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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I'm being encouraged by instructors, and some of the OW students that I've DM'd for to "go for it" and become an instructor.

I'm currently a PADI DM -- but have been so for less than a year. Should I take the next step? Wait?

I think I should wait a bit, but at the same time, I also believe that I'd enjoy the full teaching aspect (I teach on my 'land' job). Help?????
I think you've answered you own question! Only you know if you're ready to move up to Instructor.

The longer you work as a DM, especially if you work with numerous Instructors, you'll learn what alot about what works and what doesn't. The more experience(s) you have, the more you'll have to offer your students.

I would also check into all the legal ramifications and responsibilities of being an Instructor.

Just my 2¢
Although I have looked at the "legal and responsibility" aspects, I'm leery that I really don't have enough experience that you really need to progress.

In one sense I think I'm ready (I like teaching, and helping people out), but yet I've also got a feeling that I should gain a bit more experience on the "instructing" side of things....

Just another dilemma in my life that I have to determine what is the best route to follow I guess. I guess I just want some of the "family" to give their points of view so I can use the advice to help me decide.
If you have been DM'ing for a year you probably have more experiece than some that go straight through.

If your instructor thinks you're ready and you trust him/her and it is something you want to do I say - GO FOR IT

Just my 2 yen

Are you really going to teach?

If so, you are probably raedy after being a DM for over a year.

But at the end of the day, you should do what your heart tells you to do.

Ari :)
I am just OW cert. but if I was making the choice I would ask myself " would I take a class from me?" If you can anser yes then go for it, if no have fun where you are and think about it later
I am also new to the sport - but I think you should go with your gut on this one. I like MnLakeDiver's "would I take a class from me" suggestion - if you have doubts - give it another year of DMing (certainly can only increase your technical and educational abilities) and revisit the decision again at that time...

For my to scents - I'd vote for that new baby smell :crawl: and my wife's perfume (Dune) on my pillow in the morning:1st: :cuddle:
Originally posted by DivingGal
....In one sense I think I'm ready (I like teaching, and helping people out), but yet I've also got a feeling that I should gain a bit more experience on the "instructing" side of things....

I know what you mean. I really enjoy teaching and helping people too but I get plenty of that as a DM. True, I'm not formally 'teaching' the class, but the help I give the students is teaching in its on way and fulfills that aspect of it for me. At the dive site, students have so many questions and part of my job as DM is to answer them and help them understand what the Instructor has already explained. Everything from working tables to why the snorkel goes on the left side! And with each class I get even more comfortable explaining/teaching things rather than just verbally repeating the printed material.

I think you'll be an even better Instructor if you don't rush it. I've been DM'ing for over 3 years and looking back, that first year I was still just as much a student as the students are...just in different things.
I keep forgetting.

You will know when your are ready.

Plus, you need to pack away that $1400+ it costs for IDC/IE + increased insurance premium, + slates + this + that + the other thing.
Originally posted by DivingGal
I'm being encouraged by instructors, and some of the OW students that I've DM'd for to "go for it" and become an instructor.

I'm currently a PADI DM -- but have been so for less than a year. Should I take the next step? Wait?

I think I should wait a bit, but at the same time, I also believe that I'd enjoy the full teaching aspect (I teach on my 'land' job). Help?????

I'm finishing up my DM class now and I plan to wait at least a year and probably longer before making the leap to instructor. I figure there is a lot to learn between the two ratings.


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