Grouper ID

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New York
Does anyone know what kind of grouper this is? Thanks

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A Black Grouper. A very Black Grouper. Either that, or the uploaded video is not running.
It is hard to see clearly, but it does not look like a grouper to me....wrong head shape, wrong lips, wrong tail/fins color.
Why do you think it is a grouper?
Give us a hint: what ocean is this in?
It does appear to be in the grouper family, possibly genus Cephalopholis. The other fish seems to be a Fundulus. Because they are in an aquarium the origin of the fish cannot be determined, greatly limiting the identification process.
I am not sure how to upload pictures here. You can see pictures of the grouper when I first got it here. I just spoke to the wholesaler and he said that it probably came from Sri Lanka and was a member of the genus cephalopholis. I will ask the store I got him at to ask again. Maybe he can get a more specific answer.

Has anyone seen a grouper this white while diving? I am thinking it has something up genetically and not showing red or blue pigment.

Grouper ID |

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