Features for the next generation CCR?

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Bellevue, WA
I was wondering what divers would want in a next generation CCR. Say something in the next few years. These are features that should be common in all future CCRs (production level and not require a third-party add on).

Please keep all comments generic and not point to X or Y already having this or that feature. Leave CE testing comments to another thread.

For example:

1. Dual full dive computers (one for each wirst) that monitors the O2, dive profile, deco, etc. For example, a Cochran that can monitor all three O2 sensors and handle master/slave mode with a second Cochran.
Dual Independant, wrist mounted controllers with Deco and multiple gas ability

Heads up display

Emergency alarms (programmable)

Customisable parameters on the computers covering injection patterns etc

Over the shoulder lungs for low breathing rsistance

Auto dump for hands free ascent

ADV for hands free decent

OC/DSV for easy and safe bailout

22Kg min lift wing

CO2 Breakthrough alarm

Well, apart form the last one I've just decribed my "Molespiration" unit which I dive normally anyways

Fantasy wish list, is independant bailout rebreather , aka Twinspiration
... to see someone like Dräger - or anyone else - manufacture for the world market is a KISS-style Dräger Ray CCR, like the one Australian diver Barry Gill has built.

The advantages of having a very compact - and light - unit which could be packed into an ordinary suitcase (minus tanks) and taken round the world anywhere there is pure oxygen available is just too mouthwatering to contemplate. All one needs is the DrägerSorb and gas and one is off! And with dive operators storing the small tanks and the sorb ... wawooom! =-)

If something like this ever hit the market (with a large enough scrubber, Inspiration- or Dolphin-size, not Ray-size) it would corner almost all of it rapidly! And of course, it certainly needs an oxygauge or similar to measure ppO2.

This is the RB we're waiting for. But probably will have to build ourselves in order to see ... ;-0

madmole once bubbled...
Dual Independant, wrist mounted controllers with Deco and multiple gas ability

Heads up display

Emergency alarms (programmable)

Customisable parameters on the computers covering injection patterns etc

Over the shoulder lungs for low breathing rsistance

Auto dump for hands free ascent

ADV for hands free decent

OC/DSV for easy and safe bailout

22Kg min lift wing

CO2 Breakthrough alarm

Well, apart form the last one I've just decribed my "Molespiration" unit which I dive normally anyways

Fantasy wish list, is independant bailout rebreather , aka Twinspiration

I would add virtually indestructable Titanium housing...
Oooopps got that already :wink:
handset controllers with integrated dive computers

controllers would have a wireless option

heads-up display in the mask ala Cochran

full data logging ala Cis-Lunar MkVP

in-the-housing counterlungs that are easily breathable so I can get all that clutter off my shoulders and front



C02 monitors within the controllers

A scrubber mounted lower in the unit to put more bouyancy in the top, hopefully reducing the top counterweights needed.

a much lighter, more compact unit

a quick release scrubber lid system

if money were no object, inconel cylinders

the data logging system could be downloaded via a serial port system and can be checked by the manufactuer via the Internet.

unitized so more expensive features could be added at a later time
Dual independent electronics - hoseless wrist mounted primary control display, secondary wrist or console mounted (divers choice) for deco-computer with multiple gas capability powered by dual independet batteries

CO2 Breakthrough alarm

Heads-up O2 status & CO2 alarm display on OC/DSV

Back-mounted lungs with low breathing resistance, protected by the box

Auto dump for hands free ascent

ADV for hands free decent

Wing-based BC in different wing sizes

Scrubber - small(er as today) and (more) efficient, of a solid design rather than granules to ease breathing resitance and avoidance of channeling. Also quicker, cleaner and more convinient than granular scrubber

Macintosh software part of software package

RB should be about the size of the Dolphin (w/out tank(s))

Optional titanium frame ($$$), lids & wing color options

Optional dual RB ...
Most of these enhancements seem to be current generation tweaks, not next generation. How about things like lifetime CO2 scrubbing. I'm no expert but that would handy, wouldn't it?
Yes a cryogenic CO2 scrubber would be great!! no need for CO2 worries agian. Shame about having to carry 10 car batteries around :(

Ideal rebreather for next generation would be the one James Bond uses in the Shark Pool in Doctor No. ie two CO2 cartidges and a mouthpiece. Now wouldn't that be nice :D
... re-reading KentCe's original thread, I'd like to venture again that CE-marking would have to be considered absolutely essential for any future rebreather, whether a fancy all-titanium (titanium?) bells-and-whistles SOTA box or a simple travel-CCR ...

I think a lot of people still don't get this: If you build the best, safest, most capable and even cheapest rebreather in the world, it still cannot be legally sold first- or second-hand, serviced or used in instruction or commercial work in by far the largest of all rebreather markets unless it's CE-marked ...

That's of course unless the esoteric rebreather is meant to be sold only in small numbers.:confused:

Drysuit dave said

"A scrubber mounted lower in the unit to put more bouyancy in the top, hopefully reducing the top counterweights needed.
not a good thing the farther from the lung centroid the greater the breathing resistance

"a much lighter, more compact unit"

use aluminum cylinders but then you need more weight when diving, alternatively you can switch to 2l cylinders to save some weight
drop the apeks regs and get some cheap scubapros like another RB manufacturer uses
drop the manifold and switch to just soft hoses.. like another rb manufacturer does..
Naaah.. I'll stay with the clean setup and better regs

"titanium cylinders"


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