Great White Wall Dive

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Uncle Pug

Swims with Orca
ScubaBoard Supporter
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Pacific N.W. USA
Well Shane and I decided to go find the Great White Shark that was supposedly spotted near Tacoma, WA.

We loaded the pickup with our doubles~n~deco bottles and headed south on I-5. Now I thought it would be a good idea to take the twins along for the ride but for some reason Shane didn't want to so I let him have his way. I shouldn't have done that but I was feeling generous.

The plan was to look for the GWS along *Dead Man's Wall* since it sounded like a place a GWS would find attractive.

After gearing up we made our way down to the water over some seriously jagged rock and started the swim out to... hmmm... well the wall is supposed to be out from this certain building about so far... and well... we took a guess at where it might be and swam to that spot against a fair surface chop.

I reminded Shane that we should take it easy since Dr. Deco wouldn't want us to nucleate ourselves. Shane gave me the old "uh huh hmmmm...." which means he didn't have the foggiest idea what I was talking about but since he'd gotten his way with not bringing the scooters I should probably get my way with not nucleating.

With much less than 10' viz and a slight current I didn't want to swim out too far and miss the fabled *Dead Man's Wall*. When we arrived at the spot where we figured we should descend we did our checks and headed on down.

We had been here once before but remembered it quite differently... Shane thought it went straight down to 300' and I thought it was a little clay bank that went from 100' to 120' and then a mud slope on down to who knows.

Viz was so bad we were within 3' before we finally saw the bottom ... unfortunately we were only 30' deep.

Shoot! Well we took a compass bearing for where the wall should be and headed that way... as we got deeper I noticed that the *wall* looked a lot like a steep slope of mud... and I was thinking about poor little Gavin and Gavin sitting back home in the garage missing out on all the fun.

We spent 20 minutes swimming around at 160'~165' looking for the GWS and Dead Man's Wall... seeing nothing but mud we began the ascent at 20fpm.

At 120' we came to the bottom of *Dead Man's Wall*... a barren little clay bank... and then I realized that it probably was supposed to be called *Man, Wall's Dead*

Up the bank we ascended until we reached our first one minute stop at 100'... right at the top of *Man, Wall's Dead*

Still no Great White Shark. But at least we were getting a little current drift... nice since we didn't have the scooters (that last statement should be read as sarcasm.)

After decoing out and surfacing we found that we had drifted about 400 yards from our point of entry. Again I reminded Shane that Dr. Deco advises not to nucleate and I didn't bring up the scooters sitting at home in the garage... but I thought about it!
Hope the GWS will give his (or her) version of watching you guys rooting around in the muck while he stalked you. Lucky for you he was full from that fishing lure he ate last week.


PS. What name does he use on the board?
Uncle Pug once bubbled...
Well Shane and I decided to go find the Great White Shark that was supposedly spotted near Tacoma, WA.


That's too bad you didn't find it! This is funny that you should bring that shark story up, because that's all I heard about from my friends, people at work, etc right before my OW cert dives. They all, to a person, warned me about the shark, and to be careful. :confused:

I did my first day of dives at Les Davis pier, pretty near to where the shark was reportedly seen (off Point Defiance). My second day was at Sunrise and at Titlow. As we were all getting dressed after the Titlow dive, we were ALL joking about that Great White. :D

kalvyn once bubbled...
I did my first day of dives at Les Davis pier, pretty near to where the shark was reportedly seen (off Point Defiance).
Welcome to ScubaBoard Jimmie.
The site we were diving is between Les Davis and Point Defiance. Not much to recomend it... certainly no GWS :D

I think there is a greater danger from GSW in Tacoma than GWS!
Uncle Pug and Shane hit there heads togather in that low vis...... and that was the white flash, not the GWS!!!:D

As always, nice narrative, Pug!

I got to take an afternoon off on 1/8 and go diving myself up near Mukilteo, just north of where I dove with you a few months ago, UP.

I kept a sharp eye out for old Whitey, but no sign of him. I will admit, though, that the more sea-lions and baitfish that I saw nearby (like 15 feet away when I surfaced from dive 2 at sunset), the more curious I got about whether I'd be short a leg on my surface swim back to shore. :freaked:

So, I never did see the mysterious GWS, but I did see one of the prettiest cloud-free sunsets of my life, with a deep purple/pink hue painting Mount Baker to the North, reflecting on the calm water between us and the rest of the Cascades. After admiring the local sights above and below the waves on Wednesday, can't say as I blame Mr. GWS for moving to our beautiful area. :)

Uncle Pug once bubbled...

At 120' we came to the bottom of *Dead Man's Wall*... a barren little clay bank... and then I realized that it probably was supposed to be called *Man, Wall's Dead*

I dove this site for the first time yesterday morning and I think you should have wrote *Man, Wall's REALLY Dead*! :)

I personally thought the wall's structure was kinda cool, rather like a moonscape. Definitely not too much in the way of life, or anything else for that matter to see, though. I know a guy that had a Six Gill encounter at this site on a night dive recently. I would be interested in doing this site as a night dive and seeing if I could get so lucky...

What were you going to do if you found it? Or it found you? I'd love to see a Great White but only with something substantial between it and me. Either a cage or some of my least favorite ex-wives.
DutchDown once bubbled...
What were you going to do if you found it?
I suppose grabbing him around the neck and giving him a good old dutch rub wouldn't have been a good idea.... hmmm....

I don't think we had that part of the plan worked out.

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