SS D Rings, 6 Keepers, 1 SS Buckle, 1 smallish cutting device, 4 pieces of bike tube, 1 small loop of bungee, 1 ss gromlet, 15 feet of black webbing (Blue H's optional)

Well thank you Tom R,

I think I'll opt for the fluorescent orange webbing - my buddy surely can't lose me then....or maybe I should be a typical girl and get purple to match my drysuit...hahaha....

If I get the techy black webbing will it make me more DIR? or does colour even matter?

Where does one buy bike tube from these days?

Everything else is gravy......

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