Hero 2 Help! Keep PolarPro or try something else?

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The op already had the best housing I would put a call in with reefphoto because if they say it does not vignette at 1080p that is true for sure
The glass port on their housing is 100% better than the gopro flat plastic
The op footage is actually quite nice shooting a sunball is hard even with more expensive set ups I think his expectations are a bit too high

On the link above reef photo says it does not vignette at the r5 setting (127 deg FOV) I like to shoot the wide FOV so I don't have to be as accurate with my aiming. I am not a hardcore videographer, just taking videos for fun.

BTW, the gopro dive housing is glass according to gopro Dive Housing for GoPro Cameras

Also, I only included the sunburst footage to show that the problem wasn't caused by shooting at the sun. That isn't really what I am trying to film, just general horizontal reef shots.
Have you ever seen those acrylic displays where a LED light is placed at the top or bottom and letters lights up where the surface is etched? Similar principle.

If you keep the camera pointing forward and place a flashlight on top of the filter, pointing down, you will notice that the whole filter will "light up".

The light from the sun scattering thought the filter is what your camera is capturing. That light will change direction as it hits imperfections on the plastic and bounce straight into the camera. That is specially more visible over dark areas.

This Polarpro filter is made of one continuous piece of plastic by injection molding, light from other angles will travel trought it and scatter. There is a reason why the URPro filter has a black opaque border and is thermoformed.
That actually makes a lot of sense, because when turning the camera around to do a bubble check it did seem to have an odd appearance, not unlike you are describing.
Toozler the engineer has established that the polarpro is made by injection molding without even having touched one in person.
I have instead one and is optical acrylic and there are no scattering issues nor visible defects that your eye or your lens would be able to see.
However it does have a point on another post around the lack of bezel which is valid, so your solution for sunburst and backlit is to cover the edges with gaffer tape black that will kill the side light and solve the problem. I just tried with mine and it does the trick cost none as I have gaffer tape anyway for other purposes a 50 meters roll costs a few bucks
Looks like I'll be trying the SRP Dome since I just ordered it based on first hand experience from a fellow local diver who has one. He has used it extensively in the same conditions I dive in and says there is no red hue effect.
I'll also try taping the edges of the PolarPro just as an experiment.
Makes me curious what "trained engineer", as you once said you are, means. You have proven, over and over, that fbk was right. The only hint of an engineer you have is that your writing is terrible and that's about it.

It was an entertaining read lol. When Interceptor said he is an "trained engineer" I think this is what he meant. Toot toot!

Well, if you actually did go to school for an engineering degree, you might have taken one of the material classes, either science of materials, or engineering of materials, maybe I or II - depends on or your area of [lack of] expertise.

Just recall that there are optical properties that your tired little eyes can't see under normal conditions - which doesn't mean they aren't there and will manifest under the right conditions. Remember that you can look, with the right tools, at a seemingly flawless solid block of steel and identify where it will crack under stress. Well, acrylics aren't much different. It's not because you don't see imperfections with bare eyes that they are not there. Beam a light and they start to appear. You once found very funny that I was looking at at light transmission curves for different materials, but maybe you just missed the classes (or all of them during your engineering degree) that talk about standardized testing. Maybe your method of taking a picture on a living room is much more precise.

I don't have own this piece of plastic to tell you how it's made, it just takes knowing how cell-cast acrylic is made and what are the limitations of that method in manufacturing irregular shapes.

It doesn't take a genius the realize that the people that designed this filter do not dive, nor have any UW knowledge You actually got to be very ignorant NOT to realize that - or purely stubborn.
Come on now, I started a new thread to get away from the bickering in the other thread. Thank you to those who submitted constructive information!
Dove today with the SRP dome. Much, much better than the Polar Pro. None of that red "flare" garbage, regardless of filming direction.
Makes me curious what "trained engineer", as you once said you are, means. You have proven, over and over, that fbk was right. The only hint of an engineer you have is that your writing is terrible and that's about it.

Well, if you actually did go to school for an engineering degree, you might have taken one of the material classes, either science of materials, or engineering of materials, maybe I or II - depends on or your area of [lack of] expertise.

Just recall that there are optical properties that your tired little eyes can't see under normal conditions - which doesn't mean they aren't there and will manifest under the right conditions. Remember that you can look, with the right tools, at a seemingly flawless solid block of steel and identify where it will crack under stress. Well, acrylics aren't much different. It's not because you don't see imperfections with bare eyes that they are not there. Beam a light and they start to appear. You once found very funny that I was looking at at light transmission curves for different materials, but maybe you just missed the classes (or all of them during your engineering degree) that talk about standardized testing. Maybe your method of taking a picture on a living room is much more precise.

I don't have own this piece of plastic to tell you how it's made, it just takes knowing how cell-cast acrylic is made and what are the limitations of that method in manufacturing irregular shapes.

It doesn't take a genius the realize that the people that designed this filter do not dive, nor have any UW knowledge You actually got to be very ignorant NOT to realize that - or purely stubborn.

Received this from fbk today

[h=2] Comments

I just read a thread on the PolarPro filter where Toozler quoted me and the pic of some guy on a kids train. It reminded me that I'd posted that (probably drunk lol) and I just wanted to apologise if I ever gave you a hard time. Bickering with Marty and Toozler aside, I have actually followed your blog and youtube vids and found them very informative, so thanks.

Thats all, cheers

For what concerns the flare it has nothing to do with the material otherwise it would do it in all area but with the lack of the black rim around it. The issue is resolved with gaffer or duct tape

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