From the mouth of Scuba "professionals" (you can't make this stuff up)!!!

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For somebody that was there, you sure have your facts wrong.
They did not expire my viz (where did you get that info?) Why would they demand a hydro on the tank? At best they should tell me that the tank is due at a certain date and let me make that decision if and when I want to get a hydro. Of course they should not fill a tank that's out of hydro. That's not the point of this conversation.
Maybe they know me as scuba Jenny because that's what's written on the tanks.
Who tried to get a tank filled out of hydro? Where did you get this information? And since I left with all the tanks full, the shop not to be named is in a heap of trouble then for filling a tank out of hydro. Of course, that did not happen because the tanks are current with hydro.

Maybe you should delete your post before you look any more foolish. :wink:
Really? You are going to keep defending this? Maybe they did fill it... I could easily be incorrect because I was in a class with an instructor, but we certainly couldn't ignore most of your loud conversation. Read MB's response... take out the sarcasm and realize who is the fool in this situation...
Now now...

Filling a cylinder that is out of hydro is a seriously bad thing! And filling a cylinder that is out of its viz date is an equally seriously bad thing! But when both the hydro and Viz are current, there is no issue with filling it.

As far as "wrong" because the dates don't match... uhh... well... no. The tank fill operator is supposed to check both dates before filling a cylinder. That shouldn't be beyond their capacity.

As far as violating regs by back dating stickers and the paperwork that accompanies inspections... uhh... well... no. The date punched on an EOI sticker is the date when the inspection was conducted. That date should match the records maintained by the inspectors. Fudging the dates means filing false records, another bad thing...
As long as the cylinder is in hydro, legally, it's in vis. For the annual vis requirements that the Scuba industry self imposes, any rules go, as it's self imposed, and has no force of regulation or law.

But do go on, this is entertaining.
This is pretty funny stuff... Next thing some one should mention is ”it's a felony to...”

We were taught in our visual inspection class to match the viz expiration to the hydro expiration date if hydro will expire in under a year. Typically I just punch the viz date and note hydro date. I've been doing it that way for years.
Here I thought everyone living and diving in Southeast Florida got along splendidly because, well, they have the pleasure of living and diving in a diving mecca and therefore why would anyone ever be cranky with anyone else?! I thought dive shop politics only occurred in the Midwest. Who knew?
We were taught in our visual inspection class to match the viz expiration to the hydro expiration date if hydro will expire in under a year. Typically I just punch the viz date and note hydro date. I've been doing it that way for years.

I had to go through the full course twice because I let it laps the first time, and I don't recall anything like this being said. I have no idea why the dates would have to match.
I had to go through the full course twice because I let it laps the first time, and I don't recall anything like this being said. I have no idea why the dates would have to match.
TDI for me. I'll have to check my books and see if it was in them or what our instructor taught. The reason for having an early viz expiration was to prevent lazy tank monkies from mistakenly filling a tank out of hydro. Sounds kinda silly to me. There is so much of this type of stuff in the scuba world, I just try to use common sense and not get too worked up about much of it.

I used to think the viz was total BS, but ive seen a few tanks that looked really bad inside, even just being a few years old. Mostly I think this is due to owner negligence.
For those in the VIS adjuster camp, if you VISed a tank today with a current hydro of 12A15; what date do you fill in on the VIS sticker?
I always wonder why a hydro doesn't also count as a VIP for first year ? Isn't visual inspection part of the hydro process ?
I always wonder why a hydro doesn't also count as a VIP for first year ? Isn't visual inspection part of the hydro process ?

Depending on the retester I use, some have come back dirtier than I would want to breath from.

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