Greatest movies of all time

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This is the list of stuff on my ipod that I could watch over and over and over and over and over and over......
Office Space
Best in Show
Godfather 1 & 2
Shawshank Redemption
Breakfast at Tiffany's
One flew over the cuckoo's nest
Shrek 1 & 2
Terminator 1 & 2
Everything by Kevin Smith
And although they aren't the best films/stories/writing/cinematography, all the John Hughes films of the 80's are wonderfully full of memories and are endlessly quotable.
Lost in Translation (proof that even someone as goofy as Bill Murray can be totally sexy)
Adaptation ('Cause Meryl Streep is a junkie!)
Pulp Fiction (I wanted to be Uma Thurman in that movie!)
Sixth Sense (I love scary movies, especially clever scary movies)
Brokeback Mountain (I cried like a little baby)

Edited to add: I second Best In Show - one of my all-time favourite lines is in that movie: "He went after her like she was made out of ham!"

The Usual Suspects.

Great movie !!!
Lots of great movies posted.

As far as comedy goes, my hands down favorite is Clerks.
Lost in Translation (proof that even someone as goofy as Bill Murray can be totally sexy)
Adaptation ('Cause Meryl Streep is a junkie!)
Pulp Fiction (I wanted to be Uma Thurman in that movie!)
Sixth Sense (I love scary movies, especially clever scary movies)
Brokeback Mountain (I cried like a little baby)

wow... some neat movies there...

Lost in Translation was a very good movie, but Sophia Coppola isn't quite "there" yet ... i'd like to see what she continues to do.... i haven't heard much good about Marie Antoinette ... how can you make an a-political movie out of the French Revolution? nice try...

Adaption has awesome writing, of course. Being John Malkovich and the Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind are also awesome ... same writer...)

I have yet to dislike a movie by Quentin Tarantino. he makes them all, at the very least, interesting.

Sixth Sense was an excellent movie! probably the best Shyamalan will ever do (though Signs was good too, and Unbreakable was compelling)

Brokeback Mountain i thought "lightweight" other than the subject. cinematography was gorgeous, but the plot read like a short story (which it was!). a good movie, but i think he's done tons of better movies (The Wedding Banket, Eat Drink Man Woman, Sense and Sensibility, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon)

anyway... not that you asked!!

Oooh, there are SO many fine movies.

Lilies of the Field is one I've watched over and over.

The Great Escape.

One of my all time favorites is McCabe and Mrs. Miller. Was he who he said he was?

Bennie and June, Edward Scissorhands, Memento, Being John Malkovich. Twelve Monkeys is, for my money, the best thing Willis has ever done. Jackson did a fabulous job on the LOTR movies. Gattica was very disturbing. The Star Trek movie with the whales (was that IV or V?) was delightful.

The Dish is an utterly charming and very enjoyable movie. I love Sam Neal.

Another one which was extremely intelligent and frighteningly well-made was Testament. That was a movie which was a work of art, and which I recommend to no one. It's way too painful to watch.

Bull Durham is another favorite. It's the best movie Costner's made.

Blade Runner is also great. Dune was a disappointment.

A Knight's Tale was a kick.

I need to stop. I like movies :)

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